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From Sacred Hills to Cosmic Airports with Jacqueline Maria Longstaff

From Sacred Hills to Cosmic Airports with Jacqueline Maria Longstaff

In a transformative interview, we delve into the spiritual odyssey of Jacqueline Maria Longstaff, a renowned spiritual teacher and visionary. Many years ago, Jacqueline founded the Singing Heart Ashram near the sacred hill of Arunachala in South India, creating a sanctuary for meditation retreats and spiritual growth. Now, as she bids farewell to her days in India, Jacqueline reflects on her profound experiences and her vision of the “Cosmic Airport”—a unique concept aimed at revolutionizing the birth and death processes to elevate human consciousness. Join Mystic Mag as Jacqueline shares her journey, her gratitude, and her continuing mission to uplift global consciousness.

Can you share with us the key moments in your life that led to your awakening and how these experiences shaped your vision for the “Cosmic Airport”?

The key event, actually the first time I had a kind of cosmic experience, happened when I was only five years old. I was singing in a church choir, and there was a little boy in front of me named Melvin Baker. I remember falling in love with him. You know, I’m a very strong Libran with many planets in the 7th house, so relationships have always been a big part of my life.

I was singing in the choir with many parents around listening, but I couldn’t stop looking at Melvin Baker. At the same time, I was singing to Jesus, and suddenly, everything exploded within me. It was like an out-of-body experience, so ecstatic. I think it was then that the first opening happened.

Later on in my life, much later, I met people who had begun working on themselves with meditation and so on. I also had a big birth trauma when I was born; it took three days for me to be born, and they had to slap my mother’s face in the end to keep her alive. So, I went to see a rebirthing therapist who was an Osho disciple. I did one rebirthing session with him, and it was totally cosmic. I knew then that I had to go to India. Although I had been to India many times before, I felt compelled to go to the Osho ashram. This is where my real deep unfoldment began.

It was wonderful being with Osho. It was such a gift because one of the things he did was combine meditation with therapy. We weren’t allowed to just sit in meditation and think we were enlightened. We had to work through our issues. While I was there, I met a Swedish man named David, an old disciple of Osho. One day, I got in an auto-rickshaw with him and could feel his energy. I told him I was going to spend the rest of my life with him, and he said, “Let’s see what existence arranges.” Existence arranged many things, leading to me having a huge kundalini rising with him just sitting by my side—that’s another story.

I trained in rebirthing therapy at the Osho Ashram in Pune in the 70s. They gave me a job in the group department where I was a group assistant and also gave individual sessions. I have worked with people in spiritual unfoldment for the rest of my life up to now. In a two-week meditation retreat, I always do rebirthing sessions with people, getting everyone to breathe at the same time. I also conduct Osho meditation and dance meditation, where people use their bodies to express their feelings. It’s no good falling into the trap of becoming “spiritual” and thinking that means becoming holy.

The concept of the “Cosmic Airport” is fascinating. Can you delve deeper into how this vision came to you and what specific steps you are taking to bring it to fruition?

I woke up one morning, possibly at home in Denmark—I don’t remember exactly. I was just lying on my bed with my eyes closed, lying on my back. Suddenly, there was an explosion in front of the third eye area, and I saw an airport. I thought, “Well, that’s interesting. I do travel a lot.” But seeing an airport after a third eye explosion was unusual.

I looked around and could see the arrival lounge, transit area, and departure lounge, but there were no airplanes and nobody checking in with their baggage. I stayed with the vision and started tuning into it. It felt like I was being told this was a cosmic airport. The arrival lounge was a place where people learn to work with the birth process or heal their own birth process. The transit lounge was for everyone in transit through life, a place of awakening where people work with meditation and whatever they need for healing and therapy. The departure lounge was for people who were dying, teaching them to leave their physical bodies in the highest possible condition.

I lay there with my eyes closed, watching this cosmic airport, and had the feeling that one day I would have a cosmic airport. From that moment on, I started doing Cosmic Airport training with people. I have done this in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, India, and other places. Sometimes it was a year-long process, sometimes 15 months, where people met for a week or 10 days at a time, and we worked on the issues related to one of the lounges.

There are now people teaching Cosmic Airport training. I hoped there would be a cosmic airport in Brazil and invested a lot of energy into this. However, something happened with the people holding the sacred land in Brazil, making it impossible to proceed. What has come out of my vision up to now is that quite a few people are working with conscious birthing and conscious dying. Many midwives have participated in this training program, and a man in Singapore is now conducting his own Cosmic Airport training.

People working as doctors, nurses, therapists, and so on are using what I’ve taught in the Cosmic Airport training. COVID delayed another opportunity to establish a physical cosmic airport, but that doesn’t bother me much. I’m 76 years old now, though I don’t feel 76 at all. Age is just a number. So much has come out of that cosmic airport experience and the training groups.

There are many people inspired by this, and I always tell them to take anything that inspires them and run with it in their own creative way. They don’t need to be a copy of me or anyone else.

What type of services do you offer?

I’m 76 years old now, so I’m not offering as much as I used to, but I still do astrological readings. When I read horoscopes, I interpret them on different levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. I also have people around me who have completed Cosmic Airport training and other programs with me. If someone needs a particular kind of assistance on their pathway, I know who to send them to.

There’s a beautiful center in Sweden called the Leela Center where I still hold meditation retreats. In fact, I will be holding one there soon, from the 22nd to the 26th of August. I’ve held many different programs at the Leela Center, including my Cosmic Airport training. I also have a popular program called “Dying for Truth,” which focuses on the death process and how to use it for awakening. You can awaken in the death process just as you can in life.

