From her earliest days, Laura was immersed in an environment steeped in spirituality, mentored by her father, a platform medium. Though she didn’t immediately recognize her calling, Laura always felt an innate pull toward helping others. That moment of realization arrived in a whirlwind of awakening, sparking her mission to heal, transform, and uplift. With her signature blend of divine energy, humor, and heartfelt compassion, Laura has guided countless individuals toward emotional, physical, and spiritual breakthroughs. Her work knows no bounds; she delves into energy fields, ancestral imprints, and the soul’s deepest layers to ignite profound change. Beyond her coaching, Laura is a passionate educator, training others in life-changing modalities to amplify the ripple effect of her mission. Her initiative, The Good Life, underscores her commitment to community, mental health, and well-being, fostering support and hope for those in need. In this Mystic Mag‘s interview, Laura shares her remarkable journey from beginner to leader, the magic of soul alignment.
Your approach combines rapid transformation and soul-centered coaching. How do these methods complement each other in helping clients achieve lasting change?
I have come to learn, there are some souls that have spiritually awakened very quickly, with a purpose to fulfil. This is usually to serve, heal or help a larger community of people and they have a knowing of something bigger than themselves. There are many processes that I learned and adapted to help these souls cut through the noise and ‘normal’ longer routes to help them embody and evolve in an authentic and sustainable way.
Combining these techniques with the heart space, the gateway to soul, uncovers the heavier residence pieces to help then align to this open hearted and service based timeline that transcends ‘them’ and into ‘us’.
You emphasize rapid transformation in your practice. What does ‘rapid’ truly mean in the context of deep personal and spiritual growth?
When I use the term ‘rapid’, I am highlighting the ‘opportunity’ to transcend the common belief that this work (personal growth & spiritual growth) takes a long time. This is a nuanced conversation as, yes, it can take a long time, depending on the individual and what they are working through, yet, when we open up to the core of ourselves and how it is connected to co-creation, this is when we can slip into immediate alchemy and transformation creating a life that we desire, completing karmic bounds and working through virtuous living.
It is normal through time to heal wounds, understand why situations happened to us to help us. What isn’t so common is doing it in seconds. That is the type of work I facilitate. With heaps of fun.
I also believe and have seen time and time again, that when we lean into fun and a lighter perspective, our desires, goals, relationships, opportunities flow abundantly.
What type of services do you offer?
I offer a range of 1-1 sessions, packages, development courses and training to suit all levels of growth and can also certify others in this rapid context of healing. I like to play with the energetics with the bodies of work that I create, whether it be deeply transformational and held in soul exploration or it is a rapid momentum building container. I like to explore and create experiences for people.
It is so important to learn the foundations of this work, but also to learn how to evolve across the full spectrum of evolving through by addressing root cause issues.
I love building relationships and really helping people achieve what they desire using a range of techniques layered with spiritual application and evolution to mix high caliber ‘mystics’ with reality.
What inspired you to integrate soul specialization into your work, and how does it influence the coaching process?
The collaboration of ‘soul’ level belief work into my coaching happened very naturally as opposed to a conscious decision. I noticed that the souls that were coming to me and having the most profound shifts had deep rooted beliefs that were affecting virtues playing out in repetition through all areas of life.
This meant that the majority of the work I was doing was within the way the soul was evolving through this human experience and how to connect the client, consciously, unconsciously, emotionally, energetically and spiritually to these patterns so that they could ‘choose’ how to evolve rather than have the situations ‘happen’ to them causing hardships and a difficult life. ‘To have to suffer to achieve’. When you work with the soul, you anticipate the lessons making the experience easier, and it quicker to ‘rapidly’ transform it.
It influences the process in a plethora of ways. Connection, experience, emotional connection, synergising all energetic bodies for a full ‘technicolour’ experience. It goes beyond a healing session or package. It creates a vortex of life transformation, unique to the soul/client. It gives me so much joy to facilitate and witness this synergy. Even to type it feels amazing!
Many people struggle with identifying their life purpose. How do you guide clients in uncovering and aligning with their soul’s mission?
The common misconception about life purpose is that it’s something you haven’t yet achieved. In reality, you have already been accomplishing and successfully living your life’s purpose, though many people find this hard to accept.
Society often imposes the idea of a “life purpose” as a singular, grand goal—like something out of a movie. However, life’s purpose is not one monumental achievement. It’s composed of countless situations and accomplishments throughout your life. Some may feel bigger and more significant, while others might seem small or go unnoticed. Yet, each contributes to your purpose.
A person who seeks to embody and understand virtues lives multiple life purposes simultaneously. Reflecting on your life, consider this: what have you already accomplished? What lessons have you learned along the way? These achievements and insights are evidence that you’ve fulfilled aspects of your life’s purpose.
So, I ask you: What do you feel has been a life purpose for you so far? How have you grown from those experiences? Could you use that growth to help others?
Understanding that you’ve already been living your life’s purpose can bring a sense of peace and empowerment. From this perspective, you can consciously choose and create your next purpose by building on the foundation of what you’ve already achieved, rather than feeling that you have had to suffer to get to a point where you ‘feel’ accomplished enough and as though you have done something with your life, because the reality is, you already are.