In the realm of personal growth and self-discovery, there are individuals who possess a rare ability to inspire and guide others on their transformative journeys. Today, we have the privilege of delving into the world of one such remarkable individual, Jennifer Moore. Jennifer is not only an accomplished author and EFTi Master Trainer but also a captivating podcast host and the brilliant creator of Oracle Decks. Jennifer’s unique blend of expertise and creativity has enabled her to touch the lives of countless individuals seeking clarity, healing, and empowerment. Through her books, she has offered profound insights and practical tools for personal growth, while her expertise as an EFTi Master Trainer has allowed her to teach and mentor others in the powerful technique of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). Join Mystic Mag, as we dive into the fascinating world of Jennifer Moore, exploring her creative process, the insights she has gained from her work, and the profound impact she has had on the lives of others.
What inspired you to write “Empathic Mastery” and focus specifically on helping sensitives control empathic overwhelm and claim their gifts?
I wrote Empathic Mastery because I know what it’s like to struggle with feeling overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and bewildered. I spent the first half of my life in a state of perpetual worry and self-doubt. I believed there was something wrong with me that I needed to fix. I looked for solutions in the form of romantic relationships, restrictive dieting, relocating to different places, and reinventing myself more times than I can count. I’d grown up being told I was too sensitive, overreacting, and making too big a deal of things. I had no idea that the reason my life felt so hard was because I was constantly taking on energy, thoughts, emotions, and sensations from the outer world.
Learning how to recognize what was mine and what was coming from outside of myself was life-changing. Unfortunately, I spent over three decades lost and rudderless before I started to find tools that allowed me to shift from reacting to responding, worrying to trusting, and from struggling to succeeding. The relief I experienced with these tools was priceless. When something works for me, I love to share it with others. I felt called to write Empathic Mastery so that other empaths and highly sensitive people might be spared the years of struggle I endured. I also wrote it as a love letter to my younger self with the hope that, if one day I am reborn yet again, this resource will be available to me in my future incarnation.
In your book “Empathic Mastery” you mention that you ran a successful tattoo business for nearly 20 years. As an empath, HOW did you deal with everyone’s pain?
Ironically, tattooing was one of the greatest teachers of my life. At the core of it all, my mindset and my approach to working with people shifted from feeling responsible for fixing things to trusting in their sacred process. When I picked up my first tattoo machine and started to put “prayers on people’s skin,” I was deeply concerned about inflicting unnecessary pain. This was both stressful and energetically taxing. I knew I was following the right path and I knew it was the work I was called to do. I also knew I would have to change the way I engaged with the people I served if I wanted to continue for any length of time. It was my desire to do the work that provoked my transformation. So…
- I learned to say “yes” only to aligned clients. If a client didn’t feel like a fit, or the project was not in my wheelhouse, I turned it down and suggested a more appropriate artist for them.
- I made a commitment to improve my energetic protection. Instead of just showing up and taking my chances, I took time to establish my connection with Mother Earth and to send anything I picked up from my clients through me and deep into the ground.
- I defined and honored my boundaries. I created a set schedule and stuck to it. I never worked on my days off, came in early, or agreed to any exceptions that would compromise my personal limits. My career took off swiftly. Before I could blink I was booking out 6-8 months in advance. It would have been incredibly easy to succumb to eager people’s requests and squeeze in extra hours or come in on holidays or during my down time. Respecting my NO took effort on my part, but it was worth every uncomfortable silence and moment of people-pleaser doubt.
- I came to realize that my clients had chosen to do this work and thereby consented to the discomfort of the experience. I cultivated mindfulness so I’d notice if I started to shift from holding space for people wherever they were to feeling a need to rescue or fix. I learned to accept that we all have our struggles and lessons and to trust that they had a Higher Power in their life that was way more powerful than I could ever dream of being.
What type of services do you offer?
