Jan Jorgensen, from Sound and Light Healing Arts, is a skilled practitioner specializing in helping women release resistance to standing in their power. With a unique blend of scientific and spiritual principles, she empowers individuals and community leaders to create transformative circles of change. Jan’s passion is supporting the transformation of the earth and its people through her work in vibration and quantum energy transformation. Her women’s leadership project is called “SOAR.” MysticMag finds out more.
What can you tell our readers about your own journey?
I grew up in a large Irish Catholic family. I was the 6th child out of eight, so I often felt invisible within the group. There seemed to be no place for my voice or individuality. It wasn’t until later that I realized the impact this had on me and my personal growth. I developed anxiety when it came to speaking up and expressing myself in various settings. By the time I reached college and joined different groups, my anxiety around speaking and performing became quite severe. Interestingly enough, I had also trained to become a singer, which added to my stage fright. I knew I needed to find answers and a remedy to meet my goals.
I pursued a career in nursing, which gave me a deeper understanding of anxiety. In my early fifties, I started singing as a volunteer at the bedside for Hospice patients. Singing in that intimate setting, without thinking about being on stage, allowed me to experience a state of fearlessness. It was a profound moment in my life. I became fascinated with the physiology of anxiety and how fear manifests in the human body. I started studying the state of grace I experienced while singing at the Hospice bedside, trying to understand its components.
This journey led me to develop a process called “voice release,” which focuses on removing fear from the human voice and empowering individuals to speak and sing with immense power. I discovered that people respond to others based on vibration, and fear in the voice creates unease and lack of trust. My specific focus was on women who receive intuitive spiritual messages, as I felt they often muted themselves and their valuable contributions to humanity.
To study the effects of voice release, I entered a doctorate program and conducted research with six women. Through pre- and post-interviews, we found that after voice release, these women felt 85% more comfortable speaking up in various situations. The process also helped them heal the initial traumas that caused their self-imposed silence.
The scientific aspect of my work led me to teach at the Sound and Consciousness Institute in San Francisco (now known as Globe). I collaborated with scientists and utilized computerized vocal analysis systems. However, the final part of my process required deep meditation and guidance from spiritual beings. I learned a toning technique, guided by an Archangel, that effectively dissolves and releases the original fear response triggered by past traumas. This process has been transformative in giving women their voices back and allowing them to reclaim their power.
Can you explain how the Sound and Light Healing Arts approach helps individuals in finding their authentic selves and experiencing everyday miracles?
When I embarked on my spiritual journey as an adult woman, around the age of 53, I had the privilege of studying with a teacher named Caroline Corey. Through her guidance, I learned simple yet powerful tools to harness the immense power of my own consciousness and intention. I was both surprised and overjoyed to discover that I could recreate my reality using these vibrational tools, which are rooted in actual mathematical and physics principles.
As a nurse and someone who values rationality, I realized that these tools were not only transformative for me but had the potential to help others as well. That’s when I decided to create my website, Sound and Light Healing Arts. Through my work, I assist people in attuning the harmonics of their own frequency biofield, leading to greater physical well-being, mental calm, and ultimately, a profound spiritual connection.
The process I teach is akin to using a GPS system that resides within the heart. I refer to it as “working from the zero point” and accessing and working with the zero points within the grid of all that is. The beauty of it is its simplicity. It’s like performing spiritual hygiene, much like we floss our teeth. By meditating every morning and quieting our minds from the chaos of fear-based thoughts that stem from the external reality, we clear the decks and remember the truth of who we really are as divine beings. We become messengers, bringing forth new ideas, words, and inspirations into a system that may be in decline.
This process is both powerful and simple, simultaneously. It allows us to tap into our innate power and make profound shifts in our lives and the world around us.
How do you incorporate the principles of science and spirituality in your work to open inner doors and release resistance to standing in one’s power?
I frequently utilize the voice bio computerized analysis system as part of my work. This system allows me to plot the frequencies and music of a person’s voice, generating a graph that represents the music within their body. It’s important to understand that the voice acts as a megaphone for the biofield, the energetic essence of an individual. By plotting this information on a visible graph, I can correlate it to 26 potential disease states that may manifest in the future.
