Julie McPherson, CLC, a certified Emotion Code Practitioner, Reiki Master, Nutrition Coach, Energy Guide/Life Coach, and Hypnotherapist, specializes in energetic healing with a holistic approach to emotional and physical well-being. Working closely with a select group of clients committed to lasting transformation in various aspects of their lives, she wholeheartedly admires those who courageously explore their inner selves. MysticMag has the pleasure of chatting with Julie.
Can you share a bit about your background and journey that led you to where you are today?
Cosmic alignment and/or movement through space and time flows in such ways that bring us to where we are today over many tiny shifts, along with persistence, and perfectly timed events that we can’t even imagine while they are taking place. My story is like so many others who end up in this role of shining a light as a guide to those who are coming through similar journeys after us. I found myself in such pain on multiple levels that could not be addressed by western medicine and other more mainstream avenues. I had experienced several types of trauma in my life from sexual abuse at a very early age to physical abuse in parent/child and adult relationships. This experience and the inability to find a solid footing in life is what drove me to more natural and holistic approaches to the symptoms I was living with on a daily basis. I had success in these modalities and soon found that I also am a healer. I believe we are all healers. Some of us are not inclined toward using these gifts. We focus on other gifts. For me, energy healing/guidance is my number one focus. I have a firm belief that each of us is whole and is a part of the whole. I don’t believe anyone is lacking anything they need. I bring my experience to the table to assist my clients in becoming aware of and using their own abilities and knowledge to heal themselves. I am the go-to energy guide in my area. I utilize tools including Emotion Code, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, and Nutrition Coaching to serve as an energy guide with expertise in discovering your own incredible abilities.
Spirit Liberation offers a range of services, from Emotion Code to Reiki and Nutrition Coaching. How do these various modalities work together to address both the emotional and physical aspects of well-being?
The tools I utilize fit together so well! I was following what I was drawn to and then realized after the fact while using them with clients that they compliment each other profoundly. I see them as a multi-pronged approach to overall wellbeing. Nutrition is so fundamental to all of these areas including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. I specialize in gut or microbiome health. Your gut/microbiome health influences hormone and other body messaging systems that can lead to mood swings, brain fog, inability to focus, and disease. Getting healthy eating habits in place is the foundational step. Emotion Code focuses on identifying and releasing emotions stored as energy in the body tissues that of course affect emotional wellbeing and additionally cause physical dis-ease as well. Working in this area begins the process of moving those emotions out of the body to free up vibrational bandwidth, if you will, for the higher vibrational foods and living well decisions being installed through Nutrition changes. Reiki is an intelligent energy healing that heals on all levels, (physical, emotional, and spiritual) making it the perfect complement to my other tools or a standalone treatment. All of these tools are used under the umbrella of Life or Energy Guide/Coach. My certifications bring these services together in a beautiful way that I love to offer along with my innate gifts to help each being I work with shift in the way they desire/need to.
One of your areas of expertise is guiding individuals to tap into their inner wisdom and align with their soul’s purpose. Could you elaborate on how your empathic and intuitive guidance helps clients set meaningful goals, overcome challenges, and move towards their desires?
One of my intuitive gifts is the ability to feel into a person’s energy field and know the right timing and the most meaningful questions that lead to the client’s ability to tap into their own inner wisdom. This gifting along with experience and training give me a strong insight that calls to the client’s own knowledge stored in their subconscious while providing examples of reasonable one shift at a time goals to build upon to move through difficulties and challenges. Life is full of all types of experiences. There is an art to loving life in all situations. The empath gift helps me come from a heart centered place where only a person who can feel what you feel can come. This sets up the interaction between myself and clients on the best footing for me to understand their desires and help them shape beautiful outcomes while maintaining integrity.
Your focus on the microbiome and its impact on overall health is intriguing. Could you shed some light on how gut health influences not only physical well-being but also emotional and mental health?
