In the realm of spirituality and intuitive guidance, Kirsten Sandefur stands out as a beacon of wisdom and insight. As the Solutions Based Oracle and proud owner of Psychic Babes, Kirsten has dedicated her life to helping others navigate the complexities of existence and find their own unique paths to fulfillment. With a wealth of metaphysical knowledge and a deep understanding of the human psyche, Kirsten has become a trusted advisor and mentor to countless individuals seeking clarity and direction. Her exceptional abilities as an oracle allow her to tap into the unseen realms and channel divine messages that provide profound solutions to life’s challenges. At Psychic Babes, Kirsten has created a nurturing space where individuals can explore their spiritual selves and access the wisdom of the universe. With a team of skilled psychics and intuitive practitioners, she has cultivated an environment that fosters growth, healing, and personal transformation. Embark on a journey of self-discovery with Mystic Mag and embrace the power of solutions-based divination with Kirsten Sandefur, the visionary force behind Psychic Babes.
How did you become involved in the field of metaphysical and healing therapy, and what inspired you to start Psychic Babes?
I have had Intuitive gifts since I was 4 years old. I had a vision that my grandfather was going to be in the hospital and he was admitted to the ICU a day later. I was always interested in esoteric studies and psychology and I got my degree in Psychology from TCU. After my divorce from my daughters father which was a very spiritually enlightening time for me I decided I wanted to use my gifts to help myself and others and decided to start my company. Psychic Babes Is a Play on words. We are all psychic but yet we are all babies or babies in this field of understanding and how to use these gifts.
Can you explain some of the different modalities you utilize in your healing and oracle work at Psychic Babes? How do these modalities complement each other?
I use many different modalities some which are very well known in our industry such as Psych-K which reprograms your subconscious, Past Life Regressions which uses hypnosis to recall past lives and previous incarnations, Muscle testing to identify areas of concern and test them for accuracy and Radiesthesia which involves the use of a pendulum for identifying illness and double checking the accuracy of gifts. I have also with the help of my guides come up with a new healing modality that works on healing the body by using the avatar or the etheric body so there isn’t as likely to be rejection. The reason oftentimes energy healing doesn’t work is because when a foreign energy source comes into our energy field it often rejects it. When we work on the avatar, it overlays on the body so the body doesn’t perceive it as an external threat and is more effective in relieving pain and clearing up issues in the body. These works are all modalities I use together to increase my accuracy, give a more definitive picture to the client and allow them to explore all aspects of malignancy or illness in the body and allow them to understand the source and ultimately heal the original wound.
What type of services do you offer?
I offer oracle readings which can be for general all around issues or can focus in depth on love and relationships, career and goals or spiritual guidance, Psych K in person readings, Avatar healing which is done via phone or zoom, Past Life Regressions via zoom, Entity Removals and Starseed Readings which is done via email and uses galactic astrology to determine someone’s galactic history and possibly identify which past lives have been on other planets and those traits and characteristics.
In what ways do you incorporate personal empowerment and self-development into your services at Psychic Babes? How do you help clients tap into their own inner wisdom?
Sadly when we got this body no one ever gave us an appropriate user manual on how to use it to its fullest. We can’t tap into our full power without understanding who we are and how to navigate things energetically. I like to show people that they have a lot more power over things than they think. The current modalities in psychiatry are not yet well equipped to handle the new data coming into our energy fields and until science addresses this fully in a comprehensive manner all of the alternatives such as Psychic Babes that address the energetics and the emotions of the body, mind and spirit complex will serve as adjunct means to assist someone in fully discovering who they are and how to gain control over their lives.
How do you approach providing solutions through oracle readings?
I always meet people where they are at in their lives so I never offer solutions unless someone can understand how the problem got there. They may not decide to use that solution but in order for them to understand how to get the outcome they seek they need to understand that the universe is supporting each and every one of us but they might be making choices that are incongruent with what they are actually seeking. I find It Is much more effective to teach someone to fish than to fish for them. If someone is just looking for answers without an understanding of why I am seeing that outcome they are missing part of the equation. Oftentimes people like to say intuitive things are inaccurate but inaccuracy isn’t usually the problem, it’s simply a translation error. If you offer the breakdown of the translation, most people can identify if that error exists which empowers them to see they are more intuitive than they even understand.
What advice would you give to someone who is considering exploring metaphysical and healing therapy but may be skeptical or unsure about its effectiveness?
It is good to be skeptical. Discernment is paramount in any field of self discovery and healing because oftentimes we deceive ourselves. Just like any other viable modality, you should seek accuracy and verifiable results. There is often a misconception that anything in this field cannot be measured, but that is incorrect. We measure by results. Did the person have a good outcome? Are they being affected positively? How accurate was the intuitive person in their analysis? No field is without flaws and there are certainly many in how we approach analysis in this field but hopefully more people can open their hearts and minds to allow for new information to come through. My hope is that more people will allow for this field to develop further and we can continue to advance our study and knowledge of this field.