In the ever-evolving world of health and wellness, few figures stand as prominently as Kate Magic. A trailblazer in the raw food movement, Kate authored the UK’s first raw food recipe book, Eat Smart Eat Raw, in 2002, and followed it with the groundbreaking Raw Magic, the world’s first superfood recipe book, in 2008. Her journey is one of transformation, not just in diet, but in lifestyle and consciousness. Raising her three adult sons on a raw vegan diet while home educating them, Kate has dedicated her life to exploring and teaching the profound connections between food, self-love, and the universe’s boundless potential. Through her company, Raw Living, she has established the UK’s leading resource for raw foods and superfoods, empowering countless individuals to embrace a more vibrant, healthy way of life. Kate’s philosophy extends beyond nutrition. She believes that our time on Earth is a journey of self-discovery and love, urging us to step out of restrictive societal programming and into a mindset of abundance and possibility. In addition to her culinary and musical endeavors, Kate is a certified yoga teacher, functional nutritionist, and Reiki master. She has recently trained to be a QHHT practitioner, delving into past life regression to further aid in healing and personal transformation. Join Mystic Mag as we delve into the life and wisdom of Kate Magic, uncovering the secrets to living a life of joy, health, and limitless potential.
You have been a pioneer in the raw food movement for over two decades. What initially inspired you to embrace and advocate for a raw vegan lifestyle?
I used to travel a lot, giving talks, and the most common question I got asked was, “Why did you choose this path?” For many people, a health issue inspires them to take a closer look at their diet. But for me, the best way to explain it is that I believe everything is energy and frequency, and I resonated with the frequency of raw foods.
I never really liked the food I was given as a child. I didn’t enjoy the standard UK diet. As soon as I was able to make my own food choices, I became a vegetarian. Shortly after that, I became vegan, within a couple of years. As a vegan, I naturally ate a lot of fruit and salads. Then, in 1992, someone mentioned to me, “Oh, you eat like a raw fooder.” That’s when I discovered the concept of raw foodism.
I believe everything has a frequency, and the frequency of raw foods is the highest vibrational food. This is why I think it’s so important for this time we’re in, as we’re working on elevating our vibration and raising our frequency. I believe raw foods really help us achieve that.
In your book “Eat Smart Eat Raw,” you introduced many people to raw food for the first time. How have you seen the raw food movement evolve since its publication in 2002?.
It was a very new concept back in 2002. I believe my book was the first raw food recipe book in the UK. There weren’t many in Europe at the time, though a few had come out of America. That period marked the beginning of a wave of interest in raw foods. I think everything goes in cycles. We had this wave of raw foods becoming popular and trendy, and by about 2012, it was really peaking.
I feel like what happened was that certain aspects of the raw food lifestyle were adopted into the mainstream. Things like juicing, kombucha, raw chocolate, and kale crisps became more accessible. However, after that trend, the wave seemed to pass. For the past 10 years, there haven’t been as many people committed to the raw food lifestyle.
During that period, raw foods introduced a lot of people to the concept, and many things became more accessible. But, as with all trends, it goes in cycles. There will likely be another wave at some point where raw foods will be trendy again, and everyone will be trying to be fully raw. At the moment, there’s interest in certain aspects of the raw food lifestyle, but not as much in people being fully committed to the diet and lifestyle.
What type of services do you offer?
Lots of things. I mean, as I’ve said, I’m really a very spiritual person, although I’m currently exploring what that truly means. We’re in a phase of new understanding about who we are in the world and how we’re living. So, just saying “spiritual” feels limiting because, really, we’re all spiritual, right?
I’ve always been very interested in a holistic lifestyle. I’m a qualified yoga teacher and have Level 3 Reiki practice. Recently, I completed my Level 2 QHHT, which was an amazing journey following the work of Dolores Cannon. I also do coaching and love to host retreats. Next year, I have a retreat in January in Bali and another in Egypt in April. I conduct many online events as well. I have a free monthly call where I answer questions about raw foods and superfoods. If anyone has questions about their lifestyle, they can join for free. This call usually takes place on a Tuesday evening once a month.
Additionally, I host a more metaphysical group monthly. In this group, I discuss the current energetic themes, what has been coming up for me, and what I have been observing in the collective. I also lead a meditation and a distant healing session, followed by a sharing circle. I really love the sharing circle aspect because I feel we’re all part of a hologram. When we share, it helps us see that we’re all just aspects of each other, going through different things but connected. So, I truly enjoy these sharing sessions as well.
Your company, Raw Living, is the UK’s leading resource for raw foods and superfoods. Can you share some of the key principles or philosophies that guide your product selection and business practices?
It’s hard to say, but I feel like we’re one of the best resources in the world. As I mentioned, there aren’t many companies that are fully committed to this now. One of the things we’ve always done is curate some of the best ranges from all over the world. We have brands like Anima Mundi Herbals, Living Libations, Dragon Herbs, Sun Potion, and The Fullest. These are some of the cult brands that aren’t always easy to source. So, yes, we definitely have the best range in the UK, and hopefully in Europe as well, and possibly one of the best ranges in the world.
The most important thing to us is that we work with people who share our ethics and integrity. They take care of how the land and earth are treated when creating and sourcing their products, and they ensure fair treatment of workers. We only work with fair trade companies that support their workers and farmers. It’s not just about having healthy foods that are good for the body and mind, but also about how those products are sourced. If we feel a company doesn’t have the same level of ethics and integrity, we won’t carry their ranges.
It’s so key, and it’s a joy to work with companies that care so much and put so much effort into sourcing the highest quality products.
In addition to your work with food and music, you are also a certified yoga teacher and Reiki master. How do yoga and Reiki complement your raw vegan lifestyle and contribute to your overall well-being?
I feel like, at this point, there’s a collective understanding of what really matters. There’s a lot of external chaos and confusion in the world, and many distractions. Those of us on our healing journey are actually getting clearer about what we’re here to do and how we contribute to that. To me, it’s all part and parcel of the same thing. It’s about raising our frequency, connecting to our true potential, and understanding that we are limitless beings of love and light. Our true nature is that we are souls who have chosen to have a human experience. We’ve incarnated in human bodies at this particular time for a reason.
So, how do we express that in the world? How do we navigate the matrix and bring the truth of what we understand our duty to be into this world? All these things support that goal.
It’s very much about healing the nervous system, working on consciousness, clearing the mindset, and deconstructing the limiting beliefs and programs we’ve picked up from society, our peers, and our families. You have to be working on your consciousness, looking after your physical vessel, and doing trauma work. We’ve all got trauma at this point, and we all need to do trauma release work, which shows up in many different ways.
I love that there are so many different modalities we can choose from, as different modalities work for different people. Having some kind of physical practice, whether it’s yoga or something else, is crucial. Watching our diet and working on our consciousness are fundamental to showing up the way we want and need to at this pivotal time in human history.
Read more at https://t.me/actually_magic and https://katemagic.com/ and https://www.rawliving.co.uk/