It’s MysticMag‘s pleasure to introduce The Light Bringer, a holistic healer who emerged from personal trauma to illuminate the path of spiritual awakening. In this exclusive interview, discover the transformative journey and powerful modalities behind The Light Bringer’s mission to activate inner healing and happiness.
How did you get into holistic healing and what sparked your interest in it?
My dad was a big influence in my early upbringing by teaching me esoteric topics, discussions around energy, parallel realities, quantum field, the universe, etc. However, as I grew older, I became a bit disconnected from all that and was more and more focused on the physical experiences in life. As I later found out, most of the people who are in the healing space have had their own trauma. They’ve had their own dark night of the soul. That was also the case for me. For years I had many factors that contributed to my eventual awakening. I had a rough time going through a very energetic and exhausting divorce that lasted over 4 years to complete and essentially cost me pretty much everything that I had in terms of my family, finances, homes, and 401K. I also lost family members around that time, so there were a lot of depressing thoughts I was carrying around. In addition to that, during COVID the career I was involved in for 15 years abruptly ended as the company downsized so they let me go.
I was feeling down at the time and the straw that broke the camel’s back was when I was in the neighborhood grilling at our community pool, and there was this loud explosion outside in the street. I ran outside of the pool and there was a car on fire in the middle of the gated community that we live in. It was a crash and I was the first one at the scene. Unfortunately, people were trapped inside the car, and there was nothing I could do about it. The fire was extremely hot and I could just feel their ashes landing on me. The car was just immediately incinerated and the bodies inside were beyond recognition. Once the fire was put out by the efforts of the firefighters, I realized that the car belonged to my next-door neighbor and his wife. Both my neighbors and their dog were killed in the accident and burned alive in front of my eyes.
That pushed me over the edge in terms of feeling extreme depression and everything that was just piling on top of each other, so I started seeking some additional help. I started going to psychiatrists and taking medications, but none of it was really working. It was just numbing the pain. However, I have a psychology background, so I started looking into how to rewire the brain to be able to not be a victim of the circumstances. In addition to that, I fell into the path of energy psychology and how to work with clearing the energetic effect of events that happen within the body. It had a snowball effect and I discovered and learned different modalities such as hypnosis, meditation, breathwork, crystal healing, Reiki, NLP, Eye Movement Integration, timeline therapy, etc. All of those things helped me get better and better. Before I knew it, I just completely put aside the pills and fell in love with the healing that I was actually receiving.
At one point, I realized that it was really my calling and all of this had happened for me to recognize that I can actually help heal myself and that now that I found the light, I can also help others who might be in similar situations and don’t know how to get out of them. I would be able to show them a different holistic way of approaching things instead of loading the body with chemicals, which just numb the pain for the most part. I don’t deny the Western medicine, obviously, it has its own uses. However, we forget this body of ours is a pharmacy of its own and is so powerful in its own way, and very capable of getting us out of turbulent times. That’s basically how I got started in this line of work, I found out how to heal and let light, love, and hope back into my life. Healing is an ongoing process and I am blessed to have learned skills to be able to help myself and other beautiful souls.
What ideas and principles do you base your life coaching on?
I strongly believe that our thoughts create our feelings and emotions. Generally speaking, you cannot experience emotions without some sort of thoughts first. Essentially our personal reality and the life that we experience consist of the way we think, the way we feel, and the way we act, this is called our personality and forms our personal reality. If we’re upset with something that is going on in our life and we want to have a different experience, it’s challenging to change that since we’re pre-wired with limiting thoughts and beliefs that are rooted in our subconscious mind, and our subconscious mind that runs 95% of our operating system is loaded with programs that are limiting beliefs and do not serve us. This leaves 5% of the conscious mind to do the work which is almost unattainable if you compare its capacity compared to the 95% program that runs our lives. In order to change that, we have to continuously think differently, and the result of thinking differently is feeling differently and, finally, acting differently. Therefore our personality starts to change, and with different techniques to reprogram the subconscious mind on a regular basis, all of a sudden, our entire existence and our entire experience in life is going to change. However, it all starts with the power of our mind and our thoughts and believing that we can shift and transform our lives.
That’s what I usually work on with my clients, especially when I’m doing one-on-one work and I want to see what they’re struggling with. If somebody is either stressed or depressed, I might jokingly add “You’ve been working pretty hard at it” and they might ask “What do you mean?” What I mean is that stress and depression are not something that is created by one thought. It’s a continuous pattern of thoughts that puts you in that state. It is common knowledge in neurology that “neurons that fire together, wire together”, so if you are constantly thinking of images that give you anxiety and depression, you are actively creating this toxic environment in your brain and your body. What’s important is to understand that if your thoughts can make you sick, they can also heal you. It’s a beautiful polarity that our brain has the power to deliver both. So, which one do you want to focus on and which one are you ready to embody and make sure it serves you? That’s the basis of it, being aware of your thoughts, which is the foundation for meditation which is about becoming familiar with your thoughts. Our body is 99 percent empty space at an atomic and subatomic level! We have a universe within us, yet we are always looking for the answers outside. That’s also a big part of my work, aimed at seeing how people can find peace and calm and start going inward instead of looking for answers outside of themselves.
You use many different modalities in your work, from Reiki and Energy Psychology to Motivational Speaking and Transformational Vocabulary. How do you combine your knowledge and skills from all of them to achieve the best results for your clients?
