Welcome to today’s interview with Mary Maynard, a highly experienced holistic healer who has been helping individuals achieve optimal physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing for over 20 years. Mary’s expertise in the field of holistic healing is unparalleled, and her dedication to her clients is truly inspiring. Throughout her career, Mary has helped countless individuals overcome a variety of health challenges, and her unique approach to healing has earned her a reputation as one of the most sought-after holistic healers in the industry. Today, with Mystic Mag, we have the privilege of speaking with Mary and learning more about her journey as a holistic healer, as well as the valuable insights and wisdom she has gained over the years.
When did you first know that being a holistic healer was your calling? And how did it come about?
You know, that is interesting. I think it was a very slow evolution. There was really not one point in time where I recognized that I would even say healing is a part of what I do or believe that I do. I believe healing is something that each individual does for themselves. The gift that I’ve been given and the gift that I’ve developed, is to support people to find and use that healing skill within themselves.
What type of services do you offer?
Holistic Health Family Practice is where I first started out as a medical intuitive with individuals. This practice bridged my Western understanding of medicine as a registered nurse with Eastern practices including but not limited to energy medicine, Craniosacral and Polarity therapies and more. For those not familiar, medical Intuition refers to the ability to provide in-depth insights into your current state of health and wellness. A Medical Intuition Evaluation, which was historically my most popular service, pinpoints specific illnesses, imbalances and pre-clinical conditions in the human body. The evaluation appraises your current state of health and well-being by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your body. Based on the client’s concerns, an evaluation can reveal not only their current state of health, but can also validate unresolved thoughts and emotions that may be impacting them and their current state of health.
Over the years I noticed the Holistic Health Family Practice treatment model was still closely related to the Western medical model including traditional hourly sessions and a focus on illness and concerns. I didn’t really love this. My dream is that healthcare can provide answers AND remind people that they are not broken. From this dream emerged a new branch of my practice, the Quantum Living Community memberships. Evidence continues to build and confirm for me that being in community membership is more effective than individual sessions for people. Here’s why:
Through Universal Law we know, we are all one. We come from the one mind and the one heart. That source energy is communicated to each person in the fabric of the membership so that one person’s solution becomes exponential, and I’m using that word mathematically, stronger for the other people in the group. Quantum physics proves that concept. The research shows that when we use the word healing, one person’s awakening ability to heal themselves will then communicate itself to someone else. Suddenly something that would have taken extensive individual sessions is dropped into the shared Quantum field of the community and is available to all. One ant has limited capability. The community of ants can build a mansion or bring down a mountain. All levels of the Quantum memberships create a dynamic community committed to a biospiritual ecology of consciousness. We minister, design, build, and preserve sustainable life for all beings through alignment with and practice of Universal law.
The expansion of Holistic Health Family Practice to include the Quantum Living Community has been profound and continues to grow. The current growing edge in the community is that we are in preparation to open up a spiritual center by the end of 2023. This spiritual center is based on the understanding that people are evolving to connect their physical and metaphysical needs. In other words, there is a growing understanding and acceptance that the nonphysical informs the physical and vice versa. As mainstream science is catching up to provide data about how the causal energy bodies (frequency) are in relationship with the health of our physical bodies I want to give people a sanctuary to strengthen this relationship within themselves.
Whether individually through Holistic Health Family Practice, or in membership with Quantum Living Community I am a translator of truth. I provide digestible evidence-based knowledge and practical skills that allow individuals to function at their highest and best potential. I hold the image for each individual I work with to live life with increased ease, grace, mercy, compassion so they may experience optimal health, wellness, and consciousness.
How do you approach Holistic Health for families? And what are some of the key principles or techniques to use to promote overall well being within a family unit?
That’s a really thick question, in terms of how, and what. When I look at how do I treat families holistically, it’s the recognition that every family has a system. And in that system, you make one change, you’ve made a change to everyone. That’s also the power of the interventions that I use is finding the strength in the system. I support the strengths rather than find and focus on the problems. This process of supporting strengths continues and is entrained until everyone in the system feels validated, heard and recognized. Then the system is ready for change. Then the family individuals can find better roles, move through the developmental stages, and find all of the markers that each person in the family needs to achieve to be able to make a more coherent family system.
