Today, MysicMag has the pleasure to bring to you an exclusive interview with Karina Konupek from The Heart of Wellness. She talks about bio-hacking, using your inborn abilities, her professional journey, and more. This is an ideal read for anyone trying to take or maintain control of their life.
Can you share a few details about your professional journey with our readers?
I have joked that my journey to this profession started when I was two years old, which was my first midlife crisis. The preparation and then the defecting in the back seat of the family car in 1969 Europe set up my entire system to be hypersensitive. The rest of my journey was to understand my issues, heal myself, strengthen myself, and empower myself. I was guided to learn massage and structural therapy: as an athlete, I knew that knowledge would benefit me. So from there, body-mind therapy, family systems, Rolfing, acupuncture, energy medicine, TBM, Functional Nutrition, to now over 30 different modalities (studied) and channeling many others. All this is mainly in the pursuit of getting myself out of pain and confusion! I became passionate about learning how the body and the mental-emotional-spiritual connection caused some of the reasons for chronic injuries. I am constantly learning and listening to connections and communication of the tissue and the spirit.
What services do you offer?
The work I am honored to participate in has many names. Energy Intuitive encompasses it mostly. Bridging the awareness of the body, mind, and spirit with the human and the soul. How that looks is different for everyone. Everything from energy medicine, nutritional consulting, life coaching, Energy reading of homes and offices, energetic conscious training to ergonomic, and structural training.
Can you walk us through one of your typical sessions?
I wish I could, but after 30 years, I still haven’t really seen a typical session. I never assume what people will come in with or present. The primary components we check are: Are you in your body? Do you have any disruptive energies in your energy field? Is your energy full and robust? Are you ready to hear some truths? Are you ready to heal? Once those are cleared, then we look into the issue that you came to us for and how we can help. The rest is individualized.
You hold many titles and certifications. During the process of obtaining those, I’m sure you came across many different ideas, philosophies, and techniques. How do you combine all of them to get the best results for your clients?
I study a wide range of techniques. I used to hold tons of certificates though don’t feel the need to do so. The certificates have nothing to do with how the techniques are applied, so the focus of an independent study is how to apply them to the individuals that come to us. Functional applications are crucial for success, which leads us to the “woowoo” side. Being an intuitive and bio communicator, I have trained to “just listen” and ask clear questions of biology, mind, and spirit. Staying clear and non-judgmental opens the pathways to the spiritual channeling that takes place in my life. I wish the channeled guidance spoke in tongue, another language, or even a cool accent- as it sort of feels the mysticism some are looking for – but alas, it just looks like I am speaking. Most of the time, I honestly say things I don’t remember later on as the guidance is so completely in the moment. I use a wand – yes, a wand – that helps me stay personally detached and synced up to the situation at hand. Having studied East and West theory and techniques, and a voluminous amount at that, what is needed and accepted is guided to me as I work with the client. It is never the same technique for the same issue. It is remarkable what is possible when you walk through the fear of the unknown and trust. That goes for me as well as my clients.
You guide your clients through a bio-hacking journey. Can you elaborate a bit on what that means?
Bio-hacking is a term that explains overcoming that which we are complacent to. The body and its systems dislike complacency. I often say that it gets bored very easily. The old adage “use or lose it”… well, it is more like “change it up or the negative impact begins”. This goes to changing up vitamins, diet, emotions, mindset, internal dialoguing, how you drive to work, etc. Bio-hacking offers tools and techniques, some subtle and some extreme, that help us train the mind of matter in our lives. The point is to overcome the challenge. This then strengthens the psyche, the immune system, the biology as a whole, and gives the bored biology new information. It is the best way to gain self-confidence and overall health.
There’s a variety of different packages your clients can choose from, which include different benefits. How can a person know which one is the right one for them?
There are a few options for everyone. One is to set up appointments when you feel the need. This takes self-awareness and is not the best plan if you are looking to change something quickly or are less than self-motivated and need external accountability. There are 3 different price ranges at this time to accommodate clients’ financial positions. Additionally, there are 2 programs with different commitment levels. These are the best to consider to truly get things moving! After a few individual sessions or one of the programs, a membership can be extremely helpful to maintain the small issues that arise during the integration and habit-changing implementation.
How do people choose? Well, here are a few things to remember – there is the cost and there is the desired outcome. After the free consultation, the client has an integration time frame. Everyone is different here as well. Some process quickly and integrate the homework and move, move, move; the pay-as-you-go works with this client. Other’s process takes more time, and more reminders; a program would be better for this type. We all have patterns that could be benefited from “doing things differently”, which includes the investment time it takes to move our patterns. There is no wrong way, there’s just the question of what would get you to where you prefer to be but is just a little uncomfortable. And the bio-hacking begins.
Would you like to share anything else about your work with our readers that we haven’t mentioned?
What is important to stress is that everyone who works with me (us) needs to know that the goal is self-dependency and self-confidence. I (we) are here as a supportive mechanism throughout all and any stages of your life. From birth to death….and thereafter….we have coached the spectrum. We all come into this world with constitutional strengths and challenges. It is our behavior, mindset, and attention that assist in empowering or understanding those attributes. Everyone has experienced those moments when you have been told something or have practiced something over and over until finally the information is said or done in a way that “clicks”! That is the goal here! To bring those moments to everyone so that the struggle within the journey can be shortened as much as possible. I never give up! Not on my own journey or walking with someone else on theirs. It is truly a passion and honor for me. And did I mention how much fun it is!? Change can be fun; empowerment certainly is.