Louise Tremayne is an experienced EFT Practitioner, Mindfulness Teacher, Therapist and Coach who specialises in helping women eliminate stress and anxiety. She offers sessions worldwide via the internet, or face to face in Okehampton and Exeter, Devon, UK. Louise also teaches classes and runs retreats. In this interview Louise shares insights into her professional journey with advice on self-healing and self-care.
When did your passion for helping others begin and what inspired you to guide people in their life challenges?
I have always been empathetic, highly sensitive and a good listener. In my previous career I was a Computer Engineer and found it very stressful. I started doing yoga and looking into therapies to help myself. I also suffered from terrible anxiety and through my journey finding things that helped me I developed a passion to help others. Twenty-four years ago I started training in Crystal Therapy and from there my passion grew. In the following years I trained in NLP, Reiki, EFT and Mindfulness. I really love helping people feel better and empowering them to be able to help themselves with tools like EFT and Meditation.
What healing modalities are you in to?
Crystal Therapy, Reiki, EFT and Mindfulness Meditation. I also love Yoga, Qi Gong and being in nature.
Do you have a personal preference?
Reiki and EFT are probably my 2 favourites and the ones I practice daily. I like to tap every morning to start my day well and I recite the Reiki precepts. I often go to sleep with my hands on my body gently giving myself Reiki. I also meditate every day and practice yoga and qi gong several times a week.
Traditionally when people feel unwell, it is a visit to the doctors’ rooms and very often treatment is through medication even more so with the rise of anxiety following the world pandemic we have all faced. What are your thoughts on this and the importance of turning to self-healing in a holistic sense?
Medication is vitally important for many people but it is not for everyone. Learning what triggers your anxiety and trying different therapies or approaches to find what works best for you is always what I recommend. I believe the pandemic has affected us more than we think. It has been a very stressful and anxious time for over 2 years and it isn’t over yet, especially for those who are vulnerable or suffering from an illness. I believe it is important to reflect on the good things that happened during that time – perhaps less pressure to attend every social event and a better connection with nature to name two. Some people just want to pop a pill and be “cured” but for those willing to help themselves there are so many different tools we can use to help ourselves. You just need to be curious and open minded and try a few things to see if they work for you.
In your experience in working with people, what would you say is the number one thing that holds most people back from living the fulfilling life they would like to live?
I think it is the pressure from other people – whether that is their partner, family, friends or colleagues. So many people have a passion to do something else but stay stuck because they worry what other people think or believe they should do.
Self-care is such an important aspect for us, do you any tools to share with our reader to accomplish this?
So many! Eating well, exercising, spending time in nature and doing something creative are all things we can do to help ourselves feel better. Plus un-plugging from social media for a period every day/week is essential in my eyes! Daily meditation even for 5 minutes can really help. Making time just to do something you really enjoy whether that’s painting, doing a jigsaw or soaking in the bath.