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MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.

Linda Joy: A Guiding Light for Healing, Empowerment, and Unlimited Potential

Linda Joy: A Guiding Light for Healing, Empowerment, and Unlimited Potential

Linda Joy’s wisdom and teachings are a strong foundation for healing skills, intuitive wisdom, self-empowerment, creativity, clarity, and the igniting of one’s uniqueness, purpose, and unlimited potential.

Linda Joy is well known for her enthusiasm and passion for life and for empowering, encouraging, and inspiring others to become aware of their thoughts to focus on the outcome they choose. By being aware of their language, they can purposefully attract more positive situations, events, and results to live a stress-free free joyful life.

Linda Joy is an outstanding teacher and healer and is absolutely passionate about her work. She loves supporting others to become the magnificent and radiant expression of all that they are.

Learn more about her in this MysticMag interview.

Can you provide an overview of The BENN Method™ and how it helps individuals in their journey of self-discovery and personal growth?

The BENN Method™ is a self-discovery and personal growth method that I developed over my 30+ years in the health and wellness industry. The aim is to assist individuals in gaining a deeper understanding of themselves, their beliefs, and behaviors. Each step provides tools and strategies to overcome health challenges caused by burnout, stress, and mental exhaustion. Plus, improves emotional well-being that will avoid mental health challenges.

The BENN Method™ provides a proven methodology that helps business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporate employees bounce back from chronic stress, recurrent fatigue, and a general lack of mojo that is affecting them and their lives daily.

Burnout is rampant throughout many businesses which impacts every aspect of their life including their health and family. Dentists and veterinarians experience mental health issues with the highest suicide rate and with 25% experiencing burnout; the Benn Method provides holistic health & wellness solutions to avoid burnout and other health issues so they feel less stressed, suffer less anxiety, and get their mojo back!

I help business owners regain control of their lives, and their energy, this puts them back into alignment with what brings them joy.

If you are struggling with stress, burnout, or emotional, physical, or mental exhaustion – the Benn Method can help.

It is well-recognized that burnout and stress can have negative effects on your health and if left to run their course, which can lead to illness.

The Benn Method will help you to: increase your energy, create a more positive outlook on your life, and most importantly, deal with the daily stresses that our business can cause.

I am a burnout-to-balance specialist. I am the creator of the Benn Method. I help people bounce back from burnout through a series of tried and tested holistic health and wellness techniques.

There are a number of ways that I can help you recover from burnout and a general lack of well-being. I provide 1:1 and group sessions using the Benn Method. The people who work with me want more energy, clarity, and a feeling of vibrant health.

I educate professionals so they know how to take back control of their own health and life to be well again.

How do you incorporate Reiki and remedial massage into your spiritual counseling sessions?

In the last few years, most of my sessions have now been online to reach a global audience. If the person is local and requests an in-person hands-on session or prefers to meet me in person even for healing. Clients may initially book in for healing, chakra balance/clearing, bodywork, or intuitive guidance which is my coaching sessions. If the session is specifically for bodywork, I incorporate Reiki energy healing into a session while tuning into the person on the table. I identify where the energy is blocked in the physical and energetic fields and clear it.

As an intuitive, I also may receive profound messages to enhance the therapeutic experience for clients. Reiki is a form of energy healing that involves channeling universal life force energy to promote healing and balance in the body and mind. Pellowah healing activates your twelve strands of DNA. As a result, you will be empowered to make better life choices and exercise more control in your life. The difference is that Pellowah healing no touching, no talking, no smells, or music and is direct between the person receiving and the source energy. As a practitioner, it is not channeled through me.

I combine many different modalities depending on what is for the highest good of the client at the time. Spiritual counseling can help clients release emotional blockages, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. This helps them to have clarity on their next steps moving forward.

Could you share a specific example of a client whose life was transformed through your deep subconscious coaching?

A woman who was recovering after having a kidney and pancreas transplant initially came for bodywork/healing sessions. She also had diabetes, which affected the bones in her feet and she had to wear specialized boots to walk to each of her treatments. She was not working at the time and going through a huge transition in her life. At the same time, her husband of 20 years moved out and asked for a divorce. We started a coaching program focused on empowering her to heal and rebuild her physical body and mentally prepare her to create a new life for herself and her son. She got a high-paying job and then bought her own place, created a new friendship group, juggled a career, and being a single mum, and worked on an amicable uncoupling from her husband.

We worked together on a deep subconscious journey work to rewire her brain of underlying beliefs patterns and programs. By addressing and resolving these deep-seated issues, my client experienced profound transformations in her life.

