Joy Cheriel Brown is an accomplished filmmaker, author, and certified hypnotherapist. Her brand focuses on helping people recognize their powerful creativity and empowering them to achieve their dreams. She holds a Bachelor of Arts from Howard University, graduating summa cum laude in film and English, and a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from National University. Trained by Marisa Peer, Britain’s leading hypnotherapist, Joy is the founder of Third Person Omniscient Productions, dedicated to creating thought-provoking movies, plays, and television shows. Her first feature film is in development. Joy has written for Script Magazine, has a YouTube channel, and authored “The Secret of Life Through Screenwriting,” available on Amazon. Her short film, N.O.S., is on Amazon Prime, and her stage play, Stuck, received Playwright of the Year from ACHI Magazine after its production at the Washington, DC Capital Fringe Festival in 2019. MysticMag finds out more.
Your brand focuses on helping people recognize their power as creators and empowering them to achieve their dreams. How did you apply this to your own personal journey?
I firmly believe that everyone has the potential to live the life of their dreams. To uphold this belief, I must actively pursue my own dreams. I may not always see the exact path to achieving them, but I consistently take steps towards them. Currently, I’m working on producing a feature film. While securing funding has presented challenges, I remain optimistic. Typically, distributors require a finished film or a renowned star attached before offering distribution deals. To navigate this, I am focusing on building a committed audience for the film. My approach is rooted in the belief that if others can achieve their dreams, so too can I.
As a certified hypnotherapist, how do you approach working with clients to build courtroom confidence for lawyers or help with weight loss and smoking cessation? What techniques do you find most effective in these areas?
The key to addressing these issues lies in working directly with the client to uncover their limiting beliefs. Drawing from my training by Marisa Peer, I guide clients through a process of regression under hypnosis. This allows us to revisit three pivotal scenes from their past that are connected to their current struggles. For example, if a lawyer is fearful of speaking in court, I help them identify the root cause of this fear. Once we’ve pinpointed the limiting belief, I reframe it with a new, empowering belief. I then create an audio recording for them to listen to for 21 days, reinforcing the new belief and cementing the transformation. This process helps them overcome their fears and adopt a new mindset, such as “I am good enough and smart enough to speak in front of the judge.”
Your production company, Third Person Omniscient Productions, aims to raise the collective consciousness through meaningful movies, plays, and television shows. Can you tell us about a project you’re particularly proud of and how it aligns with your mission?
I am proud of my completed short film, “N.O.S.,” which is available on Amazon Prime. It is based on my first hospitalization for psychosis when I was 18 years old. I spent five days in the hospital, and afterwards, nobody could provide me with answers or assurance about my future. I promised myself that if I ever understood what had happened to me, I would create a film to help others going through similar experiences. So, I did. The film is titled “N.O.S.,” and while it may not come up easily in searches, one can find it on Amazon Prime by searching for my full name, Joy Cheriel Brown. Making this film was a deeply personal journey for me. It provided me with insight into my psychosis and led to my diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type. I have received feedback from people who watched the film, telling me how much it moved or helped them. This feedback has been incredibly rewarding, making me feel like I have done something meaningful and valuable.
In your book, “The Secret of Life Through Screenwriting,” you discuss using the Law of Attraction to structure screenplays and find meaning in scripts. How can writers apply these principles to overcome writer’s block and create compelling stories?
Writer’s block can be a challenging hurdle, especially when you’re aiming to create a meaningful impact through your writing. Using a structured approach can be incredibly helpful in overcoming this obstacle. The key is to focus on the structure of your story and the development of your characters. For instance, if you’re structuring your story around the law of attraction, you can break it down into three acts. In Act One, establish what your character wants from the universe. For example, consider a story about a young boy who wants to learn how to ride a bike. Act One sets up the story, showing his desire and the obstacles he faces, such as not having a bike. Act Two is about the trials and challenges he encounters in his quest to get a bike. It’s where the tension builds, and he faces setbacks. Finally, in Act Three, everything comes together, and he achieves his goal of riding a bike. This structured approach can help you map out each section of your story, providing clarity and direction to overcome writer’s block.
You received Playwright of the Year from ACHI Magazine for your stage play “Stuck.” What inspired this play, and how do you use storytelling to shed light on the human condition and inspire audiences?
This particular play was a departure from my usual approach. Normally, I start the year with a list of scripts I plan to write, but this one came to me out of the blue. I was sitting in the parking lot of a Target store (similar to a large retail store where you can buy various items like lotion, vitamins, etc.) on a snowy day. There were piles of snow all around from a recent blizzard. That’s when the idea struck me. I envisioned a story about a smart girl who excels in school and has a crush on her neighbor, who has a bit of a bad boy image. When her mom goes out of town, leaving her alone during the snowstorm, she decides to invite him over. She wants to get to know him better and doesn’t want to be alone during the storm. As he visits, she tries to establish trust and connection with him, exploring whether she feels comfortable letting him into her life more deeply.
If you would like to find out more about Joy Cheriel Brown, please visit https://joycherielbrown.com/ and for her production company https://www.thirdpersonomniscientproductions.com/