Dr. Larry Taylor from The Unstuck Spirit is a certified spiritual director, board certified life coach, a board certified chaplain, & ordained minister with a Ph.D. in psychology who helps people get spiritually untangled & unstuck from whatever is holding them back from being fully human & fully alive. In this feature Dr. Taylor shares how spiritual guidance can help explore and nurture your spiritual journey.
Please tell us a bit about your background and what led you to help guide others in their life challenges?
I was raised by two scientists in a very intellectual home, became a Christian in the Jesus Movement, was active in civil rights and anti-war movements, and have served as a pastor, psychotherapist, chaplain, life coach and spiritual director. I lost my oldest son to suicide, was divorced, remarried, and struggled with depression. I’m happily married; we have 5 children, 8 grandchildren and an old wiener dog. My particular niche is helping people who feel spiritually stuck and want to dive more deeply into meaning, purpose, and the divine.
How would you describe Spiritual Direction?
I would define spiritual direction as the process of exploring your personal spiritual path with someone trained to listen and discern. Spiritual direction helps people deepen their intimacy with the divine and get unstuck from unhealthy views of God, themselves, and others. The goal is union, divine love, soul abundance, and generous service to others.
What can people do to get the most out of spiritual guidance?
Find a good spiritual director – someone who has deep heart wisdom, listens carefully, and shares when prompted. Then, be open and honest, share whatever is on your heart. Undergird that with caring for yourself, reading good books, and as much prayer/meditation as you have time for.
In your opinion, what is one of the biggest things that holds people back from living a fulfilling life?
I’d say not fully experiencing the depth of love available to them might be a primary thing that holds people back from experiencing the fulness of life. Speaking from my tradition, I find many people who may identify as Christian at some level, but have never internalized the truth that God is perfect love, that they are accepted and welcomed just as they are into the innermost heart of the divine where they will find healing, forgiveness, and grace.
Do you have any spiritual or self-care practices that you regularly follow or would recommend?
Reading sacred scriptures, contemplation, meditation, prayer, tai chi, conversations with wise people, regular spiritual direction, long walks in nature, writing poetry, creating abstract paintings, loving those in my circle, and periodic therapy have helped me so far on my journey.