Karina has taught mindfulness to employees at inspiring charities such as Groundswell, which do groundbreaking work with homeless people in London.
Karina is delighted to have launched Permissioning and Transformation™ workshops in Europe. Due to the success of this program with nurses, it now counts towards CPD points for nurses and midwives. This set of techniques has been used highly effectively for insomnia and anxiety and Karina taught these techniques to many key workers during the first lockdown.
Additionally, to support people during the COVID-19 isolation crisis, Karina launched the HI CHI mindfulness phone line to give people without smartphones access to her HI CHI app meditations for free. This is the first mindfulness phone line to be launched in the UK and is being promoted by various charities including a charity that supports isolated hospital patients.
Karina is a member of The British Holistic Medical Association and The College of Medicine.
Find out more about this amazing individual in the latest MysticMag interview.
What are Quantum-Touch and Life Force Energy?
Quantum-Touch is a method of energy healing that uses very specific breathing techniques and body awareness exercises – to create a powerful, and totally natural, field of healing energy. In workshops participants learn how to hold a high vibrational field of life-force energy around an affected area, this inspires the body’s healing process and creates a rapid healing response.
Quantum-Touch teaches us how to focus, amplify, and direct life force energy. Being able to bring in much more energy to the body and mind will often lead to extraordinarily fast healing responses.
Life Force Energy is the energy that makes up absolutely everything in the Universe. From this perspective everything is alive and everything is energy. There is a famous quote that teaches us that “energy can not be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed.” Quantum-Touch lends itself perfectly to teaching us a practical way to transform energy into a new state.
Can you explain the fundamental principles of energy healing and how it is believed to work on the body, mind, and emotions?
The core principles of Quantum-Touch energy healing are based on resonance and entrainment. Once a person understands these principles it will also help to explain why we feel really good around certain people and in specific places. Of course, it also explains why we can feel the opposite too.
We are all resonating at a vibrational frequency. Our resonance changes and fluctuates depending on many factors which influence how we feel. Throughout our day we are either “entraining” to others or they are entraining to us, or the other option is that our energy “meets in the middle”.
This means that often we can go on an energetic/emotional roller coaster depending on who we are around. Sensitive people often deeply feel other people’s emotions and mistake them for their own.
In Quantum-Touch the fundamental principle is that we learn how to focus on elevating our own energy. We use breathing, intention, and attention (together with a multitude of other incredibly powerful techniques) to raise our energy to a VERY high level.
The other person then begins to naturally entrain to us. We will always entrain to the more dominant energy so rather than the practitioner mirroring the client, we create an energetic environment that the client can match and entrain to.
In essence, we continually raise our energy and the client meets us there. When we intend for this energy to be directed to an area of the body, the energy begins to flow and space to heal is created.
This means that the client is essentially healing themselves because their body intelligence is stimulated for a healing response.
This has an often immediate effect on the body, mind, and emotions. People often find they can breathe more freely, walk taller, experience bones align with a light touch and it is very common for pain to be reduced/eliminated.
The principles are very simple yet deeply profound with long-lasting effects on anyone who engages with this powerful modality.
What training and certifications do you have in energy healing, and how do these credentials contribute to your expertise?
I found Quantum-Touch in 2005 when I was looking for a way to help my Father. He had been diagnosed with an aggressive form of Parkinson’s called MSA and I really wanted to help with his symptoms. My Mother was also feeling very emotionally challenged at the time due to his diagnosis so I wanted to help her, too.
I typed in “healing” into Google and found Quantum-Touch. I immediately knew that this was what I was looking for and I jumped onto a workshop a day later. When I returned home I practiced on my Father and his totally very bent-over spine began to straighten up over the course of an hour. I was gobsmacked as I watched his cheeks return to a rosy pink color and he walked tall across the room.
My Mother and I agreed that I should learn everything about this modality, about energy healing, meditation, and metaphysics.
This was a natural and easy decision to make because I had been raised in a very spiritually-minded way. My parents took me to my first Louise Hay-style breathwork seminar when I was 12 years old. I had learned of how Louise Hay healed herself and about the law of attraction by the time I was 13.
In my early 20’s I went around the world on Tony Robbin’s seminars and had a massive aha moment when I learned that the mind could control pain. We spent hours learning about how to influence the electromagnetic field around our body so that we could walk on hot coals without feeling a thing. I graduated from Tony Robbins Mastery University which has contributed a lot to my knowledge of health, the mind, and the link to our body’s ability to heal.
