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Guiding the Subtle Path - Conversation with Melinda Iverson on Dowsing, Consciousness, and Self-Healing

Guiding the Subtle Path - Conversation with Melinda Iverson on Dowsing, Consciousness, and Self-Healing

In the intricate world of enlightened consciousness and subtle body health, Melinda Iverson stands as a dedicated guide, weaving wisdom and wit into her teachings. As an intuitive self-healing facilitator, subtle body dowser, and host of the popular Wisdom Keepers of Earth® YouTube series, Melinda has gained international acclaim for her warm and energetic approach to dowsing and spiritual growth. Voted Dowser of the Year in 2017 by the American Society of Dowsers (ASD), she has captivated audiences across the USA, United Kingdom, and Italy with her insightful presentations and teachings. Melinda’s extensive repertoire includes authoring influential books like Dowsing Crystals & Constellations, Dowsing the Etheric Level, and the series Dowsing to Clear Unconscious Obstructions. From private consultations to global online sessions, she helps individuals tap into their intuitive healing potential and clear energetic blockages. In this exclusive interview, we explore Melinda’s journey, her approach to raising spiritual awareness, and how her dowsing techniques facilitate profound personal transformation. Join Mystic Mag as Melinda Iverson shares her wisdom on evolving consciousness and the path to self-healing from her serene home in Hawaii.

Your journey into dowsing and spiritual healing is fascinating. Can you share a pivotal moment that led you to pursue this path?

I had an illness. I was born with this illness that I suffered through my entire childhood. When I was suffering, Western medicine was experimenting with ways to help. I was born with asthma, really bad asthma, and I was allergic to everything. They would give me shots and tests. I don’t know if any readers remember this, but they would test for allergies on your arm and back. It was pretty painful. Later on, when I was about 19, they invented the inhaler, which provided some relief.

As I got older, I decided to look for alternative ways to heal myself. This led me to acupuncture and dowsing. Someone recommended a man who could help me. I agreed to see him when I was in my 30s. He had a dowsing rod and agreed to take me on, but he warned that we would have to address all my issues. I agreed, even though it sounded unconventional.

Eight years later, after consistently working with him and undergoing acupuncture as often as I could, I would still get sick and have to call him. It would take a while for him to get back to me, so I finally asked him to teach me what he was doing because I couldn’t wait for days while suffering. That was the doorway to learning dowsing myself.

I was looking to heal from my illness, and I actually did. Now, I have no symptoms whatsoever. Occasionally, solar flares trigger a little tightness in my chest, but I recognize what is happening. I use essential oils, dowse myself, and meditate to calm down. I no longer have the issue, and I am so grateful.

Your book “Dowsing Crystals & Constellations” combines celestial elements with dowsing. How do you see the relationship between the stars and our healing processes?

That’s a great question. So, I wasn’t really interested in any of that initially. I’ve always been fascinated by the night sky. About two years ago, I started collecting crystals, although I couldn’t figure out why. I didn’t know anything about crystals; I just felt compelled to start. I began making crystal grids for people using the flower of life pattern, without knowing the specific purposes of the crystals. I would dowse to determine which crystals to use, then look up their meanings afterward. To my surprise, they always matched perfectly with what the person needed.

I frequently gaze at the night sky, especially here in Hawaii where it’s exceptionally beautiful. Watching comets and meteor showers has always intrigued me. Then, I had a dream about a gentleman elf. In this dream, he had an Etch A Sketch, which was a popular toy in the 50s and 60s, resembling a manual tablet. He showed me a complete map of a landmass on the Etch A Sketch, which mirrored a piece of property. He invited me to follow him outside to the property, where he pulled down a constellation from the night sky and laid it over the land. Crystals adorned the edges of this constellation net. As he drew the net in like a fisherman, it raked through the land, becoming smaller until it fit in his hands. He then blew on it, and it disappeared, leaving the land glowing.

This profound experience left me wondering how to teach others to do this. I started researching constellations, realizing there are 88 known constellations, plus star clusters like the Pleiades, and five dwarf planets. One dwarf planet, Haumea, is associated with Hawaii and its mythology. I asked what crystals to use and was advised to use clear quartz because they are programmable and ready to work with you.

I dowsed a list of constellations, narrowing it down to 11, unrelated to astrology or birth charts. For instance, Leo Minor, although a small constellation, was identified as very powerful. I included the Pleiades, specifically the Seven Sisters, excluding their parents.

I began writing a book detailing this process. The technique is powerful because it unites heaven and earth for healing. We are intrinsically connected to the night sky; the neural patterns in our brain resemble it. Carl Sagan famously said we are made of stars, and he was right. Every part of our body contains elements from the stars.