I customized the coaching session for each client which can lead to positive changes in relationships, career paths, self-esteem, health, well-being, and overall life satisfaction.

What techniques or strategies do you use to ensure a safe and supportive environment for your clients during their transformative journey?

My approach is open, intuitive, empathetic, and listening in a non-judgmental way which naturally establishes trust and rapport with my clients.

All the information I gather in sessions is confidential, professional, and in a secure environment setting with clear boundaries. They feel safe to share their thoughts, feelings, and concerns openly and we cut through the noise and focus on the root cause of the problem. By listening attentively, I gain a deeper understanding of their unique situations and the challenges they’re facing.

Some of the techniques I combine are NLP, hypnotherapy, timeline therapy, EFT, and many metaphysical spiritual tools, allowing clients to explore their transformative goals and spiritual growth with confidence and trust in the process. I listen to their language patterns to understand limiting beliefs, patterns, and old programs that are keeping them stuck. Questioning throughout their transformative journey unpacks deep emotional trauma in the subconscious mind which enhances awareness and encourages self-reflection. I educate clients about self-care practices and the significance of tending to their well-being

When working long term I research their birth chart and incorporate tools of gene keys, astrology, human design, numerology, life purpose, and tarot oracle readings. This helps to identify their unique gifts and what shadow areas that are blocking them at this moment. In the transformational journey sessions together we clear each of those blocks, energy in the body and energy field as well as the subconscious mind.

As a mentor and coach, how do you help individuals navigate through challenges and make life-changing choices?

My approach to helping individuals navigate challenges and make life-changing choices is rooted in a combination of empathy, guidance, and practical strategies.

I identify their choices by offering guidance, insights, and tools to help clients gain clarity and perspective. Identify their values, strengths, and passions, enabling them to make more aligned decisions. Goal setting, action planning, and accountability may also be part of the coaching process to empower individuals to take steps toward their desired outcomes. I work with clients to clarify their goals and values. We explore what truly matters to them, both in the short term and long term. This process helps my clients gain clarity about their priorities and what they want to achieve in various aspects of their lives. Together with my clients, I identify the obstacles and challenges they are encountering. Whether it’s self-doubt, fear, external pressures, or specific barriers, we examine these challenges closely to understand their origins and how they can be overcome.

Once we have a clear understanding of goals and obstacles, I assist clients in developing action plans. These plans are tailored to their specific circumstances and aspirations. We break down big, daunting goals into smaller, manageable steps to make progress more achievable. I help clients build resilience by providing tools and strategies to manage stress, cope with setbacks, and stay motivated even when facing difficulties. Empower them to make important life decisions and trust their own inner guidance. I offer techniques and frameworks to aid in decision-making, helping clients weigh the pros and cons, consider their values, and make choices aligned with their true selves.

Throughout the coaching process, I encourage self-discovery establish accountability structures that help them stay on track, and ask questions that prompt introspection and self-awareness, allowing my clients to uncover their own strengths, passions, and areas for their growth. Always asking what is for their highest good and destiny. I provide support and encouragement, especially when doubt and fears creep in. These emergency calls help my clients stay focused on their objectives and remind them of their capabilities. One of the exercises I encourage is to implement a new habit every 33 days. They celebrate every 33 days as they continue to create new habits. I encourage my clients to continue learning, setting new goals, and embracing change as an ongoing journey.

In summary, my role as a mentor and coach is to guide individuals through their challenges, empower them to make life-changing choices and provide the support and tools they need to achieve their goals. The client-coach relationship is a collaborative and supportive client-centered approach. We are both committed to achieving their outcomes and goals. I aim to inspire positive transformations and help clients lead more fulfilling lives aligned with their values and aspirations.

What inspired you to dedicate your career to waking up humanity and connecting people with their souls, and how does this mission drive your work on a daily basis?

In a nutshell, it is my soul’s purpose and mission that I came here to this earth. In many of my lifetimes, I have been teaching spirituality and doing healing work, this was not accepted in those times, and I was killed and burnt at the stack, called a witch, etc.

In this life, humanity and the earth are going through a huge transformation of shifting consciousness and expanding awareness. More and more people are waking up and moving towards the ascension. The world is changing as we collectively create a new earth. I have always been a pioneer and light worker to show the way for those who are ready and willing to upgrade their conscious human operating system for their soul&’s growth and evolution. In this life, I chose my family whom I have had many lifetimes with this prior. In this life, they play an important role for me to have the strength and courage within myself to do the job that I came here to do. In past lives, they were murderers and in this life, we have a distant relationship as I am on my path and they don’t understand my chosen path. In this life, I grew up in an abusive, dysfunctional family, and I nearly left this planet a couple of times to escape the emotional pain. I am now dedicated to my soul contract and helping humanity to ascend beyond the physical and emotional pain and fully realize who they are as a soul and how powerful they really are.

