Jane Bissler always points out that Loving Heart Connections® was created by Spirit and given to her. The modality provides physical, emotional, and spiritual healing and is designed to activate a spiritual connection between you and your deceased loved ones, guides, higher self and your own soul.
In this special interview for MysticMag we asked Jane more details about Loving Heart Connections, sessions that she remembers the most and we also talk about grief. Don’t miss out!
Can you explain to our audience what Loving Heart Connections® is and what inspired you to create it?
This unique modality was created by SPIRIT and given to me while I was working with clients who were struggling with the death of their loved ones. I was using Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) to help these clients with the trauma of their experiences. While using this process some of my clients began to simultaneously have a connection with their deceased loved ones and/or their spiritual guidance. The modality was then adapted because the trauma protocol, which is EMDR, was not necessary and through Loving Heart Connections® the client could be taught how to go directly to the connection with their loved ones.
This modality is perfect for providing healing for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. It has provided whatever has been needed by the sitter to reduce the effects of grief and bereavement as well as for clients who have wanted to connect with their spiritual guidance to bring balance into their lives. Some have experienced very intense emotions during these sessions, and they have “visited” different environments while meeting with their deceased loved ones, spiritual guidance teams and masters. It has been likened to out of body experiences that some have when working with Shamanic journeying. Many sitters have had multiple connections.
In your website it is informed that Loving Heart Connections® is a one and done modality. Can you guide us on how that first and only session works and how should your clients continue after that?
Loving Heart Connections® is a modality that takes about 2 hours to complete. In the first phase, the client is helped to become as relaxed as possible using bilateral stimulation. The second phase works to help the client understand the connections they are making and how to recognize these connections. The final phase is where the client is helped to make the connection or connections they are wanting. At the conclusion of the first session, the client has all the information needed to continue making Loving Heart Connections® on their own.
Do you have a specific client or session that you remember more and could share with us?
The trained facilitators and I have done more than 300 sessions with remarkable success. I can’t narrow down my favorite or most wonderful session as there have just been too many, but, here’s an example I can talk about, with permission from the client. I worked with Christine doing EMDR regarding the trauma resulting in her 18-year-old son’s death. The crash happened the night before his high school graduation party. His name is Andrew.
Andrew had a severe brain injury and was unconscious and ventilated when his parents reached the hospital. He was going into surgery to remove part of his skull to let his brain swell. After several days, it was determined he had no brain activity and his parents needed to make the incomprehensible decision to discontinue life support.
The trauma from the crash and Andrew’s hospitalization followed by his death were devastating for Christine. EMDR was used to help her deal with the trauma. However, during one of these sessions, Christine saw and heard her son. It was a huge relief and as she said multiple times during that session, “It’s just so real”.
Using the Loving Heart Connections® protocol, Christine and Andrew continue to work together, meeting at their special place and having conversations.
Much was written and talked about when the subject is grief. In your view, what aspects should we improve or pay more attention to in such an important moment of our lives?
Loving Heart Connections® provides the most important aspect of assimilating a loss in the lives of the survivors; it connects the deceased once again, but in a different way, with the grievers. Every griever I have ever worked with (and that’s over 35 years of working with these folks) wants to know that their loved one is “okay”. They want to know what they are doing, and that the griever is being watched over.
Loving Heart Connections® provides a way for this connection to be made whenever the client feels the need to have it. This provides for the living a way to assimilate the loss of the physical presence but strengthens the real connection and that is soul to soul! Whether the client is working to connect with their loved ones across the veil or with their spiritual guidance, their life is significantly enriched, balanced and peaceful.
You mention having providers and facilitators trained to use Loving Heart Connections®. How was that process of teaching and instructing professionals about the modality?
So many times, at the conclusion of the session the client asks about learning how to teach and to help others make this “remarkable connection”. The training came out of the requests from these participants.
The training is two days of classroom work done through Zoom. The practicum is then done by the student recording five sessions of Loving Heart Connections and sharing them with the instructor to gain feedback and further instruction. A yearlong mentorship program is also required for the student to be added to the roster of trained Loving Heart Connections’ facilitators. At first the only training being done was for licensed mental health professionals. We have now expanded that classroom for others who are not licensed.
Can you share with us some of the results of the research you made about Loving Heart Connections® with your facilitators? Were you impressed with the results?
The research, just completed, has been amazingly impressive. Forty-five respondents generated 175 statements by answering the question: What effect did/does Loving Heart Connections® have on you. Forty of these were determined to be unique. Sixty-eight participants rated these statements into categories showing which statements were most like their Loving Heart Connections® experience down to which were least like their Loving Heart Connections® experience.
I guess the hardest part of this research, at least for me, was to see that for a significant number of the respondents even though they made incredible connections with their loved ones and/or their spiritual guidance when they were working with a facilitator have not kept up the practice to continue making these connections. Some have gone back to working with mediums and others “got my answer that he’s happy and watching over us” or “I know my spiritual guidance is working with me and I just feel so peaceful” so haven’t felt the need to continue making these connections. I would say the most positive result would be the physical, emotional, mental healings that have been enjoyed by the participants.
A second would be the peace that the modality has brought with the absolute trust in knowing that their loved ones continue to be present in their loved ones’ lives. Third, I would say for those who have and continue using the modality to connect with their guidance, a life changing ability to know that SPIRIT is in their lives and always available and in all ways. Knowing that we have that kind of guidance is the ultimate in peace and harmony and provides a balance that can’t be enjoyed by any other means.