Kara Trangmar, Hypno-Coach from Healing the Goddess is passionate about empowering women to be who they really are! In this interview Kara shares insights into her professional journey, the importance of inner child therapy and how hypnotherapy can be beneficial in opening your mind to make positive changes.
Could you tell us a bit about your journey and where your inspiration for helping and healing others began?
My healing path started when I was working as an aromatherapist at a health and fitness retreat spa in 1995. We received an in-house training in ‘Holistic Massage’ which involved tuning into the body. I received positive feedback from clients from giving this treatment and I started to notice I was picking up strange feelings, such as vibrations in my hands but I didn’t understand what was happening. After telling a colleague about this, she said that I had ‘healing hands’ and suggested that I learn to practise Reiki to enhance it.
I took her advice and became attuned to Usui Reiki at the first degree in 1996 then the second degree in 1997. As my colleague had said, it did enhance it! I loved it and it gave me a sense of purpose. Everyone has a healing ability, we are all born with the potential to be healers, psychics etc. We just need to open our hearts.
Why did you choose to work specifically with women?
I found myself empathizing with other women when I needed to empower myself after experiencing abuse myself. I had suffered repetitive patterns of narcissistic abuse within romantic relationships and was very curious as to what was driving this cycle. I would have strong emotional reactions when watching abuse of women being played out on TV. I would later realize that it had happened to me in past lives and there was a reason why it was happening to me in this lifetime.
So, I knew I needed to use this empathy and passion to help other women through specific therapies and healing for them to be free and to also heal myself.
See ‘My Story’ for more details on my website.
My mission is:
To EMPOWER women to be who they are
By being FREE of control, manipulation, abuse
To be RESPECTED for who they are, what they want to do
Being APPRECIATED for the multi-dimensional/multi-tasking powerful being she is
To Promote a Sense of Well-Being and Self-Worth
To Raise Self Esteem
To Bring their POWER Back
for Holistic Healing To Take Place
What healing modalities do you offer, and do you have a personal preference?
Angelic Reiki, Hypno-Rescue – Reclaim your life after Narcissistic Abuse, Inner Child Therapy,
Inner Goddess Healing – which can include any of the above as well as Past
Life Regression, Future Life Progression, Spiritual Life Coaching.
I don’t have a personal preference, as all the therapies I offer are healing.
Why is Inner Child Therapy important?
If we have inner child issues, then these will affect our adult self by blocking our creativity, success, confidence and happiness in life.
Are there telltale signs that show your inner child needs healing?
Yes, there is a long list of signs, some depend on the type of issues involved, i.e., sexual abuse, will unfortunately create certain traumatic issues than say someone who never felt loved as a child growing up may not have.
Some signs include:
Lack of confidence, Low self-esteem, Panic attacks, Memory blanks, Security seeking, Sleep disturbance.
You also utilize hypnotherapy, how does this compliment bringing positive changes in treatments?
Hypnosis is a natural state of heightened awareness, where you can open your mind to beneficial suggestions and where you can make use of your imagination to help make positive changes in your life. By inducing hypnosis, it takes you to a much deeper level of relaxation. Which enables you to connect to your subconscious self where all your memories are hidden, so you can retrieve these memories to find out what happened and why. To obtain all the information you need to heal yourselves.
Lastly, as a therapist having to consistently heal and help others, are there any non-negotiable practices you use personally to maintain your self-care?
I wear orgonite jewellery for protection, I also call-in protection from my guides and angels before starting a session and I give myself Angelic Reiki after sessions.