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Rediscovering Your Inner Harmony with Jaleesa: Unleashing Limitless Energy and Serenity

Rediscovering Your Inner Harmony with Jaleesa: Unleashing Limitless Energy and Serenity

She is Jaleesa Hatchett. Creator of Energetically YOU, a momma to 2 teenagers, a wife, a daughter, an aunt named Geesha, and a friend to many.

Imagine the transformation awaiting you when you rediscover the synergy between your mind, body, and spiritual essence.

Experience boundless energy to effortlessly navigate your day. Feel a profound sense of peace coursing through your body. Awaken each morning refreshed, thanks to a rejuvenating night’s sleep. Witness miracles unfold in the tapestry of your everyday life. Discover a surplus of yourself to generously offer to those who depend on you.

As we learn to attune ourselves to our authentic selves—mind, body, and spirit—vitality naturally surges within us. Reconnecting with your energy is a powerful recollection that we were all born to feel extraordinary and harmoniously in tune with the flow of life.

Learn more about Jaleesa Hatchett in the latest MysticMag interview.

How can incorporating mindfulness meditation into a daily routine positively impact an individual’s mental well-being, and what are some practical tips for beginners to start practicing mindfulness?                                                          

There is a multitude of positive health benefits to engaging in a mindfulness practice for yourself. At the top of the list, I would say is helping to relieve stress and improving the quality of sleep. So many Americans currently deal with these two issues in addition to chronic pain, high blood pressure, and depression. Developing an easy daily practice that fits into your life can be life-changing. 

A few practical tips to get started right away are: 

  • bookend your day with a small practice. Before you get out of bed each day take a moment in silence, inhale and exhale three deep breaths, smile, and appreciate the gift of another new day you have been given. This starts your day on a positive note. Before you go to bed do the same, inhale and exhale three more deep breaths, smile, and be thankful you completed another day on earth. Regardless of how your day went, you survived! You still have a beating heart, and you are safely in your bed.
  • Start a gratitude journal. The simple act of writing down things you appreciate changes you. It can be anything from the joy you get from your first cup of morning coffee to much larger-scale things. There are no set rules, anything you appreciate that comes to you jot it down. After you have incorporated these 2 tips consistently, then consider branching out to a true version of meditation. 
  • Listening to a guided meditation. There are plenty of apps that offer amazing short 10-minute or less meditations. Finding a voice that sounds smooth to your ears helps! I have been practicing this for several years and my day doesn’t feel complete without it.

Could you explain the concept of chakra balancing and its potential effects on mental and physical health? How might someone identify imbalances in their chakras, and what practices can be employed to restore balance?

I love that the term Chakra balancing is becoming more mainstream! We have 7 energy centers in our bodies that correspond to certain organs and nerves. When we feel our best mentally and physically that means all our energy centers are in balance and the energy is free flowing in our body up and down our spinal column. Sometimes for various reasons, energy can get stuck and when things don’t move as easily over time this can lead to organ trouble, physical pain, and even affect our thoughts. Learning to keep our chakras balanced allows us to live and function as our best energetic selves.                                   

Positive psychology focuses on enhancing individuals’ strengths and well-being. How can the principles of positive psychology be applied in daily life to promote a more positive mindset and improve overall mental health?

“Change your thoughts and you change your world.” This is a very powerful quote by Norman Vincent Peale. Your thoughts determine your world. 95% of our thoughts occur subconsciously making it all the more important to work hard at creating positive conscious thoughts for the remaining  5% of the time. This helps develop and strengthen behaviors that we want to be automatic and occur subconsciously. This is where the practice of mindfulness pays off. Focusing on the things you are grateful for overtime changes how you see your life. No longer are you focused on the things you don’t have, instead you see all the goodness that already exists in your life. It’s a very cool concept to witness unfold in a client in their life. 

Ztyo Bioscan and Genius Biofeedback are relatively new concepts. Could you provide an overview of what Ztyo Bioscan and Genius Biofeedback entail and how they differ from traditional health assessments? How might the information gathered from a Ztyo Bioscan or Genius be used to support well-being?                        

The Ztyo Scan and the Genius have been around for years, again I love that it’s becoming a more mainstream option for individuals looking to improve their overall health and wellness. Instead of only relying on pills and synthetic drugs, these machines can help you manage your body’s condition with the right foods, supplements, herbs, and flower extracts. The Zyto scanner requires an in-person session and offers comprehensive alternatives to medication that over time can resolve lingering health issues through natural supplements. The Genius scan can be performed remotely with simple voice recognition and a picture. I love having options for people. For those seeking supplements, the Zyto scan recommends what you need. For individuals more interested in listening to frequencies that help move energy and prefer not to take anything orally, the Genius is a great tool for them. 

How might someone integrate mindfulness meditation, chakra balancing, positive psychology principles, and Ztyo Bioscan insights into a holistic approach for achieving and maintaining mental and emotional balance? Are there synergies between these practices?                                                    

For starters, connecting with someone like myself who knows how to incorporate these amazing tools into a daily practice is key. We are always more successful at anything in life when we connect with a community of like-minded people on the same type of healing journey. All the modalities I offer work synergistically together to help improve the overall well-being of a person. 

While mindfulness meditation and positive psychology have garnered scientific support, some may view concepts like chakra balancing and Ztyo Bioscan with skepticism. How can these practices be approached in a way that aligns with evidence-based approaches to health and well-being? Are there ongoing studies or research that support their efficacy?                            

Technology is ever changing which can be a blessing and a curse as we try to keep up. We have trusted an EKG machine to measure the electrical activity of our heart for years. It excites me that more and more individuals are open to accepting different approaches to testing other electrical activities in the body. We are truly energetic beings, Eastern Medicine has been addressing this aspect of health for years. It’s exciting to see it enter the Western world of medicine. Energy Medicine Degrees are now fields of study at major Universities, so it’s gaining validity. Most people who start seeking alternative health help do so because mainstream medicine isn’t addressing their issue. It’s amazing to watch someone’s face after they do a Ztyo or Genius Scan because the scan caught their issue. That look of hope is priceless. Helping others on their health and wellness journey is a privilege.  I’m honored to be a witness.


We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.