Kathryn Brewer‘s journey began with a near-death experience at birth, leading her to a life of unique perspectives and suppressed abilities. After a life threatening experience in the ER, she reclaimed her true self through meditation and education. Finding a metaphysical center, she embraced her cosmic energy communication and purpose. Now, Kathryn serves as a guide to leaders and evolutionaries, navigating the transformative “shift of the ages” on Earth, fully embracing her gifts and inviting others to join in the journey. MysticMag finds out more.
Kathryn, your journey involves a profound shift from suppressing your abilities to embracing them. Can you share more about the pivotal moments or experiences that led you to reconnect with your innate gifts and purpose?
Most of the wake-up calls I received came through my body. The first was when I was 33, in the ER in anaphylactic shock, having an epinephrine shot in my heart. I knew I wasn’t going to die, and I also knew I would die if I continued to hide who I really was.
Then I was introduced to a teacher of psychic abilities and her exercises borrowed from the ancient mystery schools in Greece created an experience of physical touch from an unseen being. After being freaked out, I could no longer deny that my life-long awareness of other dimensions could come into my daily life here. I didn’t have to “leave” and have that awareness be a separate life.
Then the tinnitus in my ears got so loud that I couldn’t hear people speaking to me. When I apologized to a shaman I had just met, she told me that cosmic information wanted to come through me and I was blocking it. I actually wrote a chapter in the book, “Turning Point Moments, True Inspirational Stories About Creating a Life that Works for You” about accepting being a channel. The tinnitus diminished to a whisper when I tuned in to my first Cosmic group and wrote their wisdom.
Shortly after that I had a session of Bodhi Breath that opened the door for a Spiritual Transcendent Experience (a Near Death Experience without dying). I became my light body and met with my Cosmic family and was told that I was to bring the all-encompassing love, peace and indescribable joy to Earth. (It was more real than life here and I didn’t want to come back—not an option).
I continue to have experiences through The Stargate Experience and transformational workshops and individual sessions that expand my remembering of who I am (have been) that I know are valid when my whole body vibrates and I usually sob in recognition.
Your work involves supporting leaders, evolutionaries, children, and families in navigating “the shift of the ages” on Earth. What inspired you to focus on these specific groups, and how do you see them contributing to the evolution of humanity?
I worked as a Marriage, Family Therapist and School Psychologist and watched and felt as children in successive decades came with increased sensitivities, wisdom and awareness of realities beyond this one. Since children are the future of humanity and their families either support or repress their gifts and potential, I see them together as the greatest resource for the highest potential of humanity. And I personally know the cost of suppression.
Leaders on the evolutionary path hold the greatest influence in their respective fields to bring about change whether in a small group or whole systems of society. Their courage and willingness to lead with an expanded heart and not mind and validate the realities they become aware of despite the centuries of suppression in order to maintain control of the few is the other resource for co-creating and bringing together people into new paradigms. This is crucial and essential for humanity to move into its potential.
I see anyone as an evolutionary who is committed to a life of more love and oneness and is willing to unearth and transform their deepest fears and hidden beliefs/behaviors that are in the way of that evolved life. When we evolve ourselves, we hold and contribute that energy to the Quantum Field which increases the availability of that higher vibration for everyone else.
In your approach, you blend practical science, energy psychology, and high vibrational spiritual tools. Can you give us some insights into how this unique blend helps individuals shift patterns and habits on a deep level?
We are energetic, multidimensional beings. We have chosen to be human, and my belief is that we have also chosen to be here at this time as part of the “Shift of the Ages.” Practical science operates and explains life on Earth and as a human, and Quantum or Integrative Science is explaining more and more of our multidimensionality.
Energy psychology explains and gives guidelines for managing our actions through direct intervention with the energetic source of those actions and beliefs by bypassing the mind and going directly to the body and energy fields where the energetic signature of the wound, trauma or survival pattern is stored.
