Ever wondered how someone’s journey with tarot begins? Memphis LaBella‘s tarot voyage started with a mysterious deck, and her exploration led to an intriguing career as a professional tarot reader. Join us as Memphis takes us into the mystical realms of Shamanic experiences, Trance Healing, and more, offering a glimpse into her unique spiritual story. MysticMag has the pleasure.
How did you get into tarot and what sparked your interest in it?
My mother read tarot in college but put it down later in life. As a child, I wanted to see her old tarot deck so badly, but she would not show it to me. In my mid-20s, I got into a psychic development circle and learned how to read various kinds of divination tools, tarot among them. When my mother found out I was reading for other people, and how much it helped them, she gave me her deck. This is still the deck I use when reading professionally.
What is a Shamanic Journey and what can you tell me about that part of your work?
A shamanic journey is, basically, an information-gathering endeavor undertaken in a mild trance state. I travel to non-ordinary reality (aka the spirit realm) to obtain healing, guidance, and/or connection to loved ones or helping spirits on behalf of my clients. There are many kinds of healing techniques that can be done in a shamanic journey. The ones I specialize in are soul retrieval and psychopomp (helping the dead cross over). I hold a monthly psychopomp journey circle for all levels of journeying experience.
How does Trance Healing work?
Trance healing is a form of energy healing where I am in a deep trance, and a helping spirit enters my body and does the healing work through me. It’s more targeted and aggressive than reiki. It’s more for intense emotional healing, chronic physical ailments, and people who are getting close to death (think terminal cancer patients.) Because I’m in trance, I do not have much, if any, recollection of the healing process and do not receive any messages from the spirit I work with. As the years of doing this work have gone by, I find myself dropping into trance healing during reiki sessions if it’s needed.
What other healing modalities do you use?
There is one modality that I use, and am actually the most experienced in, that I do not advertise on my website. That modality is exorcism. It’s not exactly shamanic work, but it’s a skill I have always, always had. I’ve been doing these since I was 15 (I’m now almost 42) before I was doing anything else spiritual in nature. The people who need them tend to find their way to me on their own.
You also work with animals. How much is that different than working with humans?
It’s really not that much different! Animals of all species are more intelligent and aware of their agency than we humans give them credit for. We really ought to be treating them the way we do other human beings. There are really only two notable differences:
- animals are often afraid of trance healing. They can sense that a spirit, not a human, is directing the healing to them, and that freaks them out. I usually can’t do trance on animals for this reason.
- They are in connection and communication with each other and the planet itself. It’s a giant gossip network. They are getting information from all over the place! And they will share it if you ask! We as humans can do this too, but we really aren’t as aware of that ability to connect anymore. And so we don’t.
To learn more about Memphis and her work, you can visit www.walkingbetweenworlds.com