At the Center for Sound Therapy, which Maria passionately founded, individuals seeking solace, restoration, and spiritual growth can find respite from the chaos of everyday life. Nestled in a serene oasis, this sacred space serves as a sanctuary where the healing power of sound can be fully experienced. Guided by Maria’s expertise and compassionate presence, clients embark on profound sonic journeys that facilitate deep relaxation, energetic alignment, and emotional release. What sets Maria apart is her unique approach to sound alchemy, a blend of scientific knowledge and intuitive artistry. With an unwavering belief in the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, she seamlessly integrates her understanding of human physiology and the subtle energy systems to create bespoke sound experiences tailored to each individual’s needs. With each resonant note and harmonious melody, Maria continues to inspire and uplift those fortunate enough to encounter her, inviting them to embark on a voyage of self-discovery and healing through the enchanting realm of sound. Join Mystic Mag on this interesitng journey with Maria.
What led you to specialize in sound healing and vibrational energy medicine?
My journey began back in 2009 when I was introduced to the alternative form of healing known as Reiki. This introduction and the personal healing I was experiencing through Reiki is what began the journey into my life’s work with alternative and holistic forms of care.
Through this journey, I discovered meditation, yoga and sound therapy along with my spirituality and I personally began to experience the profound impacts that these practices were having on my mind, body and spirit. These life-changing experiences motivated me to pursue deeper study into these modalities.
And, as a young girl, I knew that I would somehow dedicate my life to assisting others, but it wasn’t until I started teaching yoga that it all came together for me. I knew that I wanted to create unique healing experiences for the community using a combination of yoga, sound and energy healing, so that’s where I started.
Since then, I have dedicated myself to helping people heal and bring balance and harmony back to their mind, body and spirit and re-connect them with their true divine nature. So in essence, it was that creative nudge that drove me towards what I do today for my clients and my community.
Can you explain the concept of sound alchemy and how it relates to holistic health care?
As a holistic practitioner, my job is to help my clients reach optimal health by bringing balance back to their mind, body and spirit.
Whether a person knows it or not, they are made up of energy, frequency and vibration and when they are under extreme stress and neglect their mental and emotional health, their body becomes stuck in a highly reactive stress state that ultimately disrupts their health or all levels of their being.
This disruption can affect the health of our cells, tissues, organs, our immune system and so much more. When our energy is disrupted, depleted or altered, illness and disease can result. I believe that disease begins in the subtle energy level of our being and later manifests physically if no action is taken.
Now, the word disease means “to be in a condition of unease or less than optimum”. The great news is that we can shift our states of being with sound and energy medicine. When a person’s healthy resonant frequency is out of balance, they are in need of an energetic tune up.
When we use sound to heal, the sound vibration will penetrate deep into the body and will interrupt the stress response. The sound waves spread like ripples that will move around us and through us, re-harmonizing our entire being. The vibrations will also vibrate through our entire body and deep into our cellular structure.
And by listening to the sound, our brainwave states naturally drop into alpha, theta and for some, even delta, invoking a deep state of relaxation. At this point, the nervous system will shift and the body can begin to release its stress and get relief from physical symptoms and activate its healing response. This deep state helps to restore optimum health and harmony by bringing balance back into the mind, body, and spirit!
This is a great example of how sound can treat the person as a whole or holistically.
What type of services do you offer?
In 2017, I founded the Center for Sound Therapy, located in Boardman, Ohio. Which is a Center for Wellness. I operate the Center along side my husband Calvin. Using the Center as a hub, we specialize in utilizing different forms of vibrational energy medicine to help clients balance the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual aspects of life and help them find the perfect state of being.
Our services include: Sound Bath Meditations, Gong Resonance Therapy, Healing with Crystal Frequency, Drum Journeys, Tuning Fork Therapy, Sonic Yoga, Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, Holy Fire Reiki, Access Bars, Past Life Regression, Wedding Services and Retreats.
How do you tailor sound healing sessions to address the individual needs and goals of your clients?
We give our clients lots of options and have something for everyone.
When it comes to sound therapy, we have options for an all gong session, an all crystal singing bowls session or a session where we do a mixture of everything.
For people who want something more subtle, we will offer a light acoustic sound therapy session with tuning forks.
While each of those sessions follows a certain flow, all sessions are intuitive as to how the instruments are played for each client.
And for those looking for a light touch healing therapy, we would direct the individual to one of our wonderful energy healing sessions.
Each session will address the needs and goals of the client based on the intention that they set.
What role does intention and mindfulness play in your approach to sound alchemy and holistic health care?
When I work with someone, holding space is my top priority. Holding space means that I am mindful of the person and their emotions and my intent is to provide support and compassion, in a safe space where they can find healing.
What I do is a conscious act of love. I want to be present and when a client walks into my center, I want them to feel feelings of safety, support, trust, and comfort because I know that they may be moving through a challenging time and may feel vulnerable.
Holding space is an essential part of my work. When a person comes in for a session, they may confront many challenging emotions, memories, or traumatic experiences while in the experience and if I am providing a safe non-judgemental container, they can feel free to move through any healing response with greater ease knowing they won’t be judged.
My intent is to create a safe bubble around all my clients. The bubble that we create together will, for a time, block out distractions so they can concentrate on themselves and take that time to reset. Our little healing cocoon can temporarily lift the weight of the world off their shoulders and address their most pressing needs.
I also believe that everyone has an innate healing intelligence within them and when allowed, it will take charge and help in the healing process to release them from whatever is holding them back. And my sessions help to create the perfect backdrop for their loving healing intelligence to speak!
The client’s intent and mindset are just as important as my own. They need to be present and open to any healing and insight that may arise and follow it after their session is over.
How do you collaborate with other healthcare professionals to integrate sound healing into a broader treatment plan?
Over the past 9 years, my husband and I have been invited to present at numerous corporate and educational institutions as well as wellness and spiritual centers and we have become known as leaders in our field and through the years of working in our surrounding communities, we have had the opportunity of meeting many healthcare professionals who are implementing more alternative, holistic and integrative methods in their medical practices.
My husband and I are members of Be Well Therapies, a lifestyle and integrative holistic health cooperative. We are a team of specialists that consist of health care practitioners including physicians, physical therapists, dietitians and mind-body therapists. Together we work on providing high quality wellness programs to the community and we also work specifically with healthcare professionals to help them transform their own burnout so they can find balance within their personal life and how they serve professionally.
We also work one on one with many healthcare professionals as clients. Their experience working with us for their own healing gives vibrational energy medicine more validation. They have first hand experience of it’s transformative power and know how our services can benefit their patients and clients. When traditional medicine is used and patients can’t find relief, it’s usually an energetic issue, in that case, pharmaceuticals will do little for the root issue. Because we are energy, it’s best to treat energy with energy!