Welcome to today’s Mystic Mag captivating interview with Mary Ann Robbat, a remarkable individual who has made significant strides in the field of energy healing, coaching, and personal transformation. Mary Ann is not only an esteemed energy healer but also the brilliant mind behind the creation of the Tollerra Energy Master System. With her expertise and profound insights, she has touched the lives of countless individuals, guiding them towards holistic well-being and unlocking their true potential. Today, we have the privilege of delving into Mary Ann’s journey, her unique approach to energy healing, and the transformative power of the Tollerra Energy Master System. Get ready to be inspired and enlightened as we embark on this fascinating conversation with Mary Ann Robbat.
When did you discover that you wanted to help people and that you had a different approach to that?
I would say I discovered it in my late 20s. I was working in corporate America doing what I loved, which was transformation and change management work, and I met a corporate shaman.
He worked with me to understand how to open up my intuition as well as work with Spirit Guides in the energetic realm. After my late 20’s, I really started to get involved more by listening to my Spirit Guides when I was coaching clients. They would have me place my hands on clients in different locations and my client would experience a big release of emotion or gain a sense of freedom from what we were working on.
When I was doing coaching, I would hear these messages in my head, such as “do this”, or “do that”, and for one client, I heard “tie up her wrists”, and I thought, “I'm not going to tie up her wrists!”
But the message just kept getting louder and louder, and then finally I said to my client: “Okay, I know this sounds crazy, but I just keep getting this message about tying up your wrists”, and she said, “All right”. The only thing I had was ribbon, like you’d use to wrap gifts, and I used that.
The moment I tied her wrist, she started to cry, and I thought “Oh, dear God, what did I do”? Finally, when she calmed down, the message came through “Now, tell her she can untie herself”, so that was the message I gave her, and she started to untie herself and cry, and this went on for about 35 minutes.
When she finally stopped, she shared the story about how when she was younger, she was tied up by somebody that she knew, and that whole sequence we just went through with the gift ribbon gave her power back from the earlier experience she had with a man. After a while she learned to trust again.
Not in a million years would I have known to do something like that if I wasn’t tapped into her, listening to her Spirit Guides and my Spirit Guides, and following the directions. That’s when I started to trust that the insights and the intuition that was coming through was really there to support and help whoever I was working with.
Can you explain to us your energy mastery system?
Yes, it’s called Tollera Energy Mastery System. After I began coaching and doing healing work, I had triplets. I stepped out of my corporate role because I had waited a long time to have these babies. Then, all these people that I was supporting with coaching and healing outside of my corporate career began to call me. They would say “Hey, now that you’re not working, can I come back to see you?” And that’s how my business started.
In the early 2000s I had gotten everything through intuition and downloading healing processes to use with clients. One day I was in a bookstore, and saw this book, and as I read it, it described the processes that were being downloaded to me. The processes were basically shamanism. So, I decided to take a two-year program from the author. He told me “You really don’t even need this program”, and I replied “Yes, I do. I need the language because I don’t fully understand what I’m doing, all I know is I’m being told to do different things with people.”
I healed clients through shamanism for about eight years and at that time Shamanism was really beginning to boom in the United States. During that time, I traveled to Peru, and was inducted into two shaman lineages there. I had all these great skills, but I felt there was still more. After I finished teaching my last shaman, I was told to take apart my mesa and give everyone my healing stones. This was an emotional process because anyone who has built and used a Mesa bag of special healing stones knows how much you get attached to it. But I trusted my intuition and took apart my mesa. As soon as I disbanded my mesa, this new way of healing started to come through, and that was when the Tollerra Energy Mastery system was born.
If you’re really going to do deep healing and transform, and live a transformative life, you must heal on four levels. You must heal on (1) the spiritual level, (2) the energetic field (this is the field between you and your soul), (3) within your physical body, and (4) your emotional state, such as your belief system. This new system replaced a lot of the ceremonies I was doing within the shamanic field and streamlined a person’s healing. I learned simple but powerful ways to shift energy within people’s bodies, within their mindsets, within their energetic fields, so that they could attract and begin to live these amazing lives.
My practice was booming because people were coming and saying they had done energy work and taken classes elsewhere, and would experience momentary shifts, but they were not long-lasting. What I realized was that a lot of healers didn’t have a complete healing system that worked on all levels of a person to create lasting change. So, I started sharing Tollerra with healers so they could make a bigger and longer-lasting impact in their client’s lives.
I had used the Tollerra system for about 6 to 7 years and decided that I needed to train other healers because I was really getting tired of seeing talented healers and people investing money to learn different modalities, and not be able to make a living as a healer. The Tollerra Energy Mastery System changed my client’s lives, and leveraging my background in business, I created a Healer’s Training Program. I incorporated processes so healers can take information from their client and lay out a healing plan, take the different steps such as, “We have to work first in your spiritual level to look at some soul contracts and then we’re going to go to lineage and then we’re going to look at your belief system” or “The biggest challenge you have is you don’t have a purpose or a vision for yourself.”
Tollerra is a healing system that helps healers create a robust healing business, and for individuals to help them step through the different exercises and transform their lives.
And compared to when you started, do you notice a change in your audience, in your guests and your clients?
Yes! There has been a dramatic change. I came out of the business world, so almost everybody that I worked with was from the business world. They were all people I knew and what was happening was my clients, friends or family were noticing big shifts. So, for the first 20 years, I never marketed. My business grew through referrals so much that I couldn't take new clients. That’s when I decided it was time to begin training healers to do this work, so they can have robust businesses. I would say from then to now, my biggest observation is how more people are open to and understand energy healing.
