In this insightful MysticMag interview, we meet Jessica Guibord from Peace of Love Healing, an EnergyTouch practitioner who found her metaphysical gifts as a child but embraced them fully in 2014. While she maintains a career as an engineer, her true passion lies in energetic healing, with certifications ranging from Reiki to hypnotherapy. Jessica takes us through her healing modalities, explaining how she’s helped clients with a wide range of issues, and shares her philosophy of healing through raising vibrations.
Who is Jessica Guibord? Can you walk me through your professional journey?
I am Jessica Guibord an EnergyTouch practitioner who owns Peace of Love Healing. My journey began as a small child when I had many metaphysical gifts. However, I shut them down. It wasn’t until 2014 that I really re-opened my gifts. It all began with me having an energetic healing session with my ex-stepmother-in-law. I had a profound experience in that healing session, and that is when I knew I needed to pursue a Healing arts career. Even though I am still an engineer at one of the big three automotive companies I have an energetic healing practice on the side. it is my divine gift to humanity. In 2014, I began studying energetic healing modalities, first at EnergyTouch school of advanced healing in Grand Rapids Michigan. I pursued a three-year certificate of the healing arts. I am also certified in Reiki one and two, studied holographic healing with Marilyn Harper. I am a certified hypnotherapist and an ordained Metaphysical minister. I am also pursuing Herbalism classes and Bach Flower Remedy classes.
What energetic healing modalities do you use?
I typically practice a blend of the modalities that I have studied. The main influence comes from EnergyTouch. In a session, I connect with my client’s guidance team, my guidance team, and any other divine helpers. I listen and sense what is needed for the client based on their intention for the healing session and that is what I do for the client. I am an open channel for the divine healing energy to come through me based on the techniques that I’ve learned with the modalities that I’ve studied.
What are the differences between working with adults, children, and animals?
The only real difference between working with adults, Children, and animals is the way that I gain permission for the healing session. With adults it’s easy to gain permission I just ask, but with children, it requires permission from the parents who are still connected to their child’s field. When I work on animals, it typically is at the request of the owner of the animal, I find that animals are very similar to humans in the way they have unique personalities, and the only real difference is that they cannot speak a language that we can understand.
What is your most popular service with clients? Can you walk me through one of your sessions for that one?
The most popular service I have with clients is an energy healing session. The session can be done from a distance or in the physical presence of the client. I work out of my home currently and most of my clients are distance clients. Each session is unique to the client, depending on their intention for healing. I can work on a range of physical, mental or spiritual issues that the client is suffering from.
I have successfully pulled live virus and bacteria from my children (on multiple occasions while they were in daycare) in the form of strep throat. I had them tested at the doctor’s office to be sure that the techniques were successful. If they get sick, which has become increasingly rare, it’s typically for less than 24 hours.
I have seen success with acid reflux, hernias, root canals, removing energetic attachments and possession, heart disease, high blood pressure, back pain, quitting smoking, and many more issues. I am the channel for the divine energy to help the body remember how to maintain its own homeostasis. The client is truly the healer, and I am just an instrument to assist.
A typical client session begins with me asking two questions. The first question is do I have permission to enter your field for the purposes of healing? The second question is what is your intention for the healing? The entire session will revolve around the client’s intention, so this is very important. if a client is in person or at a distance, the process is basically the same. I ask these questions and then the client will relax and receive. If they are at a distance, I hang up the call, do the work, and then call them back with feedback. The sessions typically last for about an hour to an hour and a half. But the healing integrates over 72 hours. So even though we are done together, the healing is not done until the integration period is over. When the client asks when they should come back for another session m, I leave that up to them and how they’re feeling. they will know when it is time for another session. My intention is always one-and-done, but it is really up to the client and how deeply they can go into their own healing. They are in control of their own healing journey. I’m just an instrument for them to use to aid their process.
Can you tell me what Light Body / Merkaba is?
The light body or Merkaba is an energetic structure of divine light and energy around the human body. Mer means light. Ka means spirit. And Ba means body. The energetics structure is made up of two opposite, spinning, tetrahedron structures, the structure balances the polarity within the body, masculine and feminine energies. The masculine is a tetrahedron with the point up, and the feminine is a tetrahedron with the point down and the two spin in opposite directions to balance, those polarities. They are on multiple levels of the energetics field and I work with the ones on the ninth level and the 28th level along with the vertical power channels that run down the middle of them. if they are slowed or stagnant in their spin, then life‘s flow can be slowed or stagnant so it’s important to be sure it is spinning properly. This is also a mechanism that we have used for interstellar travels rather than with our dense physical bodies.
Is there anything else you’d like to end before we wrap up?
I would like to add that we ALL have the ability to heal ourselves if we raise our vibrations high enough. If we focus more on peace, love, and joy we can all get there. Bit by bit when we heal ourselves, we can heal the world. Blessings to ALL!
To learn more about Jessica and her work, you can visit www.peaceoflovehealing.com