So the baseline of my belief system was incredibly strong. Learning Quantum-Touch gave me a very practical way to apply everything that I already knew to be real, and to help others physically.
I continued to give my Father healing and we saw his diagnosis change from a rapid prognosis of MSA to regular Parkinsons. In particular, I found that Quantum-Touch was highly effective at bringing a state of deep calm to him, which had a direct effect on greatly assisting him with his symptoms. I am also very grateful for the closeness that we felt during our healing sessions.
In 2006 I became a Quantum-Touch practitioner and in 2007 I started teaching and became an instructor. Since then I have instructed many workshops internationally and taught people from all walks of life. This includes teaching many medical professionals, holistic therapists, CEOs, companies, schools, retreats, and large charities.
I have demonstrated and talked about Quantum-Touch at The British Government Department of Energy and Climate Change, in the retailer of the year at the largest shopping center in Europe, and presented alongside other well-known personal development teachers.
I also teach a modality called Permissioning and Transformation, am a content creator for JAAQ, a social media platform that specializes in mental health, and in lockdown I launched the UK”s first mindfulness phoneline. This is a free service that people without smartphones can call to listen to my meditations.
The many years of experience, learning from outstanding teachers, and extensive practice have enabled me to cultivate a very strong belief system, that Quantum-Touch energy healing does what it says on the tin.
It very simply amplifies the energy in the mind and body.
Could you share a case study or personal experience where you witnessed significant positive outcomes from energy healing?
Having seen so many people’s bones align with a light touch using Quantum-Touch and taught many people over Zoom I know that everyone is capable of experiencing this and being able to help others.
For example, I had a wonderful experience with a client called Joanna. Her healing was so profound that it has been featured in “What Doctors Don’t Tell You” magazine and she has spoken on several podcasts about it.
Joanna had fibromyalgia and had had 9 injections for the excruciating pain. Not one of the injections had helped and she feared that she would never walk again as she was totally debilitated when she came to see me.
Her knee pain was at a level 10 and this was affecting her emotions too, understandably. I put my hands on her knee and within a short amount of time we both felt something rotate structurally under her kneecap. It was so powerful that we both almost jumped. It was a very physical movement that happened internally within her knee as something moved back into place.
In that moment her pain began to subside and it was the start of a quick recovery. She was able to run the down after the session, pain free and it was incredible to witness. Joanna was so blown away that she attended my workshops and became a practitioner.
Her story is mindblowing yet is one of many extraordinary healing sessions that I have experienced with people.
In the same way that a cut finger knows how to heal and repair, the body knows how to align when it is consistently given the environment to do so.
How do you address skepticism and criticism surrounding energy healing, especially when it comes to scientific validity and empirical evidence?
I have always attracted a lot of scientists to my workshops and as clients so I am very used to understanding how a scientific mind processes information in a Quantum-Touch workshop.
My clients and students who have come from scientific backgrounds have taught me a lot about how to measure outcomes accurately and also why healing works, from their perspective.
To put it into context I have taught people from The World Health Organisation, Cancer Research charities, pharmaceutical companies, research scientists, and many medical professionals.
I find the most important aspect of learning is the language that I use when teaching. I reference studies where possible and explain how mirror neurons affect the way we mirror each other’s behavior and how this applies in Quantum-Touch. This connects to entrainment.
We use breathing, visual awareness, and techniques to increase the quality of our emotions in Quantum-Touch. There are plenty of studies out there that give validity to why all this increases wellness and so I find that it is easy to overcome a skeptical mind. Essentially the principles are based on science – which is why Quantum-Touch attracts a very diverse audience.
If a person is open-minded then the quickest way to demonstrate the effectiveness of Quantum-Touch is by demonstrating how hip bones align with a very light touch and no manipulation at all.
In what ways do you ensure the safety and well-being of your clients during energy healing sessions?
Clients will most often drift off into a peaceful state of relaxation during sessions. This creates a feeling of safety and there is no need for the person to share anything personal or intimate. They simply need to be present and they will naturally entrain to the energy that is being cultivated in the healing session. Both the practitioner and the client benefit from the session and people leave feeling elevated and much more grounded. It is common for people’s symptoms to greatly improve over the next few days.
Quantum-Touch is as life-changing to give as it is to receive which is why many people go on to become practitioners and instructors. It is a total joy to share this extraordinarily simple, yet profound modality with as many people as possible.