It depends on what the client is dealing with. For example, a client can come in with back issues. Sometimes a lot of our bodily pain is a manifestation of energy that is blocked and a lot of that has to do with the thoughts that could have been manifested in a different way. Accumulation of it can get trapped in different parts of the body. It also could be a physical pain like pulling a muscle at the gym, but a lot of bodily pain and disease have roots in psychological and energetic blocks in the body. So it really depends if it’s appropriate to use Reiki or crystal healing, or just discover the root of the pain and implement energy psychology, hypnosis, and other modalities.
For example, I had a client who was suffering from sciatic pain in his leg. We did Reiki, and some crustal work and temporarily relieved his pain. I started asking him questions about the pain and when it started. He said that he had this pain 4 times throughout his life. When I asked when it usually manifests, he said that it occurs around the time he has a significant shift in his life, and probing more, we realized all shifts up to that point were related to losses, whether it was a divorce, a miscarriage, or a loss of career. It happened every time he had a loss in his life! That’s why we had to go even further back and I found out that his parents had actually experienced something similar, also related to miscarriages. He was an offspring who followed a miscarriage so that energetic emotion had been transferred to him from his mother. Sometimes, we carry generational trauma and they get triggered regularly without us even knowing why.
This is essentially energy psychology. You’re able to use different techniques such as eye movement integration, timeline therapy, or hypnosis, Psych K to clear triggers like that out of a person’s system. As for the client I mentioned, I’m happy to report that for the past year that I’ve been working with him, he hasn’t experienced any sciatic pain. We actually played some soccer together with our kids and he is completely pain-free once he realized his thoughts are making him ill!
A lot of the pain that we experience in our bodies has psychological roots, but we often forget that and want to just numb the pain with medicine, alcohol, or recreational drugs instead of finding out what is causing this pain and why we’re having the issue in question.
What is your most popular therapy service and can you walk me through a typical session for that modality?
What I find to be the most popular and also the most powerful group therapy is our 2-hour Energy Healing Journey which we call the Zero Point Experience and is provided through one of the companies I am a proud cofounder of, called Zero Point Activation. Typically, when clients come in for a session, they arrive from the day-to-day hustle and bustle and they might be stressed out, so we start with some gentle breathwork and guided meditation to calm the nerves. Then we do some Tai Chi moves just to relax the body and mind and bring them down to a calmer level and introduce them to some basic energy work. It also involves some somatic breathwork. Somatic breathwork is a profound healing modality that allows the body to start healing itself with your own breath. During this process, your breath is the medicine and the body does the healing as clients are able to go deep and connect to unresolved trauma that may not be even on their radar.
People can experience different kinds of traumas in their lives, which can be stored in our subconscious, causing us pain. That can be generational trauma, and we carry up to 14 generations, emotional trauma in our system, or the trauma of birth, as the actual physical birth is quite traumatic for the baby, especially if the baby is having complications and is not being reunited with its mother immediately. There’s a lot of things that can happen. During this process of somatic breathwork, clients can experience profound breakthroughs and emotional releases, whether it’s screaming, laughter, body-shaking, etc. The process usually lasts around 40 minutes. After it’s done, we bring it down with a beautiful sound bath, as sound healing has been known for thousands of years to be a powerful energy healing modality. It gives a person a feeling of rebirth; a feeling of accessing that zero point of the heart. Everything is calm, serene, and blissful. You feel your heart filled with love and your body relieved of the stress of things that was just sitting on you. We have clients who are regularly joining us on a monthly basis for this therapeutic session.
One of the things that I love to remind people of is that we may go to the gym daily, we wash our face and brush our teeth, but how often do you cleanse this energy body that is called the soul? How often do you do that? A lot of us have never done it, and it becomes a very profound experience when you actually experience it for the very first time. People are sometimes quick to say “Oh, it’s not for me, I am not into spirituality!” I am here to remind your readers, that you are an eternal and spiritual being who is having a human experience! And the sooner you understand that the more fulfilled and beautiful your life experiences become.
What can you tell me about the work that you do through Zero Point Activation?
Zero Point Activation is exactly what I just described. It’s myself, Andrea of Gaya, and Josh the Keymaker who formed this beautiful organization. We have come together and brought all our experiences and expertise to put these profound journeys and sessions together. In addition to the journeys that we do for adults, we have also worked closely with a beautiful organization called ROWI for Teens, which deals with teenagers who are having a hard time coping in society by having depression, anxiety, and many other forms of traumas. It’s an honor to be working with these beautiful souls to actually help them during this early stage of life. We want them to learn how to deal with the stress of life and manage anxiety and depression through breathwork, sound healing, meditation, Tai Chi, Yoga, etc.
Our overall mission with Zero Point Activation is to essentially activate as many beautiful souls as possible and bring them closer to connecting with that inner universe that is within us. Happiness comes from within and is manifested in our outer world based on our vibrational frequency and until we learn how to master this ancient art, we can fill our lives with all the material things we can get our hands on, yet still feel something is missing! Most of us are focused on the outside as a stimulus instead of going inward and being able to deal with it in a different way and recognizing that we’re all creators, not victims of our circumstances. It’s all about how you want to approach life and bring out the beautiful side of life that we’re all meant to experience.
How can people get in touch with you?
If anyone is interested in contacting us, they can do it either through my personal website www.Brainwashedcreations.com, or through www.zeropointactivation.org which is our official website. We just recently launched our merchandising platform which can be accessed through www.shopzeropoint.com.
They can follow us on TikTok, Instagram @zeropointactivation, or visit our YouTube channels and podcasts to see mindfulness messages and practices.
All our upcoming sessions and retreats are listed on our website www.zeropointactivation.org and we’re very communicative with the audience, so if anybody has any questions, or if they need any additional support or guidance, feel free to drop us a line.
Remember that we are all connected, you are worthy, you are loved, you are enough, you are light & this human experience is a gift to be cherished!