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The House of Healing with Jason Kirby

The House of Healing with Jason Kirby

MysticMag meets Jason Kirby from Elysium House Healing. Jason has a natural gift for healing, reflected in the meaning of his name, Jason, in Greek. His journey into this field involves embracing his own divinity, which he feels has been hidden over the years. With over fifteen years of experience in various energetic practices, from crystals to meditation and yoga, Jason has cultivated a deep understanding of healing modalities. His career in special collections, reference, and archives in the local public library system for over two decades has given him a profound love for history, which greatly aids his research for house healing.

What inspired you to become a Professional House Healer, and how has your journey evolved since you started in 2021?

House healing has been a journey for me, one that began in a rather unexpected way. While I didn’t start practicing house healing until 2021, my path toward it began much earlier, about 15 years ago. Back then, I was exploring various energy modalities and spiritual practices, but house healing wasn’t something I had envisioned for myself. It’s been more of a gradual unfolding, a series of events and experiences that led me to where I am today.
One significant influence on my journey was a pastor I knew in the late ’90s. Unlike many traditional religious figures, he had a more open-minded approach, emphasizing the idea that everyone has spiritual gifts. This perspective resonated with me and set the stage for my later exploration into different spiritual practices.
My interest in genealogy also played a role. Working at a research library exposed me to the intricacies of family history, but it also introduced me to the idea of ancestral connections and the unseen forces that can influence our lives. I often felt guided to certain books or sections of the library, which I now recognize as the early stirrings of my intuitive abilities.
One particularly vivid experience involved researching a family member and hitting a dead end. I distinctly heard a voice telling me to look for the person’s name, but ten years later, I discovered that the name had changed. This led me to uncover a family history intertwined with racism, a revelation that left me in awe of the unseen forces at play in our lives.
In 2009, while teaching a genealogy class, I encountered dowsing rods for the first time. Despite my initial skepticism, I was intrigued by the idea of using them to locate graves. A simple experiment with the rods convinced me that there was more to this practice than meets the eye. This experience, along with other synchronicities, continued to deepen my belief in a higher power guiding us.
In the following years, I delved into various spiritual practices, including yoga, meditation, astrology, and crystal healing. Each of these modalities expanded my understanding of energy and consciousness, preparing me for the next phase of my journey.
In 2016, I trained in Pranic healing, followed by Reiki in 2017, and finally, yoga teacher training in 2018. These experiences laid the groundwork for my eventual specialization in house healing.
The pandemic, surprisingly, provided me with the opportunity to delve deeper into house healing. With more free time on my hands, I dedicated myself to studying and practicing this art. By 2021, I felt ready to offer my services professionally, and since then, I’ve been helping clients with various house-related issues.
Transitioning from a stable nine-to-five job to a full-time house healer was not easy. It required me to step out of my comfort zone and trust in the guidance I was receiving. Despite the challenges and uncertainties, I’ve found this path to be incredibly rewarding, stretching me in ways I never thought possible. It’s a constant reminder of the unseen forces at work in our lives and the importance of trusting in something greater than ourselves.

How do you approach educating others about the importance of house healing and its impact on overall well-being?

Just like in my regular job, I’ve spent over two decades engaging in outreach, delivering presentations to various groups. My focus has always been on creating entertaining and educational programs. I make a concerted effort to distance myself from being labeled as part of the paranormal groups despite some people’s inclination to categorize me as such. I aim to relate to the everyday person, recognizing that while paranormal enthusiasts pursue their interests, my work extends beyond ghost-busting.
My approach encompasses a holistic view, examining 64 different areas beyond just dealing with spirits. I often encounter misconceptions in my field, such as the belief that new houses shouldn’t have issues. However, I’ve worked on new houses with plenty of problems. Older houses, with their longer histories, tend to have more issues because they have been around longer. Additionally, while sage is often touted as a cure-all for spiritual issues, it’s not a guaranteed fix. I emphasize the need for a tailored approach, much like treating different stains requires different cleaning methods.

In your experience, what are some common signs or indicators that a home may be in need of healing, and how do these signs correlate with the occupants’ well-being?

I often remind people that experiencing strange phenomena in their homes doesn’t necessarily mean they have a haunted house. It could simply be a reflection of the challenges they’re facing in life. Maybe there’s a room that feels off, has a strange smell, or they’re going through significant life changes like divorce, job changes, or the stress of living through events like the recent pandemic.
Children and pets, being more sensitive, can also pick up on these energies. They haven’t been conditioned to dismiss these feelings like adults often are, so they can be good indicators of something amiss. In most cases, it’s the women who are more sensitive and likely to notice these subtle changes. It’s rare for a husband to call and say, “There’s something wrong with our house,” but rather, it’s usually the wife who senses something off, especially if the kids are affected.
These sensitivities can sometimes indicate that someone who hasn’t properly crossed over is present, which can disrupt the energy of the home. Sometimes, these disturbances are orchestrated by higher forces to draw attention to the need for spiritual intervention, which goes beyond just cleaning a house.
When I assess a situation, sometimes it’s clear that the healing needs to focus on the house itself, while other times, it’s more about the people in the house. The balance between these two aspects varies based on the specific needs of the situation.

