Embark on a mystical journey with Rev. Krista McKeon, a distinguished Reiki Master-Teacher, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Metaphysical Minister, whose lifelong passion for the metaphysical has transformed countless lives. Beginning her exploration at the age of 14, Krista has immersed herself in the world’s mysteries, studying diverse teachings and cultures. Her relentless quest for knowledge and healing has led her to master various modalities, including Shiatsu Massage, Reiki, and Reflexology, and to attain a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Metaphysics from the University of Metaphysical Sciences. Krista’s unique blend of intuitive gifts and therapeutic expertise is evident in her roles as a Certified Angel Card Reader™ and a practitioner of the Alexander Method® Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy. Her journey as a “Wounded Healer” adds depth to her mission, as she seeks to address issues at their core, guiding others through the tumultuous paths she herself has navigated. In this exclusive Mystic Mag‘s interview, we delve into the enchanting world of Magick and Miracles with Krista, exploring her insights, experiences, and the transformative power of metaphysical healing.
At just 14, you began exploring the mystical and metaphysical. Can you share a pivotal moment or experience from your early years that ignited your passion for these fields?
I had always felt different from my birth family, like I was the ugly duckling dropped into the wrong family. I have clear memories of looking up to the sky asking why I was here and when were “they” going to let me come home. It wasn’t until at age 14 when I met my high school best friend that I understood I wasn’t the only one who thought the way I did. This was my pivotal moment. This was the moment I no longer felt alone in this big bad world. She and I began to have daily conversations and started to delve into other religious teachings, such as Buddhism, Hinduism and the like, where I saw the common thread in them all. This spurred further lifelong study and pursuit of that thread and where it led. It led to many occult and metaphysical teachings that somehow rang truer for me than any of the traditional belief systems. With every book I read, I just felt that passion to know more grow. At essence, I was a seeker of Divine Truth and haven’t stopped seeking yet.
You describe yourself as a perpetual student, always seeking new knowledge. What are some of the most impactful teachings or philosophies you’ve encountered, and how have they shaped your practice?
Like most practitioners from my spiritual generation, Doreen Virtue’s book “The Lightworker’s Way: Awakening Your Spiritual Power to Know and Heal” resonated deeply. I saw my life within her pages. Wayne Dyer was also profoundly impactful on my journey. But to be honest, my path has been extremely eclectic, as I allowed my path to unfold naturally to be guided to what my heart needed to know at that given moment. And the Universe never failed to provide the next steppingstone to more and greater understanding. With every book, course, video, and teacher that crossed my path, another piece of the puzzle seemed to fall into place for me, shaping my view on the world and spirituality, forming my own unique connection and expression.
What type of services do you offer?
I offer Shiatsu Massage, which is a pressure point technique to balance out the energy flow through the body’s meridians, where clients remain fully clothed. I also offer Reiki energy healing, Reflexology for feet and hands, and Raindrop Therapy, the essential oil technique created by D. Gary Young.
But my absolute favorite to quickly and easily help clients clear current life blocks, ancestral
Traumas and “curses” (DNA blocks), along with other life blocks (past and future) is The Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy (TAMVSET) by Lisa Alexander. I haven’t seen anything in my 25 years of practice that works as profoundly. Being a Master practitioner of TAMVSET, I also offer Past Life Regressions which can be quite cathartic and therapeutic for the client. But I love having all these tools at my fingertips to meet people where they are on their journey.
I also offer Card Readings to help people get guidance and clarity along their path. These are
particularly fun for me because I never know what energies will animate me from one reading to the next.
For those who are ready to learn to be practitioners, I teach workshops in all levels of Usui Reiki, Young Living’s Raindrop Therapy, and Card Reading. I am also the only certified teacher, besides Lisa Alexander, of The Alexander Method® (TAM) and for the last year and a half I have been her school’s Director of Education for new TAM practitioners.
With training in Shiatsu Massage, Reiki, and Reflexology, how do you integrate these diverse bodywork practices into your healing sessions to address both physical and energetic issues?
Shiatsu, Reiki, Reflexology, and the body forks of The Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Body Therapy complement each other very nicely and are quite easy to blend and incorporate into any session. But as I tell my clients, because I offer many different modalities that can address a plethora of issues from physical aches and pains to energetically feeling off or drained, whatever is most needed in the moment when they cross my threshold is what we try to address. So, if a client booked a Shiatsu session, but really needs Reiki, we do that instead or combine them. I follow my intuition (and theirs) and follow what the body and energy call for.
I see my job as being their guide on the healing journey, always deferring to the client’s intuition and building their connection with their own body’s knowledge. I seek to empower and educate them in the time I have with them, because there is a lot of life that happens between appointments, and I want them to have the tools and perspective to help themselves going forward.
As someone who identifies as a “Wounded Healer,” how have your personal experiences with life’s challenges informed and enriched your ability to help others heal?
I believe any healer who has come to the profession honestly has come to it by going through their own transformative fires. As one of my Masters once told me, “No experience is wasted.” He was absolutely right. Everything I have gone through has built a greater sense of compassion and understanding within me for those I help. I know personally, if I am working with someone who has “been there” and “done that” and has come out ahead, I know then it’s possible for me too. People need hope when they are going through tough times. They need a strong hug and a safe place with no judgment to let their guard down in order to heal. They need to know they have been truly heard and are not going through it alone. My experiences help in creating the safe comfortable space needed for them to open to the healing being offered through me.
The name of your practice is Magick & Miracles. How do you define “magick” and “miracles” in the context of your work, and how do they manifest in your healing sessions?
I actually got the name from one of my clients. They told me after a session that by working my special brand of magick I help create miracles in their lives. I loved it, so I took on that name. But to me the “magick” is the energy and intention behind my touch, my voice, my presence when I work with someone. I give someone my full attention and listen for what they may not be saying but need. Then I do my best to bring that energy forth to help ease their pain, whether that is physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. That to me is where the miracle lies…how they feel afterwards. Most clients say no matter what service/modality they receive, they feel lighter when they leave. To me that translates into burdens lifted and troubles left behind. And that for me is why I do this work, to give a brief moment of respite and a greater sense of peace in a sometimes-tumultuous unfeeling world.