Scientists are still uncovering new information about how we share life with planet earth. The symbiotic relationship between the microbiota in your gut and your body’s functioning is one of the areas where the mysteries uncovered are helping us understand how to optimize our health and therefore our experience through cooperation. These bugs make up 90 percent of your cells. Ninety percent! The microbiome’s living organisms influence hormones, appetite, cravings, neurotransmitters that are involved in the control of mood, energy level, and mental functioning. Our bodies allow these organisms to live and thrive and they help us regulate our body and its functions. I would have thought it was the stuff of science fiction! Everything is great until they get out of balance. Then you will soon begin to see a host of issues.Benefits of a healthy balanced microbiome:
Healthy weight without starving yourself or exercising until you drop
Healthy bowel movements, this seems like a not so big deal but if you struggle with this area you will be amazed at what healthy poops will do for your life
Healthy Immune system – big big big!
Mood stabilization
Healthy Brain Function
Digestive health
Cardiac health
Joint health
Much more
Some signs your microbiome may be out of balance (obviously the opposite of the above but here are a few):
Unexplained weight gain that just doesn’t seem to come off no matter what you do
Abnormal bowel movements, too loose, too firm, not often enough, odd color, “floaters”, etc.
Brain fog
Joint pain, back pain, foot pain, and on and on
Bloated belly
Leaky gut – more on this later
Sleep issues, too much/too little
Heart Disease
Diabetes Type II
Sinus and Allergy issues
Thyroid issues, hypothyroid
Skin issues such as eczema, acne, psoriasis
Autoimmune disorders are exacerbated by an unbalanced microbiome. There is some thought that it may even cause some of these dis-eases: MS, fibromyalgia, Hashimoto’s, Lupus and Sjogren’s.
Your approach at Spirit Liberation is described as helping clients “unlock their true potential.” Could you share an example of a client who came to you feeling stuck or disconnected and how your guidance and expertise helped them rediscover and embrace their fullest, most natural life?
A good many of my clients come to me feeling stuck or unable to function in daily life. One in particular seemed functional on the surface. She went to work every day, she functioned in a standard way at work, she seemed to be maintaining personal relationships with immediate family, and had some hobbies that were viable. All while, inside, she described herself as feeling dead. She dreaded getting up each day, was not motivated to excel at her chosen career, had difficulty staying connected to her intimate partner, felt uninvolved in her son’s lives and had incredibly difficult relationships with extended family including her mother and sister. We utilized a combination of Emotion Code, Reiki, and Hypnotherapy to assist with meaningful shifts that helped her turn this around. We discovered through Emotion Code that she had stored emotions from trauma in both her childhood and adult years that had disabled her ability to relate to others in a deep and connected way. This lead to feeling disconnected and “dead” inside. Reiki gave her healing in a way that helped regulate her nervous system after releasing these trapped emotions and gradually she began to come alive. She had one unhealthy nutrition habit of eating too much sugar. We used hypnotherapy to remove that habit. This helped balance her microbiome. (her diet was excellent otherwise) Within six months she had totally turned her professional life around and had found favor and personal satisfaction in her work place. She also opened up to her intimate partner and he saw such a change in her, he began his journey with me well. She is loving her new found relationship freedom with her two sons and they have both sought out my services as well. Her mother and sister relationships have vastly improved from her perspective. She isn’t looking for their acceptance and approval anymore and only gives love and affection without allowing her boundaries to be crossed. I hear from her regularly and she is thriving. Now she wakes up each day ready to go out and enjoy life. She has tools that help her cope with the situations that come up in life and says she feels genuinely alive and happy again.
What message would you like to convey to individuals who are considering embarking on a healing and personal growth journey with Spirit Liberation?
Listen to your inner guide/intuition. If you are feeling like you could use some assistance in learning to open up to your own inner wisdom, seek someone out. If not me, find someone you resonate with. We all can benefit from the medicine others bring into our lives. There isn’t anything broken or wrong with you AND it’s also wonderful to seek out those who can help you with the key to unlock your unique artful way of living that will bring you strength and joy in life.
If you would like to find out more about Julie McPherson, visit https://www.spirit-liberation.com/