Can you share an example of a holistic approach or technique that you have used successfully with families to address a specific health issue, and how it has positively impacted their overall health and well being?
I think the piece that would be most useful to your audience is something that has become endemic, meaning that it’s in the culture, is a holistic approach to the topic of children and technology. Children have become disconnected from their own sense of self and their sense of connection to other humans. Starting with preschoolers moving into school age and then moving into pre adolescent adolescent stages, these stages have all had very well defined hallmarks. The stages also require very specific things for a child to master the skills needed to function in a society. There aren’t any of those stages that have been left untouched by technology. The technology that has been offered to the kids is no longer just an offering, it’s a requirement. I’m seeing the changes in the brain patterns that the technology has created.
Some people say artificial intelligence, I say more that we’re looking at an abbreviated intelligence, meaning that there is a merging of people using their human skills and their need for human connection, replacing it with technology. And yet to my amazement through technology, they’re actually making connections.
I watch children play Call of Duty, which is a fairly violent game, and then I watch them play Minecraft, which is a building video game. In both they are still making connections! They’re playing on teams, they’re working together, or against each other. This is similar to when they were in the outer, natural world, if we want to call it that. I invite you to start to see how these are our same human knowledge, skills and abilities placed into a technological world. How that impacts the family holistically is to recognize that these children are not the children of yesterday. These are not the children of even last year! The children that we are seeing now need, deserve, and require special awareness and the permission to be exactly who they are now. The truth is we don’t know yet who they will be.
In my holistic approach what I bring to the table for every family I support is not only that awareness, but an absolute non judgmental acceptance and love for exactly where that child’s brain is. My medical intuitive abilities allow me to scan the brain much like a CT or MRI. In my scans I can see what that brain has learned and what that brain needs to do to not only satisfy the experience of being in the family and being their own selves, but what their soul is calling them to be at this time. I don’t think any of these changes in children we are seeing now are mistakes. These are all part of a plan, whether it is a plan of chaos, or whether it is a plan of divine intervention is open to everybody’s opinion. In my approach I reserve opinion and I work with each person as their needs determine and as their needs require them to be functional.
I embrace technology in my treatments and practice in every way that I can to support the functionality of life today. Even texting! Something I never thought I would do, I now offer twice daily! In these Intelligent Intuition text messages I deliver information on the move and in the now encompassing metaphysical and planetary information. I find the information in the text messages is imperative to our awareness. When applied to daily life, the information can correct mental errors and provides energetic balance and cleansing.
What is the most important detail and maintaining a relationship of mutual trust with clients?
The answer from my side would probably be a different viewpoint than the answer from a client’s side. I believe the detail from my side is that trust is earned. Trust is not given. I infuse trust into every one of my relationships. I pray regularly for every one of my words, even as we speak, for the trust that I am giving you to the absolute best of my ability at this moment. Then I will continue to do so in every moment that we have a connection. I think trust is not normally evaluated that way. But I know that over the past 40 to 50 years of my practice, I have had so few conflicts with any one of my clients, even through very, very difficult circumstances that they’ve been through. I believe that trust from their point would be that I’m available to them at a very deep level and that I will be honest. I follow that mandate of honesty because in my own self care as I engage with people who treat me, that’s what I need as well.
What do you love most about your profession?
I get to talk all day, which I just love to do! And it’s not just talking, it is speaking words that create high level sophisticated support in someone’s life. I delight in the channels I hold and access daily which provide information for everyone in my practice that’s not readily available to the general public. I find that exciting. I love being on the edge of any state-of-the-art intelligence and awareness that is bringing forward our new abilities to experience healthy life on the ever changing planet. There’s virtually no topic that I can think of that I’m not interested in hearing more about and that creates an enormous amount of flexibility which I love! This interview is a real honor and I want to thank you for asking!
For more information about Mary Maynard and her work please check here https://www.maryamaynard.com/