How do you navigate the more challenging aspects of house healing, such as uncovering difficult histories or addressing deeply rooted energetic imbalances, both for the home and the individuals involved?

I always strive to meet my clients where they are in their beliefs and experiences. When I start working with someone, I often ask about their religious/spiritual background to ensure I approach the situation with sensitivity and understanding. It’s important to acknowledge and listen to their experiences without overreacting or dismissing them. People want to feel heard and validated, and that’s a big part of my approach.
For example, I once worked with a client whose daughter was going through a lot and had picked up a spirit that was attached to her weakened aura that had died in a car wreck. She reminded him of his girlfriend and didn’t have the best intentions. She started being afraid and having thoughts of dying in a car wreck, which was his emotions coming through her. Through our session, I was able to get this spirit that was attached to her aura off, which immediately stopped his emotions from funneling through her. By helping the spirit find peace back home, the daughter’s fears ceased. Sometimes, emotions from spirits can affect the living, and it’s important to address these underlying issues.

In another case, a client had a spirit in their home that was making her feel watched and causing her cat to act erratic. I identified the spirit as a “stalker” and it triggered a memory to a traumatic experience the client had as a child. By addressing the root cause of the trauma, which the spirit represented, the client was able to find peace, and I was able to transition the spirit back home, and the disturbances in their home ceased for her and her cat.

I’ve also had experiences where I’ve picked up on a loved one’s old trauma that was getting triggered in times of stress. I was able to tie it to the right after she had given birth to her child decades ago in the form of postpartum depression. I was able to send healing to this aspect of her, releasing the trigger mechanism, and her current symptoms dissipated once the connection was made.

My goal is always to ease clients into these experiences and deliver messages in a compassionate and supportive way. I stay with them throughout the process, providing guidance and support as they navigate their spiritual journey. Each experience is a learning opportunity, both for me and for my clients, and it’s rewarding to witness their growth and transformation.

Could you describe a typical healing session, from the initial assessment to the healing process itself and the follow-up?

Most of my clients are women, as they tend to be more sensitive and open to exploring these types of healing modalities. I always conduct one-on-one sessions to ensure that I’m a good fit for them and vice versa. If there’s something I don’t specialize in, I’ll recommend they seek help elsewhere. However, most clients who come to me are already guided to me in some way.
During our one-on-one sessions, we discuss what’s happening in their home and their lives. I explain my process, which involves tuning into the energy of their home and land. I can do this remotely, but I do require a floor plan for accuracy. Healing can be done remotely, similar to Reiki or energy healing, as it’s not limited by geography.
Once I have the floor plan, I can tune into the energy of the space and identify areas that need healing. I go through about 40+ different areas in the home and about 20+ areas related to the individuals living there. My reports are typically 35 to 45 pages long, detailing what I’ve found and how it may be affecting them.
I always aim to deliver the message in a compassionate and understanding way, and I encourage clients to ask questions and discuss any issues that come up. Sometimes, forgiveness or other deep issues need to be addressed, and I provide guidance on how to move forward.
The actual healing takes about 2 to 2.5 hours for the individuals and home. Clients don’t need to do anything special during the healing, and they can go about their normal activities afterward. However, their body may need time to adjust, similar to removing a heavy weight. They may experience symptoms like dizziness, headaches, or flu-like symptoms, but these typically subside after three to seven days.
I check in with clients every 24 hours to see if they’re experiencing any symptoms or negative effects. It’s important to note that the healing is based on what the client needs, not necessarily what they want, and it respects their free will. Clients often feel a difference after the healing, but everyone’s experience is unique.

If you would like to find out more about Jason Kirby, please visit https://elysiumhousehealing.com/

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MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Sarah Kirton
Content Editor
Content Editor
Sarah Kirton is a Content Editor at MysticMag. She focuses on exploring diverse holistic therapies, energy healing, and esoteric arts. Her role involves delving into these subjects to bring out meaningful insights from each individual she interviews. With a long-standing spiritual connection, Sarah has dabbled in Reiki (Reiki 1) and tarot, drawn by the fascinating power of energy and its healing potential. As a freelance writer for the past five years, she has honed her ability to craft compelling narratives around these topics. Sarah is also a mother to a 6-year-old, whom she considers her greatest teacher. Outside of her spiritual work, she enjoys water sports, appreciating the energy and power of nature, which aligns with her love for the healing and transformative aspects of the natural world.