MysticMag has the pleasure of chatting with Marko Zigon, a dedicated sound engineer and practitioner at Sonic Temple. Marko has devoted his life to exploring the power of sound and experimenting with vibration phenomena. With over 1050 private sessions under his belt, he has mastered the art of sound entrainment on individuals. Marko now offers a range of services, including custom-tailored private sound therapy sessions, group sound meditations featuring a variety of instruments like Himalayan and Crystal singing bowls, Gongs, Monochord, and Shamanic instruments, internationally certified sound healing training programs, and carefully selected sound therapy tools.
Could you share with us the inspiration behind Sonic Temple and how you became passionate about sound and vibration phenomena?
It all started quite some time ago,… I can recall memories from the middle of the 80’s. One summer I was playing in the backyard and caught myself grooving to the beat of a German synth-pop duo that was coming from a nearby dance-club. That was possibly the first time I felt sound was important to me…
A few years later my parents enrolled me into Classical music school but after a couple of years, just after being admitted to the orchestra, I chose to quit and form a band. Playing in the band and writing songs was closer to what I had considered a life mission, however something was still “missing”…
I enrolled at SAE (School for Audio Engineering) in 2003 and then in 2006 the “AHA” moment arrived while writing my diploma thesis. I got in touch with a ENT medical tuning fork (I’ve experienced music instrument tuning forks before – but never a weighted one) at this point something “clicked”. From that moment on I knew what I wanted to do,…
Timings were not right though; while studying I was also building a professional recording studio therefore I could not devote that much time to sound therapy. To make it harder the “reception” of the modality was not so good at this point in time. After realizing that the studio that I had built so rigorously was actually a “golden cage” I became very unhappy with my life and was seeking possible changes,…
For a while I was designing and producing prototypes for unconventional and unique artistic loudspeakers. It went so far that I’ve made it to some exhibitions, one of them was in Dubai. After doing some market research I realized there’s potential hence I had seized the opportunity to put the “Passion into Profession”! It was an experience that perhaps happens once in a lifetime.
What makes Sonic Temple’s custom-tailored private sound therapy sessions unique, and how do you ensure they meet the specific needs of each individual?
Well in my opinion there is no “One Fit All” solution, so I try to optimize each session to the needs and/or desires of the clients. In general, we can divide the application of Sound in 3 main categories: 1. Sound Performance, 2. Sound Relaxation and 3. Sound Therapy.
Personally I’m not interested that much in the 1st option, as I believe that on the market there’s enough of such offerings anyway. With the client we first define whether we are doing a Therapeutic or Relaxation session. Based on that and information acquired during a short 3-5 min conversation prior to the session I then tailor a customized program.
The first session is usually a more “Generic” one – to better understand the response of the receiver. The only exception would be if it’s already clear from the outset that for any reason there will be just one session. In that case I often go for a relaxation session in order to prevent a possible unpleasant “Therapeutic” experience that might prevent the person from future Sound Therapy experiences.
After the first session we then agree with the client to continue with multiple sessions in a scheduled timeline. At this point it’s time to perform a test. I expose the person to a handful of different frequencies and chart their response in a simplified graph. Based on that I then choose which frequency range to enhance and which to potentially avoid.
In the case of group sessions the approach is different as I usually provide a “Topic” or intention for the session. For instance, the most common and well attended ones are Full Moon or New Moon meditations. But there’s a variety of possibilities as I like to be creative… For instance, I just launched SoMag, a magnetically enhanced type of sound meditation.
Can you provide some insights into the group sound meditations offered by Sonic Temple and the benefits participants can expect from these sessions?
As already said, the group’s sessions are usually pre-defined in terms of topic and intention. However, before I start the session I always ask how many participants are doing it for the first time. And if there’s more than 40% of individuals that are first-timers I will usually adjust the session in a more “smooth” and sedative setting as the first experience should never be too “abrupt”.
Expectations,.. hmm,.. I’ve heard/read somewhere that Expectation is the mother of unhappiness and I 100% agree. I think it’s the main reason (beside external factors) why the person is not able to enter into the altered state of consciousness. Often expectations are based and conditioned on previous experiences, which makes all even harder. The main benefits are mostly affecting these 3 categories:
1. Brainwaves activity
2. Heart-rate Variability
3. Nervous Systems
It’s very common that the participants experience this sensation of “being somewhere else”. The most common state of brainwaves activity is usually in Beta or Alpha state. During the sound meditation the receiver can be induced first into Theta and eventually Delta Brainwave state. From there this sensation of feeling semi sleepy or having lucid dreams. Time perception is disrupted too.
Change in temperature and cardiovascular activity is also a very common occurrence during the sound sessions. Perhaps more on private ones but can happen also in group settings. First the sensation of being hot – then cold, then again hot,… etc. If during the session the facilitator is using patterns of rhythmic entrainment the heart beat will be adjusting accordingly.
The nervous system is also strongly affected by sound, the so-called “rest and digest” vs. the “fight or flight” modes of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system. The Vagus Nerve plays a major role during a sound meditation.
Some other effect includes glandular activity – Hypothalamus (the master gland) affecting hormonal balance,.. Melatonin, etc…
Tell us more about the internationally certified sound healing training programs provided by Sonic Temple. What knowledge and skills do participants acquire, and how do these programs contribute to their personal and professional growth?