I live on the East Coast, 25 years ago nobody on the East Coast knew this kind of healing existed. California was definitely farther ahead of us. And then there were little pockets like Sedona, Arizona or Santa Fe, New Mexico that were doing the work, but they were pockets of people around the US. What I notice now is that I don’t have to explain energy healing, I get to talk about what people want to experience in their lives, and they trust that whatever techniques or processes I use with them is exactly what they need to make those shifts and changes. So, people aren’t nervous or weirded out by energy healing work.
I also do channeling. Lots of people are intrigued by being able to communicate with the different dimensions and hear messages that will help them move their lives further. So, there’s more of an openness, and I would say today I still have a lot of professionals, but I also have moms, because the children coming into this world today are incredibly open. They are incredibly sensitive and tuned in to energy, so parents are having challenges, or they want to really support their child. I love working with parents who want to support their children in understanding what they are feeling in the energy around them.
What are the most common complaints and concerns that people bring to you?
In the business world the biggest concern I hear is about burnout. You know, people work hard to get to the different levels in their career they believe will make them happy or successful. However, a lot of people are beginning to feel that they put all this time and attention into climbing the ranks and they’re not happier and they don't feel successful. In fact, sometimes they’re further away from what gives them passion and energy.
Then the other big area is after coming out of the pandemic, a lot of people are questioning, “where do I go now?” “What is the purpose of my life?” And the whole belief that we are not guaranteed these long lives. Life can be rather short. During the pandemic we were witnessing people of all ages passing away. This causes us to ask ourselves questions like, “Is this really how I want to be spending my time here, right now on this planet?”
That moment of uncertainty, I believe is common, it is normal in everybody’s life. How do I know that it is just a moment, that it is just a phase, or is it something that requires more attention and a life changing move? How do I know how to differentiate?
I think the biggest difference is, everyone has those moments of uncertainty or doubt. However, if you make changes in your life and you are still feeling this uncertainty or doubt, I believe it is a sign you need to be doing something else in life. “Am I even on the right path here?’
When people are unhappy for a long period of time, they are ready to make a transformational journey. I will say this for women in particular: women have so many things that they are juggling – home, careers, support for others, and this may lead to overwhelm. When women or men are overwhelmed it usually is a great time to ask yourself the question, “Why am I doing these things?” “What can come off my plate?” “What boundaries do I need to add to my life, so I’m not always the go-to”, and finally “How do I ask for support”. This is so hard for some people, so they live in their unhappiness believing this is what life has to offer.
In my case, I was living a great life, I had an amazing job that allowed me to travel around the world. I was married, we had our beautiful home and we got to travel. Life was great. However, with me looking within myself, no matter where I went or what I was doing, I felt this little emptiness, like there was something missing, I just didn’t know what it was. And so, I hear a lot of other people describe it this way too. Something feels like there should be more. Some people feel that they should be experiencing more joy or happiness or excitement, and they’re not, and that’;s usually because Spirit is coming knocking on your door saying “Hey, you came down to do this work and we let you play over here, but we really need you to be playing somewhere else now”
I saw the term “Soul driven life” on your website and I was curious. What is a positive first step to live a soul driven life?
The first step is to have the desire to live from a sense of purpose. When I was in my late 20’s, I got my purpose, it was to heal, teach and guide, and at that time I didn’t even know how to relate to “heal”. The only healers I knew were doctors or nurses.
So, I just said, “I don’t know what “heal “means, but I’ll just leave it in for now, and focus on teaching and guiding”. So, when you decide to think about what is the bigger purpose that you’re here for, you want to think about – What is the contribution that you’re meant to be making? What fills you up with happiness, joy, excitement and keeps you going?
I was starting a business and raising three little babies at the same time, and life was so good and robust because I was doing what I was meant to be doing. So, I think that’s living a soul driven life when you live from your higher purpose. When our soul decides to have a human experience, it is because the soul has a purpose, it may want to have a set of experiences, feel certain emotions, expand the soul’s knowledge of human behaviors.
When we can align ourselves to the Soul’s Purpose our lives become so much more fulfilling. We become happier. We experience so much more ease in life. When I connect to people from my Soul’s Purpose, I don’t think about my business as a business, or this is a leap for my career. I show up and connect, guide, and lead them to their purpose. I help heal the hurt or limited belief structures so they can live into their bigger purpose. I am passionate about helping people. I continuously look for ways I can help heal, guide, and teach to have more and more people live their Soul Driven lives.
I have one last question, actually, a space for the guest to share a special message to our audience.
What I would say to you if you’re listening out there if your life feels full, but you don’t feel full inside, if your life feels overwhelming and your energy is drained, then that’s your wake-up call. Or that’s the call of the soul to say it’s time to do the work you were meant to do in this lifetime. There’s so much more for you to be able to play and contribute to life, and the soul never comes through as you “have to”, or you “should”, those are judgments and those are ego-based. So, if you ever come and say, “I think” “I should” “I need to” or “I have to”, that’s the ego, the mind speaking. But if you come and say, I know there’s something more, I know I’m missing something or I’m doing all this stuff, but I don’t feel any of the happiness and joy that I want to be feeling, that’s when I would say, it’s your time, it’s your opportunity, it’s your right to figure out why you came to live this life, to understand what your soul came here to do, and then to align your life so that you get to do what it is.