This approach serves as a preventative measure, offering individuals a beautiful way to observe how their habits and thoughts form patterns within themselves. When these patterns become imbalanced, they can lead to states of disease. It’s a scientific and energy-based approach that helps people recognize the connection between their energetic profiles and potential health outcomes.
In addition to the voice bio computerized analysis system, I also utilize a Portacle developed by Don Estes. This portacle allows me to visually observe the voice in real-time, presenting colorful mosaic-like movements. Through this visualization, I can assess the mental, physical, and emotional alignment or misalignment of my clients based on the words they speak. By identifying any discrepancies, I can help my clients recognize and work towards authentic communication. When individuals express themselves with absolute truth, they are more likely to receive genuine reactions from others.
What is the significance of Intentional Creativity Painting in your work and how does it contribute to the transformation process in women’s workshops?
Throughout my years of working with women, I’ve discovered that many of them have a deep spiritual connection to the creator and their guides, although they may not use new age terminology or resonate with such language. Recognizing this, I offer three different avenues to connect with these women in their communities.
One of my offerings is Intentional Creativity Painting developed by Shiloh Sophia. Through this practice, we use colors and intention to express ourselves and create movement within our biofield. Starting with an empty canvas, we set an intention to have a different experience, and as we paint, it actually shifts our energy. Throughout this process, there is no need for explicit spiritual conversations or terminology; the focus is solely on the creative process itself. By the end of the painting, the women experience a transformation, without relying on explicit spiritual language.
In the past year, I also realized that many women are isolated in their communities worldwide. To address this, I developed the Queens Caravan Spiritual Walkabout Tour. I reach out to women and offer to sit in circle with them and the women in their community. During these gatherings, we discuss ways to expand and empower themselves, helping them find their voice. I provide a menu of options for these circles, including energy and sound healing sessions, which involve beautiful music and setting intentions that everyone can understand and feel comfortable with. Another option is intentional creativity painting as a community activity, where women bond and share their creative process, fostering a sense of community. Lastly, I offer voice release, a deeper and more intuitive practice that requires spiritual tools to navigate powerfully.
Over the past year, I have embarked on three major tours, visiting various communities. I have sat in the homes of women in the Mormon church, traveled to Moab, Utah, to an intentional community, and worked with relatives and high school classmates who are eager to explore more. Through these experiences, I am empowering and galvanizing powerful women within their communities. By expanding and holding circles, we collectively raise the vibration and create a positive impact for everyone involved.
Can you elaborate on your Women’s Leadership project, “SOAR,” and how it aims to support the transformation of the earth and its people towards a higher path?
SOAR is a philosophy that I deeply resonate with, and it is a topic that I have extensively covered on my YouTube channel, “Jan Jorgensen: Be the Light.” SOAR stands for Sound Our Authentic Resonance. Throughout history, women have been marginalized and their voices muted or self-muted for thousands of years. However, the tides are turning, and now it is crucial for the voices of the feminine and truth to rise.
The template of empowerment I propose involves women leaders in their communities creating circles. These circles serve as a platform for authentic exchange and connection. In this empowering structure, the leader of one community visits another circle in a different community, fostering a powerful exchange of information, tools, and wisdom. Through this cross-pollination, we create a new feminine grid of power that embraces reciprocity, shared resources, and cultivates hope and inspiration.
When women connect at the soul level, something magical happens. Local food is shared, local songs are sung, and cultural habits are exchanged. In these profound connections, the illusion of separation dissipates, and we realize that there is no “other.” When we sit with a woman and her community in this way, we become sisters. Their family becomes our family, and our mother becomes their mother. This deep bond becomes the foundation of a new, yet timeless, social structure built on love, support, and unity.
By embracing the principles of SOAR and fostering these transformative connections, we are collectively creating a paradigm shift, where the voices and power of women are honored and uplifted. It is through this interconnectedness and sisterhood that we build a brighter future for all.
If you would like to find out more about Jan, visit https://www.soundandlighthealingarts.com/