In his exclusive MysticMag interview, Jonathan Finn delves into his journey from self-growth to becoming a certified QHHT Level 2 practitioner and exploring diverse forms of hypnosis. Inspired by the work of Dolores Cannon, Jonathan discusses how spiritual hypnosis, past-life regression, and energy healing techniques like QJH and 13th Octave LaHoChi can unlock deep healing and self-discovery.
How did you get into hypnosis and what sparked your interest in it?
I first got into Hypnosis through developing an interest in the field of self-growth & personal development in 2017. This journey started with more traditional, mainstream books and teachings. I continued learning and exploring, slowly finding myself being guided towards the realm of Metaphysical/Spiritual books and teachings after a number of clear signs and synchronicities.
In 2018, I discovered the work of the late Dolores Cannon, Hypnotherapist, Past-Life Regressionist and Metaphysical Author. Dolores was, and still is, a big inspiration in my work and her books are fascinating reading, covering a huge range of different metaphysical topics; from Past Lives and Soul Contracts, to ET Contact and more!
After discovering that the information in Dolores’s books was received solely through Hypnosis Sessions she’d facilitated using her own method, QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique), this really sparked my interest in Hypnosis and I knew I had to find out more!
In 2020, I enrolled in the QHHT Level 1 Practitioner training and after completion, enrolled in the Level 2 Practitioner training, becoming a Certified QHHT Level 2 Practitioner in early 2021.
As I witnessed profound changes, discoveries, and healings firsthand through QHHT Sessions, my eyes were really opened to the unbelievable potential, knowledge, and abilities each of us carries within, and also, how Hypnosis can be used as a safe, easy, and powerful means of accessing these inner abilities and experiences.
With this shift, my curiosity and excitement for learning more about all areas of Hypnosis and Healing only grew larger!
Following QHHT, I began studying Clinical Hypnosis in 2021 and certified later that year. Studying Clinical Hypnosis added even greater depth to my Hypnosis work, giving the ability to work with more flexibility and tailor each Session to best suit the person I’m working with.
Since then, I have continued to train and certify in various different Clinical & Spiritual Hypnosis methods such as Kinetic Shift, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Past Life Regression, and Quantum Journeys Hypnosis (QJH).
Outside of Hypnosis, I also trained in 13th Octave LaHoChi (Energy Healing) and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). Just like a fingerprint, every person and their histories are completely unique, so having a wide range of tools allows us to use the most appropriate ones for each person, based on what works best for them. This makes the journey of change and healing easy, dynamic, and even fun!
How much is Spiritual Hypnosis different from other forms of hypnosis?
While there is certainly overlap between Spiritual Hypnosis and more traditional forms of Hypnosis, there are also a few key differences. The main difference with Spiritual Hypnosis is we also work with the person at the Soul/Spirit level, as well as the Unconscious level, found in traditional forms of Hypnosis.
When working at the Soul/Spirit level, we most often connect and work directly with the person’s “Higher Self”. The “Higher Self” (HS) can be viewed as the “active, working part of the Soul”; always ready and willing to help and guide the individual for their Highest Good.
Working at the Soul/Spirit level recognises that we are not just our physical bodies and minds, but rather spiritual, energetic beings. This also recognises that there are many elements operating at these spiritual and energetic levels that may be contributing to present-day issues. Some of the most common examples of elements addressed at the Soul/Spirit level include: Past Life Patterns, Ties or Traumas, Soul Contracts, and Energetic Imbalances, Influences, or Attachments.
As mentioned previously, every person and their Soul history is unique, this means there is often (but not always) a combination of different Unconscious and Soul/Spirit level elements contributing to their issues. In Spiritual Hypnosis, we work with the person’s “Higher Self” to determine what elements need to be addressed on the Unconscious and/or Soul/Spirit levels to resolve a particular issue or situation, allowing it to inform and guide the process of change and healing.
By communicating with the HS directly and allowing it to guide the process, we can get to the root of a person’s issues to achieve deep change and healing, quickly and safely. The HS has a much greater, “bird’s eye” view and understanding of the person’s present lifetime, as well as their entire Soul history; so it makes perfect sense to work together to best help the person move forward!
What is QJH and how does it work?
QJH (Quantum Journeys Hypnosis) is a holistic, multi-dimensional approach to change and healing combining elements of Clinical Hypnosis, Spiritual Exploration, and Quantum Healing. This powerful combination allows you to tap into the mind-body-spirit connection to explore your consciousness and receive valuable insights, change, and healing on the physical, emotional, and/or energetic levels.
In QJH, we achieve this multi-layered, holistic change by working with both the Unconscious Mind and the person’s “Higher Self” (HS). As mentioned previously, the “Higher Self” is the “working part of the soul”, it is the wise, caring, all-knowing part of you that always has your highest good in mind. This part of you also has a much greater understanding of your past, present, and future, your life and soul purpose, as well as how to best help you moving forward.
In QJH Sessions, there are countless possibilities of what a person may experience.
Some common examples include Past Life Regression, Visiting the Akashic Records, Temple of Healing, and Meeting Spirit Guides or Loved Ones.
These are just a few examples, every QJH Session is unique and is guided by the person’s HS based on what they most need to experience at the time of the Session to help with their situation or issue.
What is 13th Octave LaHoChi and what are its benefits?
13th Octave LaHoChi is a gentle yet powerful energy healing modality that anchors high-frequency, healing light energy into the physical, emotional, and energetic bodies. This process allows gentle energetic release of cellular memory such as trapped emotions and energies, caused by past traumas and blockages, from the current life and Past Lives as appropriate.
This powerful releasing and clearing of traumas, dense energies, and blockages results in deep healing on the physical, emotional, and energetic levels. Those who experience 13th Octave LaHoChi Sessions often note the high-vibrational energy and the experience has been likened to “etheric acupuncture”!
This is accurate as the 13th Octave energy works to clear, balance, and restore the meridians and repair the person’s etheric grid. As well as clearing and releasing, 13th Octave LaHoChi also facilitates strengthening and expansion of the energy field, as well as activation and balancing of the higher chakras, especially the 14th – 16th chakras.
This lends itself to a greater connection with intuition and higher guidance moving forward. People often report experiencing this shift during their Session as activation takes place, such as being shown relevant Past Lives, solutions to present issues or receiving messages and insights from Guides during their Session.
What other services do you offer?
On top of 1-1 Hypnosis and Energy Healing Sessions, I also offer Online Group Workshops. These Workshops cover a range of different topics and experiences, from Anxiety Relief to Past Life Regression, and are an easy, safe, and fun way to experience Hypnosis and Healing.
The most popular ones I run are the “Past Life Regression and Meet Your Spirit Guides”, “Temple of Healing” and “Anxiety Relief” Workshops. It’s always a joy facilitating Online Group Workshops and the experiences people have can be truly amazing and inspiring.
For example, an interesting phenomenon often happens in the Past Lives Workshop where attendees regress to similar lives, and receive similar (and sometimes identical!) messages from their Guides. There is a Q&A as well as an opportunity to share experiences in this Workshop and quite often, someone will share a message, insight or experience they had that was very much needed by another person in the group to help them.
This serves as a beautiful reminder that our healing journeys are always being guided and orchestrated at a higher level, and are often entwined with those we meet on our path.
More information on these and other upcoming Workshops can be found on my website www.jonathanfinn.ie