Michael Gutenplan, a renowned mentalist, magician and psychic, has been captivating audiences for over 20 years, performing his astonishing acts of mentalism for celebrities, royalty, and top CEOs at corporate and private events across the globe. MysticMag has the opportunity to find out more.
As a third-generation psychic and mentalist, could you share with us how your family background has influenced your passion for mind reading and magic?
My grandfather is an amateur magician. In my youth, growing up in New York, he would, in addition to showing me magic tricks and taking me to magic shops, take me to any magic show performing in New York. He instilled in me a true love for magic – but at the time I had no real desire to learn how to perform it. It was in college when I started to become interested in learning magic and sleight of hand. When I called him to let him know that I wanted to learn magic he sent me a book with a beautiful inscription stating “it’s never too late to start an interest in magic… Love Poppy.” That was 23 years ago.
It was about 8 years ago that I was talking to my grandfather again, this time I was a full-time, professional magician. I was talking about mentalism (the magic of the mind also known as mind reading) and how I was, more often than not, not relying on the trick but actually doing it for real. He said that he is a psychic and I am too and suggested that I change my performance to focus on my ESP. I called my father to let him know about this crazy conversation and he informed me that he too is a psychic. It was then that I realized that I am a third-generation psychic and that the universe has directed me to become a full-time psychic entertainer.
Your performances have entertained top CEOs, celebrities, and even royalty. What do you believe sets your mind reading show apart and makes it a hit with such demanding audiences?
Two very important things set my show apart from others.
The first is a respect for the intelligence and beliefs of the audience. I am not a teacher – I am an entertainer so whether you view the show as pure entertainment or pure ESP, you’re right. The show is as real as you want it to be and I respect how you view it.
The second is pure performance excellence. I never do a gig – every performance is a full show with a dedication to giving the audience a show that they will talk about forever! To do this, I go in with the mentality that this will be the one and only mind reading show my audience will ever experience (experience being the key word… they’re not watching it, they’re living it!). Since this is the only time they’ll experience it means that I have the responsibility to give them a truly unforgettable experience… and I do, every single time.
So, who hires you and what do you do in your show?
As the top-rated mentalist in the United States – and yes, I perform worldwide – my clients range from wealthy individuals where I perform at their homes and private events, to major corporations where I entertain at conferences, meetings, and off-sites. I am also the entertainer of choice for private clubs with my show The Members Only Show. My show is an engaging, fun, and non-stop entertaining night of ESP, predictions, intuition, and other forms of Psychic Entertainment. The show is all about the audience unlocking their psychic potential and they are the real stars of the show!
Strolling magic is a unique and interactive form of entertainment. How do you engage and captivate small groups of guests during your performances, leaving them with unforgettable experiences?
I love strolling magic. It’s such an intimate form of entertainment. But it’s really hard because to do it you have to interrupt a conversation. My secret is my personality. I believe that the secret to my success is that my performance personality is that “if I wasn’t performing I would be one of you.” I quickly break down social barriers and become part of the group – which allows the audience to let me into their inner circle and watch as a friend. I also use my ESP to trust my instinct and intuition on how to interact and what to present. In addition to making fast friends, I only perform really high caliber magic and mentalism while strolling. There is no filler material. One more thing I do is palm readings during the set. It’s personal, detailed, and really amazing. It shows that there is truth in the magic!
Psychic entertainment adds a personal touch to events through tarot readings, crystal predictions, and palm readings. How do you ensure that each guest has a positive and memorable experience during their one-on-one session?
I believe that when you give a reading at a public event, even if it’s one on one, you must focus on two things. The past and the positive. The past is a great way to create a memorable experience because there is quantifiable proof that what I am saying is correct. With the future, no matter what I say, I am right, until it happens or doesn’t happen in the future. The past is right or wrong. This basis of reality gives the sitter the assurance that what we are doing is real, powerful, and worth their attention. With the past revealed we can look to the future. I think it’s important to focus on the positive. That’s what they’re there for – especially in a public reading at a party. The positive isn’t all fluff. It can be hard hitting, cautionary, or fantastic – but it should never leave anyone feeling anything less than empowered.
With over 20 years of experience, you have undoubtedly encountered numerous memorable moments. Could you share one particularly remarkable or surprising experience you’ve had while performing as a psychic entertainer or mentalist?
Oh wow, there are so many. With psychic entertainment you really get into people’s personal space which gives them the comfort in revealing intimate details after the show. I’ve had people ask me such personal questions regarding their marriage, finances, relationships… the list goes on. There is always the person that gets too excited and passes out – that’s always fun! For me, I think one of the most memorable experiences was when I had someone come on stage. They had volunteered when I asked for someone who truly believes in their psychic abilities. This person came on stage and was able to receive my thoughts. No trick, no gimmick. And when I revealed that they were correct they gave me a huge hug and went back to their seat – but the story gets better. After the show they went to buy a lottery ticket but trusted their psychic potential and instead got a scratcher. They called me later that night to tell me they won $25,000 with that ticket – all because they unlocked their psychic potential!
Are you ever able to ‘switch off’ your ‘psychic eye’?
Absolutely! The psychic eye – or any psychic ability is a muscle, the more you use it the more powerful it becomes. Part of unlocking your psychic potential is learning how to listen to it but also how to turn it off.
Where can people learn more about you?
My website is www.mentalist.show
My instagram is @amazingmentalist