High vibrational spiritual tools add our multidimensional help from our own Higher Self wisdom and from the multitude of Cosmic beings anxious to assist us. Once the energetic source of a habit or pattern is honored for its service and then transmuted/transformed the habit is no longer supported—there is no “juice” or compulsion left so it becomes easy to have a new response or to be conscious of the habit or pattern and choose differently.
You mention the importance of clearing past lives and old karmic/ancestral energies. How does this process work, and what transformations have you witnessed in individuals who undergo such clearing?
In my perception the only aspect of a past life that is valuable to focus on to clear is the unfinished business that you have brought into this life as a stubborn pattern or belief that interferes with what you want your life to be. It may be a part of a past life or only one incident or an overall theme of that life. And the same for ancestral lineage or cultural lineage which includes being in a female or male body.
PROCESS: QuantumR-5 Process—
Request: Together we create a Quantum sacred space and open connection to our higher wisdom and guides, asking for assistance.
Receive: I connect with your Higher Self and your personal guides and I am given questions to ask that lead you to open your awareness to what aspect of life or ancestral lineage is important to know about. Your own process guides the information—whether you get images, knowings, hear words or feel sensations.
Rejoice: We then honor the brilliance of your soul in surviving the circumstances and creating the patterns, feelings and beliefs and their purpose in your survival. We often give the feeling a more aligned job for your present life.
Release: Then I use a non-verbal energetic process (expanded Energy Psychology) guided by my Higher Wisdom and Guides to transmute and release the energy of each feeling, pattern or belief.
Recalibrate: We complete with Installation involving gratitude and high vibrational energy that shifts and clears cells, DNA, perceptions and energy fields and recalibrates your human templates.
In general, people completing this process find that thoughts, memories, people or experiences that used to create strong emotions or resistance are now neutral. They almost all report feeling lighter, relieved, and calmer. Many have new insights in the moment and are excited about life and next steps and say it has been life changing. Many report that almost immediately after a session they manifest something they have been trying to have in their lives for a long time. It used to surprise me that they reported experiencing feeling connected to parts of themselves that they had abandoned or didn’t even know existed, or that they said “No” to a toxic person that they had felt controlled by for years, or that they quit the job that was unbearable but they were afraid to leave. One reason it no longer surprises me besides the number of times it has happened, is that I know there are energies on the planet now to release more quickly what no longer serves us. It is a crucial time for humanity.
Here is what one person said:
“I originally came to Kathryn because I had resistance to speaking and conducting workshops. While I was successful at being a compelling speaker, I dreaded the practice and enrollment process. During my first session with Kathryn, we discovered that I had been wearing an energy cap that limited me in many ways. Since removing that energy cap, I have been more confident and able to own and express myself powerfully. I had also spent my life being “out of my body”. As a result of our session, I now feel willing, comfortable and able to be in my body in a joyful, loving and accepting way. This healing was HUGE and life changing. I am forever grateful to Kathryn and her healing guidance. “ Maurine Xavier, Divine Channel and Breakthrough Coach
As a conscious leader and mentor, what advice do you have for individuals who are seeking to align with their true purpose and make a more significant positive impact on the world, especially during challenging times?
First, know that being your pure self makes a profound difference and is your ultimate purpose. Be very present in each moment, trusting that Life/Source (God, Prime Creator) continually supports your highest good.
Stop seeking. Trust, stay aware, open-hearted and allow yourself to respond to opportunities and information brought to you from your Higher Self wisdom and Guidance. Trust that you have all that it takes to successfully do what is brought to you . Learn your personal signals/process of knowing what resonates or matches your soul (heart) and what is a reaction from old survival patterns (lower mind).
Systems like Quantum Human Design, the Enneagram, Ayurveda, etc. can bring insight into what your soul chose for this lifetime. Find your mentor or practitioners who can uncover and help you release your hidden blocks to free expression of the love that you are.
Know in your depths that love always conquers dark. See challenges through multidimensional eyes and ask for help when you need it. Have fun and be grateful for the journey and privilege of being present at this time on Earth.
If you would like to find out more about Kathryn Brewer, visit https://www.kathrynbrewer.com/