MysticMag chats with Spiritual Director and Certified Soul Realignment® Practitioner, Michelle Mainquist. She discusses her views on spirituality as an encompassing being and shares her experience and knowledge of abundance.
What is your take on Religion Vs. Spirituality?
Religion is typically someone who is explaining God or Divinity to others, and it usually comes from a perspective of power, often laced with social control. Spirituality, on the other hand, is experiential.
It is where we come to when we have had real mystical experiences and are able to connect with our Higher Self to understand who we are and how we move through this world in a way that is respectful and aligned with who we were incarnated to be. It is more of a direct experience and relationship with God, Divine Source or Creator.
How would you best describe a Divine Soul Blueprint?
The Divine Soul Blueprint is who our souls were created to be at their origination. It is a set of specific characteristics such as how and if we receive virtual force energy (the creative energy we receive directly from God). It is our energy center which is our strength and spiritual gifts and who and how we are intended to be, from where the soul originates and other characteristics related to energy, soul vibrational rate, and whether we have experienced ourselves as a divine being.
However, over incarnations, we develop negative karmic patterns a lot of which comes from experiences or trauma we have had, and cultural or societal norms. All these factors appear as “negative choices” that are misaligned to who we are intended to be and pull us away from our Divine Soul Blueprint until eventually it is corrupted or severely corroded.
We are told so often how we should behave, what job we should be doing, that we should be married, lose weight, or be successful leader. We are torn away from our true nature over time, and we lose track of who we really are and how we can experience abundance in this world.
If we are not aligned with our Divine Soul Blueprint, then life becomes a struggle. We develop repeating patterns of making the same negative choices again and again. This draws vital force energy away from us and we lose the creative energy that is needed to experience abundance; to feel completely at home with ourselves.
How does one actively create abundance and once achieved, what impact does it have on our life?
We create abundance by understanding our Divine Soul Blueprint and by making choices that align with who we are at soul level. What is abundance for each person is dependent on what their soul’s energy center is. For some, it may be money, for others it may be manifesting things such as businesses, for others, freedom of speech, or having close relationships.
Making choices that are aligned with each soul’s Divine Soul Blueprint is the path to abundance. And it nearly always requires doing something different that we’ve done in the past. It requires new choices, new actions. However, making new choices is difficult as we can be ostracized by those who we know and love. Being true to ourselves can result in choices that can be scary and feel unsafe. It will create new results that we are unfamiliar with and will lead us down the road to uncharted territory. We are often perhaps reticent of knowing the outcome. However, this is how abundance is created and this may mean that certain relationships fall by the wayside, it may mean changing jobs, uncertain income, joining a dating service…there is some risk involved and this goes against our ego which likes to be comfortable.
Once abundance is achieved, it becomes almost effortless. One experiences health, love, profitability, security and so much more, yet it remains specific to who each person is created to be.
What approach do you take when working with your clients?
I meet with most of my clients on Zoom. For a Soul realignment reading the client will give me permission to open their records. I do a reading and we have a recorded zoom session where I give them their results. There is a lot of information that is shared from these readings.
I am also a certified Spiritual Director and I have clients that come to me for a variety of reasons. I listen to what the person is interested in and how they want to approach this journey they are on. I am simply there to accompany them on their journey and highlight the landmarks on the way. I have some clients who come to me for Spiritual Direction and we can approach this in a conventional way and others like the idea of Akashic records but want more companionship on their journey so I may use a combination of both.
I also trained with a shaman and have some shamanic practices that I use. Sometimes these too come into play with clients. It really depends on their belief system, what they are open to and where they are heading on their journey. I offer a very eclectic approach to cater for the diverse beliefs and values of my clients.
What is your ultimate goal or soul purpose?
The closest thing to a soul purpose would be soul specializations, of which I have two. One of these is ‘ethics’ – always searching for what is true, right, kind, and open for all of humanity and creation – how we interact with the world and each other that is kind and beneficial for everyone.
My second specialization is ‘astral’. This means I am really interested in the subconscious, what is occurring (and the truth) in our dreams and the different dimensions of our being.
We exist in ten dimensions and it is really about finding out what is beyond our third dimension (physical) and our fourth dimension (thoughts) and playing more in those upper dimensions where we experience our Divine nature, see ourselves as a Spiritual being, and have experiences as a Spiritual being.
These soul specializations will be evident in every incarnation that I experience – my soul always guides me and leads my human experiences.
Soul Realignment Profile
I was privileged to have a one hour session of Soul Realignment with Michelle. It was split into two parts:
- Divine Soul Blueprint/Soul profile which covers who I was created to be
- Blocks and restrictions which were carried with me into this life or that I have developed in this life.
When Michelle spoke of my Divine Soul Blueprint, she began with my Energy Center (there are 8 of these and we all have some aspects of each – one of these being more prominent than others). This is our True Self and shows our Spiritual gifts, where we are at and what we should be striving to be.
The next was Soul Orientation or Soul group, which looks at where our Soul comes from. (She explained that most souls come from another star system). Then, Soul Profile which touches on our Soul vibration, then Soul Specialization or purpose, and this then leads to our (my) primary life lesson.
The second part of the reading focused on Blocks and Restrictions. Michelle explained that we all have an inner and outer circle of Spirit Guides; the inner circle being dedicated solely to each individual – similar to a loving aunt or uncle, and the outer circle for both the individual and others therefore lessening the connection.
In this part, we look at genetic karma which has been passed down by physical ancestors. The negative karmic patterns are then discussed – and note that these are only the ones that are showing at present which means they are ready to be dealt with NOW. Then we moved on to present life karmic patterns.
I was given a little bit of homework to do on a daily basis for the following 21 days. This homework and moving forward is entirely my choice and my doing. If my intention is to free myself of my ‘baggage’, then it will happen, and I will then endeavor to make new (and the right) choices at Soul level going forward.
This sums up my reading without sharing any of my personal information. It was a fascinating exercise which I thoroughly recommend. Michelle sends the recording once the session is over. I have listened to it about three times so far, and certain things and patterns in my life have started to make utter sense. It is as if the mist has lifted and certain pieces of my puzzle have come to light and.. fit! The reading has motivated me to dig deeper and understand who I am, where I come from, and where I am (should be) heading!
If you would like to find out more about Michelle Mainquist, visit https://soitflowsspiritualdirection.com/ or follow on https://www.facebook.com/SoItFlowsSD