MysticMag meets Kelley Towne, a natural-born witch and psychic, who has been harnessing her unique abilities since she was 12 years old, to empower individuals worldwide in claiming their destinies. Kelley, the creative force behind Realm of Spirit, wears many hats, including that of a spiritual advisor, teacher, and emerging author. Her psychic journey began in childhood, where she uncovered her innate gifts, including clairvoyance, clairsentience, precognition, retrocognition, and dream travel. Through her exceptional insights and understanding of the flow of time, Kelley helps individuals make informed decisions for the best possible outcomes, revealing that while some things may be predestined, the rest is entirely within your control.
Can you tell us more about your journey and how you discovered your natural psychic gifts?
My journey started in childhood. I was drawn to all things mystical from a young age. I was 8 when I started to become intrigued by witchcraft. I like to say it all started with astrology and herbal medicine, and when I was a preteen I experienced prophetic dreams for the very first time. Some may call this “dreaming true”, but it is when you dream of future events. For example, I would dream of someone from school I hadn’t seen in a long time, only to see them at the doctor’s office in the waiting room within a week. I started to practice Wicca at age 12, and I was able to study, practice and hone my skills from this point on. I no longer follow Wicca per se, as I started to practice pre-Gardnerian witchcraft at around age 17, but with this, I learned more about my ancestry and how that all plays into this.
My mother’s direct line is very psychic and open to all of this stuff. My mother’s intuition is as sharp as a knife, and her dreams speak to her just like mine do with me. Her mother before her had some intuitive gifts, but her mother before her also practiced Catholic folk magic from Italy (called benedicaria). Of course, I’m a far cry from this because I associate more with paganism and working with the lore and land I call home, but I digress. When I was in my freshman year of college, I started to see white mists hanging in the air despite there being no fog or moist weather. Around 2017 is when I lost my grandmother and a dear friend of mine, and I started to perceive spirits a lot more easily. It was very intimidating at first, and needless to say, my journey with my psychic abilities has not been an easy one. Then again, is anything worth having ever easy?
I spent a lot of the first years of being a practicing witch in solitude, and my psychic abilities went with the territory so I had to figure out a lot for myself. At first, my parents were not very keen on me being a witch, but eventually they came around. I studied and honed my Craft by reading as much as I could get my hands on, and I got my first Tarot deck at age 14. From there, this became my specialty, because I would practice readings for myself, recording my findings and results in a designated journal, and even providing free readings to my Instagram followers before going professional with it. I also have experience with other kinds of divination like scrying – a favorite I like to teach students because it trains your physical eyes as a manifestation of your third eye and a means through which you can perceive things visually. My gifts include clairvoyance, clairsentience, precognition, retrocognition, and dream travel.
What led you to embrace your abilities and start helping others through Realm of Spirit?
As I mentioned, I did practice mini-readings for my Instagram followers before I finally decided to read professionally in 2016, and that is when I came up with Realm of Spirit. Being a psychic means I have the power to alter circumstances, either my own or other people’s. It is truly a profound calling to have, but it comes with a lot of responsibility which can be burdensome at times, but then I remember the importance of my calling. Realm of Spirit has expanded over the years, with my proficiency level increasing and my client base growing. I’ve even opened a special program called Magical Tutoring, where I instruct witches and occultists on their paths. Since no two paths are alike, I take a holistic approach. I’ve reached a point where I’ve been doing this for so long that it is essential that I teach and share what I know. I’ve helped my students literally shape their lives; one such example includes a young mother who, always having been intrigued by witchcraft, became fearless with her power under my instruction and went from poverty to working a six-figure job that she absolutely loves. She not only can live a good life for herself, but also provide a solid future for her family. I also have taught classes at Modern Magic Academy in Salem, Massachusetts, which has been a really special experience. Even now, I am constantly learning more about myself and in the processing embracing my capabilities, regardless of how scared or intimidated I am at the time. This is a lesson for everyone – embrace what makes you special, and if you are scared of what you’re capable of, find out why. There’s likely a reason behind it, but once you overcome that limitation, what you desire is there waiting for you.
In your work as a spiritual advisor and psychic, you mention using the flow of time to assist people in making better decisions. Could you elaborate on how this process works and how it benefits your clients?