I support empaths, lightworkers, creatives, and other highly sensitive souls to break through their empathic overwhelm, emotional stagnation, and energetic limitations so they can shift to clarity, inspiration, and alignment with their Divinely given gifts. Drawing from well over three decades of personal and professional experience, I combine my professional skills in numerous modalities. These include EFT, Reiki, Shamanic Healing, Emotion Code, Akashic Record work, Hypnotherapy, Intuitive Guidance, Lightweb work, and Pastoral Care. I combine this with my own unique magic (and some hard-won common sense) to offer private mentoring and healing services to individuals and groups. These include professional EFT practitioner courses and accreditation support, ongoing fairy godmother apprenticeship programs, and live rounds for the Empathic Mastery Academy every year. In addition to these interactive live services, I also offer self-paced virtual courses, books; my weekly podcast, The Empathic Mastery Show; free masterclasses in my FB community; and posts and videos sharing resources and tools on my social media platforms.
Claiming one’s gifts as an empath can be a transformative journey. What are some key steps or practices you suggest to help sensitives embrace and fully utilize their empathic abilities?
This is an incremental process. We didn’t get this way overnight, so learning to master our abilities can take time as we peel away the layers of the onion. Over time I came to discover five steps that lead to Empathic Mastery: Recognize, Release, Protect, Connect, and Act. The first step of the journey starts when we recognize ourselves as highly sensitive and empathic people and grasp the magnitude of how this impacts all aspects of our life. From here, we learn to identify when we’re feeling out of sorts or off balance and to discern what’s ours and what’s coming from outside of ourselves. Next, we release the stuff that no longer serves us. Sometimes it can be as basic as placing our hands over our heart as we inhale deeply, then exhale while declaring, “I send this energy back to where it belongs.” Other times it requires more deliberate attention and tools such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), journaling, breathwork, prayer, chanting, sound healing, flower essences, yoga, or numerous additional methods of healing. Once we’ve let go of the mental, emotional, and energetic distress that’s kept us bogged down and feeling stuck, we direct our focus on protection. Effective protection requires both energetic and strategic adjustments. Energetically, we must fortify our depleted filters and shields so we are less porous and vulnerable to picking up external distress. Strategically, we must define and then enforce our personal boundaries. This means giving ourselves permission to decline any misaligned demands or requests and avoiding behaviors that drain us. In order to sustain this newly freed energy, we must replace what we’ve released with something better. This is where we take the fourth step and connect with a power greater than ourselves and welcome Divine Source to guide and sustain us. Finally we turn to the fifth step, act, so we can live with impeccability, integrity, and purpose. At first this process may require significant time to work through each step. Eventually, it becomes a seamless process we can move through in the time it takes to pause and consider each step one after another.
Society often views sensitivity as a weakness. How do you challenge this perspective in your book and empower empaths to embrace their sensitivity as a strength?
In a culture that often tries to avoid difficult emotions and mental anguish, it’s very understandable why sensitivity is regarded as a weakness. For someone who’s resisting their pain, it’s easier to invalidate the one who senses their distress than to admit to the truth. Over the years, I’ve noticed how this kind of invalidation and denial becomes self-doubt and questioning what’s wrong with us, as empaths. I not only challenge the perspective that sensitivity is a weakness, I turn this concept on its head. It’s resistance, denial, and emotional avoidance that are weaknesses. Empathic sensitivity, emotional awareness, and the capacity to be vulnerable are true strength and power.
Empaths often have a strong desire to help others and make a positive impact. How do you address the balance between self-care and empathic service in “Emphatic Mastery,” and how can empaths navigate this delicate balance effectively?
The key lies in how we approach all of this. Do we act from a state of joy, gratitude, and devotion, or from the burden of expectation and concern? Balance flows from Grace, communion with Divine Source, and the ease that arises from these.. Instead of perceiving self-care and service as opposing sides of the spectrum, the answer lies in realizing that self-care is the first essential form of service. In truth, we only serve effectively from a full cup. We must replenish our own reserves before we can share our gifts with grace, clarity, and vitality. In my experience, the balance between self-care and service is best guided by the heart and faith. What this looks like depends on the individual. What may feel utterly draining and excessive to one empath can be energizing and perfectly aligned for another. The key to navigating this comes from self-awareness and knowing what our true thoughts and feelings are, versus what’s influenced by external sources. This requires understanding our limits and knowing what feels right to us. It begins with our capacity to recognize what’s actually our job, as opposed to what we agreed to out of obligation, urgency, or a disproportionate sense of responsibility for things that are way beyond our scope as human beings.