I tested this method myself. I would take a photograph of someone needing assistance, overlay it with a constellation, and use attuned crystals. I bought pounds of clear quartz, cleaned and dowsed them for compatibility, and then attuned them to the higher harmonic of gold. Each kit includes a bag of crystals, 11 constellation maps, and a how-to book. The results have been remarkable.

I was hesitant to write the book, but kept receiving signs. Elizabeth Gilbert posted about a Pleiadian tattoo on Instagram, and I received a mailer featuring Pegasus from a famous designer. These signs convinced me to proceed. Bringing heaven and earth together is a powerful healing modality, and we have the ability to harness it.

What type of services do you offer?

I primarily started out in the Spiritualist church as a student medium. Believe it or not, I didn’t even know dowsing existed, let alone crystals. I took classes at a Spiritualist church and was allowed to give readings in front of the congregation as a student medium. I would say whatever came through me for that person, and I received amazing feedback.

Later, I joined another spiritual church, but it felt like the doors were closed. I would go to services, but nothing would happen, and nobody would talk to me. I thought, “Well, this must not be my path.” Eventually, I got into dowsing because a healer was dowsing for me, and I asked him to teach me.

I went from being intuitive to shutting the whole thing down, feeling like it wasn’t meant for me. But then dowsing brought me back. My main focus is health, so I scan the physical body. I became a Reiki master and started using it again recently with amazing results. I do dowsing, use crystal constellations for healing, Reiki work, and, of course, readings. It’s a natural gift for me.

Here’s a quick story: My friend came over to give us mangoes from her beautiful mango tree before leaving town. Later, she returned, saying she couldn’t find her phone. She asked if I could dowse for it. I used a method called tracking, where the person thinks of a question or location, and I use my pendulum to answer without knowing the specifics.

We tried it, and on the third location, I got a yes. She said that was her luggage. I had a feeling her phone was in or around her luggage. She had already searched her luggage and was skeptical, but I told her to trust the process. Forty-five minutes later, she called me from her phone. It was in a small pouch about two feet from her luggage.

Finding lost objects isn’t my forte, but I can help people learn how to do that. My main expertise is physical health and well-being, whether through dowsing, scanning the system, Reiki, or intuitive readings. I specialize in health and wellness, and I love doing that work for people.

In your work with the subtle body and intuitive self-healing, what common challenges do people face, and how do you help them overcome these obstacles?

I think my job is to help people remember how powerful they are and how they can heal themselves. I’m like a placebo; my job is to help people come back into balance long enough to realize, “Oh, that’s how it works. That’s where I need to be.” When someone is suffering, they tend to disconnect from their bodies, and my role is to help them remember their power.

We can help them get into alignment, even for a moment, so they can experience that “aha” feeling of relaxation—understanding what it feels like not to be in pain or to release some trauma. Sometimes, they don’t even know what the issue is; they just come to me with a malaise that they can’t identify. It could be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.

Right now, with so many cosmic waves coming in, people are having a lot of trouble, as if they’re running on pillows. So, I see my role as helping people remember who they are in the most powerful sense—bringing them alignment and stillness so they can explore that within themselves.

The Wisdom Keepers of Earth® YouTube series has gained quite a following. What inspired you to start this series, and what message do you hope to convey through it?

Wisdom Keepers of Earth was born out of my desire to ask questions I never got to ask my beloved mentor. At the time he was alive, I didn’t have the questions I have now, and I regret not spending more time with him to learn from his wisdom. I want to give people the opportunity to ask questions of these amazing wisdom keepers. They are individuals who excel in their fields and are very skilled in working with energy. I try to bring in those with the highest vibrational frequency so that even if you just look at them for a minute or two, you’ll feel their energy. Even if you don’t hear what they say, you’ll still feel their vibratory signature, which will uplift you.

I really want to encourage people to see the wisdom keepers because they have so much to share. For example, Willy the whale whisperer speaks with Whales and has amazing insights. We also have a labyrinth lady who builds labyrinths and shares fascinating stories about them. There are many practitioners, like Pam Gregory, an astrologer who provides valuable information for these ever-changing times. Another remarkable contributor is Veda Austin, who works with flash freezing water. Her work on the intelligence of water and its interaction with our bodies is astounding.

Wisdom Keepers of Earth was created out of a need to know more. It’s like sitting with your grandmother and asking her about her life and recipes. This is the essence of Wisdom Keepers. Thank you for asking about it.

Discover more at https://melindaiversoninn.com/

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MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Katarina is a Reiki practitioner who believes in spiritual healing, self-consciousness, healing with music. Mystical things inspire her to always look for deeper answers. She enjoys to be in nature, meditation, discover new things every day.