Here is a bit of back story –

Born into a family that didn’t understand me as we vibrated at different frequencies. I have learned to accept and love them for who they are. As a soul, I came in as this bright light of joy but knew I was different from others. I was born with a natural intuitive gift, but I was trying to understand why my family didn’t love or accept me. The more I shared my passions and purpose, the more I was ostracised.

My life has been a journey to love and accept myself and not look outside for love or approval from others. My family members are playing important roles and I forgive them. From everything I have studied over the years, it has helped me understand why I came here and what my purpose is. I learned about my differences while studying astrology, gene keys, and human design. Now understanding my birth chart and the two planets that I have in my 12th house explains why I came into this lifetime to share with humanity about the subconscious mind and bring the wisdom from source or the universe through my crown chakra in order to share with others. This is why I am here now, sharing with you this chapter on the crown which is connected to the collective consciousness.

Though in my past I was carrying so much emotional pain of being rejected, abandoned, and abused, I was constantly asking why am I here? Why did I choose this family? Why am I being judged, criticized, and abused? I didn’t like being in this body or living this life, hence the eating disorder that started as a teenager when my sister kept telling me that I was fat, ugly, and many other descriptive words. I believed that in order to be loved by anyone; I had to be thin, otherwise I would never get a boyfriend! I had depression growing up with so much emotional pain and suffering, though on the outside I appeared happy in order to cover up the deep sorrow inside. I left home at 17 and moved to Brisbane to work. At 18, I received a letter from my mother telling me not to come home as I didn’t have a home to come to. No one knew my story or the emotional pain I was carrying. To numb out, I would use food and alcohol to appear outgoing and a party animal. If anyone got too close to me, I would get scared to open my heart and be betrayed again. It was safer to shut down and run away and even leave the country.

Hence, by age 30, I traveled all around the world to over 35 countries searching, wondering, where do I belong? Where is home and how do I love it? Love was a painful word, as I had never experienced it. I realized my true home is in my heart. It’s not where I physically live or who loves me. I am loved and supported by spirit. It has taken years of inner healing therapy to love and accept myself. Everything I have experienced over the years was all for a purpose—to help others. I have been blessed with amazing teachers over the years and many masters guiding me on my healing path.

At 21, I met my first spiritual teacher when I had cancer. I was backpacking around the world for three years and I met him in San Jose, California. For 6 months, I would go to his house every week. He helped me understand why I chose my family, what I was to learn, and my purpose for this life.

The turning point in my life was when I felt a calling to leave the corporate world and study natural medicine. This opened up a huge Pandora’s Box, which I loved. I was like a sponge, absorbing as much as I could and my studies have continued. I started my holistic health business in 1999 in Australia, focusing on healing the mind-body connection. Some trainings include intuitive bodywork, remedial therapies, energy work, Reiki, Pellowah healing, facial harmony balancing, cranial sacral, Ortho-Bionomy, NLP, CBT-depression/trauma, Hypnotherapy, Timeline Therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, Yoga teaching, transformation coaching, trainer/assessor, psychic and tarot readings, and many other modalities.

A big “aha” moment I received over 20 years ago was that you cannot heal the physical body solely with the mind that created it—the two work together. This realization led me to teach personal development workshops, coaching, and training to empower others to heal their own body. I channel profound messages for clients, as I know that we can change every cell in our body with our thoughts and by what we focus on.

YOU are here to vibrate your light—let it shine!

Life is about freedom. We are all here to experience the freedom and love within us.

Mantra to repeat through the day—I feel so blessed to be alive today.


We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Petar Vojinovic is a content editor for Mystic Mag, where he curates and oversees content related to mysticism, psychics, and spiritual practices. In his role, Petar oversees content creation, ensuring that each article, interview, and feature provides valuable insights into the mystical world. He collaborates with experts in the field to present a wide range of topics, from tarot readings to holistic healing methods, maintaining the site's reputation for authenticity and depth. Petar's interest in spirituality and mysticism has been a lifelong passion. He has a background in cultural studies, which gave him a unique perspective on ancient spiritual practices and their relevance in modern times. Before joining Mystic Mag, Petar wrote for various publications, focusing on alternative medicine and the metaphysical. Outside of work, Petar enjoys practicing meditation and studying astrology. His fascination with the occult continues to fuel his dedication to exploring the unknown.