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Embracing Authenticity and Achieving Big Miracles - Journey to Personal Growth with Joanna Garzilli

Embracing Authenticity and Achieving Big Miracles - Journey to Personal Growth with Joanna Garzilli

In a world filled with countless self-help gurus and motivational speakers, Joanna Garzilli effortlessly stands out as a beacon of inspiration and transformation. With her unwavering passion for empowering lives, she has become an acclaimed life coach and author, guiding individuals towards achieving their highest potential. Through her unique approach and insightful teachings, Joanna has touched the hearts of many, helping them overcome obstacles, unlock their inner strengths, and create lasting positive change. In an era where finding guidance and navigating personal growth can be overwhelming, Joanna Garzilli stands as a beacon of light, offering transformative tools and unwavering support to those seeking to unlock their true potential. With her powerful insights, compassionate coaching, and profound wisdom, she is a true inspiration, empowering countless individuals to step into their greatness and embrace a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment. Join Mystic Mag and discover more about Joanna and her work.

What inspired you to become a life coach and author, and how has that journey evolved over the years?

When I was 6 years-old, I had a deep desire to understand the meaning of life. I didn’t understand I was an empath and struggled when I felt other people’s pain. I desperately wanted to take that pain away because I could feel what they were feeling in me.

As a teenager and into my early twenties I was a disaster in dating. I could never maintain a long-term relationship because I didn’t realize I had a core of low self-esteem. Then I discovered psychic readers and went for many psychic readings but they couldn’t give me the answers I wanted, so I ended up tuning in for them.

One day, I saw an awesome psychic at The College of Psychic Studies. Her name was Katherine. She helped me understand my innate gift of being able to do intuitive readings for others and told me I had mediumship ability. I was fascinated and started taking psychic development classes and became a certified Reiki Master teacher.

I began tuning in for friends who then referred me to clients. I also started doing small psychic development workshops and this gave me the foundation for my first book “Unleash The Psychic In You: How To Trust Your Intuition for Success”. It would be 10 years and teaching thousands of people before I self-published my first book.

In 2014 I was teaching my “Unleash The Psychic In You” workshop at Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles, CA and Claudia Boutote, Head of Harper Elixir, the spirituality division of Harper Collins was in the audience. She invited me to meet with her at their headquarters in San Francisco, CA. Later that year I was offered a book publishing deal for a very successful life coaching program I was teaching called “Big Miracle Breakthrough”. She said, “Can you write this as a book?” “Big Miracles: The 11 Spiritual Rules for Ultimate Success” was published worldwide in 2017 on Valentine’s Day.

In your book “Big Miracle,” you discuss the concept of finding purpose and creating meaningful change. Can you share some key strategies or exercises that can help individuals discover their purpose?

The key to finding your purpose is being honest with yourself. What I mean by that is, be true to your feelings. If you live your life to please others, which is different from being of service, you will always find yourself doing work that is unfulfilling. For example, I was blessed with an opportunity to work at a financial institution. It was great when I began however, it was part of my spiritual growth, not my life purpose to stay there. It was going great, and I was promoted several times but then I became fixated on becoming Chief Marketing Officer. When I didn’t get that role, I got still and searched within. I discovered I’d had a blind spot of low self-esteem. I was pursuing this path because I thought it would make my father proud of me. We always know the truth. Rule 6: Believe in Your Ability from “Big Miracles” is a gateway to living the purposeful life you desire.

What type of services do you offer?

I love to empower people to trust their own intuition because I didn’t have someone to encourage me to develop these gifts. I recently launched a podcast “Looking Glass” that shows behind the scenes how I work through my personal life challenges. I offer Looking Glass Readings to tap into the magical self, which is wise, loving and supportive. In a personal reading your greatest potential is revealed and/or confirmed. Typically, my clients are very intuitive, they just need to have reflected to them that they are aligned and in tune. I also shine a light on blind spots if a client has been struggling to break through a limitation or keeps experiencing a recurring pattern in romantic relationships, career path, finances or with toxic family dynamics.

If someone is a spiritual teacher, psychic or healer, they may feel called to do deeper work to prepare themselves to serve and facilitate healing for more people. I work with a handful of clients privately in a Reflection 30 or 90 where I provide support as a spiritual guide for a month to 3 months time frame. This sometimes includes intuitive guidance for launching or refining one’s personal brand. I’ve helped numerous clients over the years launch their brands in a holistic way.

Can you share a particularly memorable success story from your coaching practice where you witnessed a significant transformation in someone’s life?

One of my clients came to me devastated as her husband was having an affair and stopped paying the bills. She had four children to take care of and was working full-time. As I held space for her that year, she was able to expand her mind, which led to an idea for her business, leading to much more income, replacing the financial support that was missing from her husband. A few months later he apologized for his behavior and they were able to communicate lovingly and repair their marriage.

Another client who was working as a bookkeeper for the government went on to write a psychic development book, lead workshops and become the go-to psychic in her city.

Time management is a crucial aspect of personal growth. What are some practical tips you offer your clients to improve their time management skills and create a more balanced life?

Many of my clients are empaths, naturally intuitive and sensitive to energy so managing energy is critical for happiness and success.

Know Yourself. By observing your energy, you can develop the ability to see when your energy levels are depleting and take a time out to recharge.

Tune in to the Collective Field. When you can see or feel the cycles of energy, you can maintain optimum energy to get the things done you want to do. For example: When there are large waves of energy collectively and planetarily, you can ride them to experience big breakthroughs and quantum leaps in your spiritual growth and personal success. If the energy is stormy, it is better to be patient and use that time to reflect rather than take actions that lead to burnout.

Be Intentional. On a practical level, start your day reflecting on one-to-three actions you will take. Write them down. Then do them. This will help you to focus and make progress.

Batch your activities. Group together things you need to get done to fulfill your goals. For example: A typical day for me could be: Record 3 podcast episodes back-to-back. Then edit those 3 episodes. After that post on all my social media platforms. Do a guest appearance on a podcast. Followed by doing 3 more private readings. Eat, meditate, and reply to email requests. Do 2 coaching sessions. Quality time with my family exercising, eating dinner and relaxing.

Big life changes, such as career transitions or major life decisions, can be overwhelming. What steps do you guide your clients through to help them navigate these transitions successfully and confidently?

The most important thing I advise my clients is “Do not rush”. Typically big life changes activate the pain body and making a quick decision because you want to be done with the discomfort is not the best way to do things as it could lead to regret.

Feel your feelings. Observe what is happening. Get honest with yourself about what you truly want. Reflect on how you arrived where you are? Is it a coincidence? The more attuned you become to your soul and inner spiritual guidance; you will understand that you have created a number of the experiences you are having. Of course, there are circumstances that occur beyond your control and in those instances, the key is to look for the silver lining. Oftentimes our greatest grief and pain teaches us to be a strong support for others. It is vital not to rush through pain or grief but to honor it, you and your process.

If you want to learn more about Joanna and her work, please visit looking-glass.me

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Katarina is a Reiki practitioner who believes in spiritual healing, self-consciousness, healing with music. Mystical things inspire her to always look for deeper answers. She enjoys to be in nature, meditation, discover new things every day.