Time is something that has always fascinated me, and it has played such a significant role in my personal practice and style of divination for quite some time. Being an Aquarius, Saturn is one of my planetary rulers. In antiquity and even in modern magic, Saturn is the planetary influence of discipline, maturity, endings, death, the spirit world, and of course, time. The past, the present and the future are all enmeshed in what I call the fabric of reality, and while many models of time exist, I work from one point in time when I am doing a reading. In this moment in time, I am able to work with my client to see what’s come to past and what is to come, as they both come together in that present moment. When I work with the model of time, it helps me to better predict outcomes for my clients and better advise them on what to do (or not) in their current situation and beyond. The flow of time also can be applied to your magical practice in various ways, because every time you perform a spell, you are creating a new reality with its outcome. If you, for example, perform a spell on yourself, you are stepping into a new version of you that is better suited for one period in your life. In hindsight, you also can use the flow of time to see where you have been and what you were like, say, 10 years ago; and what you will become in another 10 years. Of course, the latter of these is variable because the choices you make affect that.
Many people are curious about the concept of destiny and free will. How do you balance the idea of predestined events with the choices individuals can make in their lives?
Most things, in my experience, can be predicted. When you’re able to predict something, you can either help make it happen or avoid it. In the end, I encourage self-reliance and resourcefulness in all of my clients so that they make the best choices for them. At the end of the day, I have no control over what my client chooses to do. I am simply meant to be there as a guide to provide insight. There have been a few occasions where I’d have someone disregard the counsel I provided in a reading, only to have it backfire by having an unfavorable outcome happen. Even then, I accept the fact that their free will got them there. On the other hand, there are predestined events, which are inevitable life occurrences.
Although it is grim, death is one example of a predestined event, and as much as we can delay the inevitable by adhering to a healthy diet, getting exercise, getting plenty of sunshine and water, all things die. All things end. I notice many people have a poor relationship with death, and even fear it. If anything they fear the ‘when’ and ‘how’ more than anything. These may be variable, but the event itself is inevitable. Birth is another one of these inevitable events; the flipside of the former, life always finds a way. Yet in today’s day and age, it is seen as a choice for many people to even have children.
That is another situation where personal choice and free will come into the equation, but what about us – me doing this interview, you listening to me, or those reading? You did not choose to be born. It was inevitable that you would be here, alive in this very moment. That means you are here for a reason, to fulfill a purpose and a duty. It also means you are here to live, to make choices for yourself and others, and carve your way down any path you are meant to be on. That is where someone like me comes in – to assist you with doing just that. Our decisions, big or small, have an effect on our outcomes, and in my experience doing readings, it overlaps with other aspects of your life. For example, your love life can tie into your career or finances.
What are some common challenges or questions that clients come to you with, and how do you help them navigate these issues using your psychic abilities?
A lot of people come to me asking about the usual – their love lives, career, money, school if they are in university. Then I get frivolous questions from people asking when they are going to die or how, or expect for my word to be a substitute for qualified advice (ie: from a lawyer, doctor). I also have gotten desperate, lovelorn people wanting their ex back, and people wanting to see me more often than the one-month cap I have because they are so obsessed with the outcome of something. In those cases, I say “wait a month” – this also means to wait an entire moon cycle, which I use in my style of divination. I also get more specific questions relating to dilemmas that my clients are going through, and from there, we are able to look into answers, insights and solutions together. When providing counsel to a client, I make sure it is an immersive experience so that we are both looking into these things.
You mentioned being an up-and-coming author. Can you share any insights into the topics or themes you plan to explore in your writing, and how your experiences as a psychic and spiritual advisor may influence your work?
Earlier this summer, I signed on with Crossed Crow Books to release my debut title, Stones in the Glade: The Old Craft. It is set for release in August 2024, and it is a book that is written from my experiences and perspectives on witchcraft as a practitioner born and raised in New England. This is a writing project I started back in university and it has been worked on intermittently until the pandemic hit. That was when I decided to rip it apart and rewrite many parts of it, and I decided to take it more seriously. I decided it was time for it to be released out into the world and shared with the community, and it is my sincere hope that it is helpful to witches and occultists on their paths, and helps the curious find their way. In the book, I write a lot about the history and folklore of New England in relation to witchcraft, and include practical information about such topics as divination, spirit working, spellcasting and crafting, and much more. I’m super excited for its release and I’m grateful to be working with such an amazing team.
If you would like to find out more about Kelley Towne, visit https://www.realmofspirit.com/ or follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realmofspiritofficial/
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