I never thought I’d be teaching! When I moved to Dubai I just wanted to deliver group and private 1 to 1 sessions on a daily basis. Funny enough just as I started working for the most famous wellbeing center in Dubai the owner asked me if I can teach? Initially I was a little hesitant – as I did not expect to teach just after I moved to the UAE and didn’t even establish myself well enough.
Well, I accepted the challenge and the rest is history as they say. I’ve been teaching internationally full time since 2016. I’m focusing mostly on giving true (proven) information. Sadly, there’s a lot of BS in the Sound healing movement. From fake and misleading statements to literally scams and deceptions.
My sound engineering background and personal experiences in this field lead me to have more than 1100 documented and signed private sessions – I learned a lot through these years also because I’ve learned through mistakes. Foundations are of imperial importance and I try to present that during the training. Just banging sound bowls intuitively, and trusting the divine will provide some magic… that’s not professionalism, it’s not Shamanism, it’s “Charlatanism”! It’s becoming a circus,.. and I try to avoid that.
For the moment there are 3 levels. I’m however preparing level 4 hopefully to be launched next year. The training has 48 different chapters and are focused on gaining an understanding of what you are doing and you’re not “just doing it”. I operate via the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine association which enables participants to seek professional insurance if they are requested in doing so.
The focus is on Tuning Forks, Singing Bowls, Gongs, Drums, Chimes, Monochord, and all other “tools and toys” that are conventionally and widely accepted in this trendy field. On my Sound Therapy Trainings, I’m mostly witnessing smart & beautiful young women experiencing & understanding the properties of Sound… Those experiences will likely affect their future decisions in life. Sound is definitely shaping personalities!
How do you go about selecting, testing, and improving sound therapy tools for Sonic Temple? What factors do you consider to ensure the highest quality and effectiveness of these tools in facilitating sound healing experiences?
Hmm, quite a vast subject. First of all, I always try to be reasonable. If a tool is too expensive then it’s not a tool/instrument but an object of desire or even an investment. Sound Therapy can be a very expensive practice… As a matter of fact, I know practitioners that by combining all their tools would be able to buy an expensive car or in some cases even a small apartment… I’m not saying that’s wrong, I’m not sure that’s needed, hence I rather focus on more practical or technical features.
Being trained as an engineer I often cannot overcome the Factor of “Efficiency”. Here are a few “Metrics” I like to use while determining the best choice/s:
1. Purpose of use (1to1 or Group Sessions)
2. Method of application: (On Body – Off Body)
3. Vibration Intensity (Tactile transmission)
4. Sustain of tone (Exception of drums)
5. Root Frequency (Base note-tone)
6. Integration Flexibility (With other sound tools)
7. Ease of use (Practicality)
Often we obviously need to compromise. It’s almost impossible to get all tools with all perfect specs and at the end of the day the most important fact is to listen and/or place the tool physically on the body and assess it. We need to ask ourselves how we feel about it? In the past I was paying too much attention to frequencies. I now try to be more comprehensive while selecting.
Although I still believe that frequencies are crucial particularly in combinations when 2 sounds are interacting among them, I’m however not so strict any longer in sticking with the “correct numbers”. Also because it often depends on the “Timbre” of sound composition known as overtones and how they work together.
Seven years ago I also started modifying some tools in order to improve the performance or functionality. One of the first tools was the “Bowl with the handle” attaching in a secure and convenient way a door hook on the singing bowl. Not only the vibration is stronger it lasts longer and gives us an incredible possibility on how we deliver and steer the sound radiation. Beside that I have many other altered tools in my store.sonictemple.me online store.
Which aspects of your personal journey could you share with our audience that best highlight your own spiritual growth and development through sound?
We are all “Work in progress”, and rightfully so, as perfection is just a myth. There are so many practices and teachings available nowadays. It’s easy to be confused or derailed from what is your true intention. For me the “Awakening” was not easy and was a result of a series of circumstances that led me to think that life “should” (or better) “could” be different.
Human kind is in general obsessed with power, control, money, perfection, order and recognition to name a few… Personally I do not consider myself “Spiritual”. As a matter of fact, I try to avoid many of the proposed spiritual practices. This constant urge to take some action: do yoga, drink alkalized water and forcefully think positively is ill in my opinion. “Presence” through sound was the only way to go for me – live for the moment, whenever possible.
It’s easy to say but hard to implement as we are constantly thinking of the future (and sometimes the past). There are many “Guru’s” that mislead a lot of people that were in good faith. Sometimes it feels like there’s just a switch in “Desires”- which are driven by the Ego. Some people flip from “Materialistic” into “Spiritual” not even understanding that they just traded their “objects of desire” for an alleged “better person” lifestyle myth.
Again: wearing LuXYZemon active wear, drinking Kombucha while listening to Deva Premal’s lounge version of Gayatri Mantra in a “Saged” apartment doesn’t make you a better person, nor helps or empower society. The understanding that only by finding a purpose and giving a meaning to life we can grow is something I was struggling with for a very long time. Too much indoctrination in School, family and among peers/colleagues… It’s a liberation journey – long and tough but rewarding.
Sound therapy was/is for me the only gateway in overcoming all anxieties of this useless “Programming” and toxic lifestyle. Sound is the engine of creation, and we are sound! Let’s harness it! Sonictemple.me
If you would like to find out more about Marko from Sonic Temple, visit https://www.sonictemple.me/