MysticMag has the absolute pleasure of chatting with Lisa Alexander – Transformational Speaker, Teacher, Healer & Creator of The Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy.
How did your career path impact the work you perform today?
I studied to be a teacher and taught High School History for a year. And now I teach the energy healing programs I have created, so being an accredited trained teacher really helped me develop and teach these. Having been through all the programs that I now teach and when one gets to Master skills level you learn about past lives and how to talk somebody through a Past Life Regression. For this reason, understanding history was really important to me.
Whilst teaching back in the 80s, I needed to supplement my income, so I got involved with local modeling and acting. I was discovered by a former teacher turned TV producer and I got into a national commercial. This led to a 12-year modeling and commercial acting career in New York and I got to travel around the world which was incredible. I quit teaching, needless to say.
Long story short, I was often hired as a spokesperson for the large, important conventions, computer conventions for example, as I had the skills to stand up in front of a large audience and explain detailed products or software, as if I worked for the company. I think this experience had a huge impact on my teaching and speaking skills which is something I practice regularly today.
Why were you drawn particularly to sound and energy healing?
I wasn’t initially. In 2000 my father died very suddenly, and my mother really needed me. I left New York and my career and went to live in my vacation lake house in Pennsylvania. I was always very close to the earth thanks to my upbringing. While living there I became very involved with sustainability and I started greening all the resorts in the Pocono Mountain area. I became known as The Queen of Green. My husband and I bought a farm up there which we unfortunately lost in the crash of 2007/8.
From this point on, the wheels came off for me. Within a few years, I had lost my best friend, my parents, my cousin, the farm and even the lake house was under siege. My husband betrayed me and was completely disconnected. One of my dogs was run over…
I eventually found myself one day sitting in the lake house that was soon to be repossessed, with a gun in my hand. I had nowhere else to turn. One of my dogs would sit on my lap and lick the tears off my face. I realized that if I were gone there would be no one to look after this little creature on my lap. I surrendered to the Universe at this moment in time, put the gun down and asked for either something to happen to better my life or for me to be taken away from this misery. I needed a sign.
Two days later, I received a snail mail from my homeopathic doctor telling me she was into something new and that I should come and check it out. I went to see a talk by a Quantum Metaphysician who was doing sound therapy using tuning forks. It was phenomenal. The lady sitting next to me blurted out “I keep hearing deconstruction before reconstruction” which totally resonated with me and my life. We ended up having a coffee after the talk. She was a clairvoyant – and it turns out she knew things about me, past, present and future that no one else could possibly know. After this, she started giving me readings, and never once charged me a dime. She was the one who put me on my path.
I started working with tuning forks and my clairvoyant skills really blossomed while doing so. I even came up with a new fork involving higher frequencies and added it to my modality. From here my work took off. I knew that this was my purpose – that I was here to bring in these higher frequencies at this particular time. I did a couple of years of research and eventually found the science to back up my work. I had bridged the gap between science and spirituality. From here, I started to teach my modality. This was my soul path.
What is The Alexander Method ®?
We work primarily with tuning forks, and a very specific set known as solfeggio tuning forks. We do bring in other different forks depending on the specific needs and level of the healing (we have three levels). Our approach involves addressing all areas of a person’s being, including chakras, meridians, bio-fields, and the physical body, with the goal of healing them emotionally, physically, mentally, and psychically.
If you could describe the gap between science and spirituality…?
I almost no longer see a gap. For the general public however, and especially in America, people are so stuck on Newtonian physics, or taking a pill for every ailment so the gap is much larger. However, science is finally catching up with what the ancients knew so well. Nowadays we can measure energy and even see and measure meridians. Technology is allowing us to make the invisible visible, and this has helped bridge science and spirituality. For the skeptics out there, there is now physical proof of what the ancients have known and practiced for centuries.
Do you believe you are fulfilling your Soul Purpose?
Definitely! There have been times throughout my life where I have seen Angels or Spirit and I was always terrified. I also had a Near Death Experience. However, I never felt truly ready until that day in my living room, where I put the gun down. That day I was ready – I said “Just show me and I will serve…”. I know that I am now serving and doing what my Soul Contract has mapped out for me.
If you would like to find out more about Lisa Alexander, visit https://www.lisaalexander.com/ or follow on https://www.instagram.com/lisaalexanderspeaker/ or https://www.facebook.com/LisaAlexanderSpeaker