In our latest MysticMag interview, we had the opportunity to speak with Meri Harbour, a Kambo practitioner, medium, and healer. She shares her journey of transformation through sacred Amazonian medicines and her deep connection to spiritual healing, offering insights into her work with Kambo, Incan healing, and much more. Learn more in her exclusive interview below.
Can you share a few details about your professional journey and the challenges you had to go through to reach this point in your career?
I have been serving Kambo in the New York metro area for almost a decade now and teaching Kambo for the IAKP (International Association of Kambo Practitioners) for the past five years. My journey started when I went to Peru to drink Ayahuasca in 2013. I went there to begin my healing process to heal years of trauma from childhood abuse, unhealthy relationships and anxiety and PTSD that I had developed. I should also add that I am a medium and have been since early childhood, so I was also hopeful that I would receive some guidance, answers and better understanding about my abilities and how to work with them which I did. My mediumship was something that I had kept very hidden for years out of fear of people thinking I was crazy. I am able to see all types of entities, human and non-human looking, nature spirits, angels, demons, etc.
Shortly after arriving back home from Peru, I received an invitation to a Kambo ceremony in NYC. I had no idea what it entailed or even what it was, but I knew that the Amazonian sacred medicines (Ayahuasca and Huachuma) I had just done in Peru were so life-altering, in a positive way, that I needed to experience this too. That first Kambo session was very magical. On my way there I was thinking about an ex-boyfriend who I hadn’t spoken to in years. After the session was over, as soon as I turned my phone back on, I see a text from him wishing me a belated Happy Birthday. It was so crazy! It totally blew my mind! There were some other synchronicities happening then too. In addition, I felt so “clean” and clear, like a total reset. Kambo is known as the great resetter for a reason.
It was not until 3 years later that I decided to train and become certified to serve Kambo myself. My decision came after being served by a person who was not properly trained. The burns he gave me were too deep so they got infected. After taking oral and topical antibiotics, which were not very effective, I contacted the founder, and eventually my teacher, of the IAKP who gave me the advice on how to heal them and it worked. She was also the first person who had served me in 2013. She told me she had a training coming up which would be the second class she ever trained. Back then, there were not all these trainings going on everywhere or even many practitioners outside of the jungle. She also shared that the class had been full but someone canceled the previous night. I knew then I was destined to do this work. I had also just spent the previous three years going through various initiations and studying with different teachers.
What is Kambo and what are its benefits?
Kambo is the name of a waxy secretion of very powerful peptides that comes from the Giant Green Monkey Tree Frogs that live in the Upper Amazon. Its scientific name is Phyllomedusa Bicolor. The frogs secrete this substance onto their skin and then it is harvested by very experienced tribal members who gently wipe it off and place it onto wooden sticks after which it will then harden. To use it, we then reconstitute it with water and scrape the stick with a knife, forming small dots that we then place on the skin of the recipients. The skin must first receive superficial burns (only the very top layer of the skin gets burned with a very skinny stick that is similar in width to an incense stick). We make these burns with a very quick tap of the lighted stick onto the surface of the skin. Kambo travels in the lymphatic system of the body and not the bloodstream. During the session, most people will then purge. People do have to fast from food for several hours prior to the session. The whole process lasts from 20-40 minutes.
Many different indigenous tribes use Kambo it to heal and strengthen the body, mind, and spirit. They also use it to gain strength, build immunity, cure illnesses, aid in hunting, and also to get rid of “panema” (bad luck). Kambo is legal in the United States, as well as most other countries, and is not a hallucinogenic. It is, however, a deep cleansing therapy – – physically, emotionally, and mentally. It is one of the world’s most effective and natural antibiotics and immune system boosters. It detoxifies the liver and intestines, improves mental functioning, and has the potential to dissolve emotional blocks. It also helps to reset our cellular memory. The tribes also use it to ward off the enemy and to rid one of laziness, lack of desire, sadness, mental, spiritual, and physical weakness, low self-esteem, and disharmony with nature. In the Amazon Rainforest, this medicine is known to bring happiness to those who take it, to bring luck, and to unblock and circulate the heart chakra among many other benefits.
After people do Kambo, they often see massive energetic shifts in their lives, from dramatic improvements to their physical health, to reduction in depression and addictions, to relief from chronic pain and major illnesses.
You also offer Inca Healing services. What can you tell me about that part of your work?
I am an Inca Ñusta Paqo which is a fully-initiated healer in the sacred path of the Incan Q’ero Nation in Peru. We are guardians, Earthkeepers, messengers, and bridges/intermediators between the most sacred spirits in nature and humans. We work with the “yellow” path of Light and Angels and perform many different sacred ceremonies and rituals. We communicate with nature and the spiritual worlds to ask for healings, cleansings, blessings, and guidance. People can read more about those in detail on my website.
What other services do you offer?
I am a Reiki Master, so I offer Reiki sessions as well as flower essence consultations, and I also perform house cleansings/blessings. Occasionally, I teach group classes such as “Candle Magic.”
You have a book coming out soon. When is it planned for and what can we expect from it?
The book I am writing is still in the beginning stages. It is really an autobiography about my life and the extraordinary “supernatural” events that I have experienced since early childhood and continue to experience. It will include many incredible photos of all types of beings that I have taken and continue to take on a daily basis. It will include some remarkable angel photographs too. I might be the only person to have ever photographed Angels. So far, I have not found any others out there in my searches.
What motivates you to keep doing the work you’re doing?
I love that I get to witness big shifts in people through my work. It’s why I do what I do. If anyone wants to book any of my services, my Website is www.Warriorwayhealing.com.