Another retreat I’ve held there is called “The Tao of Elvis.” Elvis was a very special and spiritual person, so anything that excites and interests me, I incorporate into a meditation retreat. I’ve worked this way with people for many years, including at the ashram in India. After the COVID drama, I gave my ashram away to a very fine man in South India who has many projects for orphaned and handicapped children. I visited a few months ago, and they all came to see me. I did a program there, and he is looking after the Singing Heart Ashram very well.

I’m not ready for the death process yet—I’m supposed to be in this physical body until I’m 93. I’m happy with what I’ve been allowed to receive and give in this lifetime, and it’s gratifying to see that what I’ve given is being used and appreciated.

Years ago, I also gave healing massages because working with the physical body is very important. I realized this at the Osho Ashram, where I learned that issues can sit very deep in the physical body. I was educated in Denmark in healing massage and have worked in esoteric groups there. I found this interesting because I worked with some very fine people, but I noticed they could be extremely mental. By this, I don’t mean crazy, but that everything was coming from the mental body and bypassing the feelings and physical body. I was very grateful for what I learned at the Osho Ashram.

I have also taken many groups to the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland and held programs there. It’s an interesting place started many years ago by a couple who were contacted by angelic forces and nature spirits. They were taught how to plant and ended up growing enormous vegetables. Some people listening to this might have heard of the Findhorn Foundation. They decided to use what they learned from the angelic forces to grow big people instead of just big vegetables, helping people awaken and become all they can be. I did quite a lot of work there years ago.

I feel so excited when I see people’s creativity, whether it’s growing big vegetables or helping others grow in their own way. It’s inspiring and a wonderful idea.

Your vision includes a departure lounge for conscious dying. How do you plan to train individuals to use the death process for spiritual enlightenment, and what impact do you hope this will have on society’s perception of death?

I think the sound was a little off there, but I got you. The departure lounge and the death process—how to prepare people for dying—was the focus of my “Dying for Truth” program. This program might last over a year, with week-long sessions spread over five meetings or so, examining the death process.

First, I need to know if people are afraid of death or what they might fear. We work a lot with rebirthing in the death process. When you go through the death process, everything comes up at the moment of death. You can use the death process for awakening, but if you’re not prepared, stuff can suddenly surface from the subconscious—perhaps some awful things you’ve done in this lifetime. You can get pulled into negative feelings. If there’s anyone you hate, and you remember this person at the time of death, you might reincarnate at a very low level because you got pulled into these dramas.

I help people using different techniques to bring up all the shadow stuff and the things they found difficult in life or have difficulty accepting. We have seven different layers to address. The first layer is the physical body. If people are very attached to being physical, they won’t get far in awakening during the death process. The second layer is the pranic, or desire body, a low level where people must look at and accept their desires, possibly using rebirthing therapy. You can’t move beyond anything you can’t accept.

The third layer is the mental body, where a lot of guilt can reside about things done or not done in this lifetime. The fourth layer is the etheric, or pain body, where people can get stuck in negative thinking about painful situations. Instead of rising to a state of knowing or awakening, they get stuck in remembering negative experiences.

The causal body is the fifth layer. In the Cosmic Airport program, I do a nighttime process with people for the causal body. Its energy is a deep black darkness, like soft velvet. We sit in complete darkness, blindfolded, with deep mantra music playing, breathing in and out the darkness to move through the causal body.

Next, we look at the cosmic body, the sixth layer, where all the joy and wonderful experiences from this lifetime are stored. Leaving the physical body from the joy body would be nice but wouldn’t lead to real awakening because you can also be attached to joy.

The seventh layer is the nirvanic body. People can learn to lift their consciousness to the nirvanic body and practice this, enabling them to do it at the time of death. However, if they haven’t addressed their guilt, desires, and emotional attachments, they won’t be able to reach the nirvanic body. The death process mirrors the meditative process on the way to awakening.

As I’ve often said, for heaven’s sake, don’t start becoming holy—it’s not the same as being spiritual. People can get stuck in thinking they are spiritual or holy. Awakening is beyond all of that. Everything is just as it is.

You are connected with various groups worldwide. Can you share some success stories of how these groups have manifested their visions and contributed to the upliftment of consciousness?

I’ve already mentioned Osho, and I think most people know about him and the ashram in Pune. One of Osho’s greatest gifts was teaching us to embrace everything without judgment. He has brought people further along in their spiritual journeys than many others I have observed, without intending to judge anyone else.

Another influential figure was Michael Barnett, one of Osho’s close disciples. He did amazing energy work. I attended some of Michael’s courses even though I was already working in a similar way. His music choices were fantastic and inspired me to select music for the people I work with. Although Michael has left the body, there are still people who continue to work in his spirit.

The person who inspired me the most in Pune was Teertha, also known as Paul Lowe. He was one of the biggest names at the Pune Ashram in the late 70s and early 80s. He was British and later moved to Australia. When I wrote my first book about the manipulation of consciousness on this planet, I included a lot about him. One day, I met him in a cafe in Australia and gave him a copy of my book. A day or so later, he found me sitting alone on the beach at sunset. He told me that although he normally doesn’t read books about conspiracy theories, he appreciated that I wasn’t attached to the ideas in my book. He then kissed me on the cheek and walked off into the sunset, just like in a movie. I never saw him again as he left the body soon after.

Another significant figure in my life was David Icke. Some people call him a conspiracy theorist, but he was a man who worked for the BBC and started receiving information about important global issues. David taught me that the term “conspiracy theory” was coined by the FBI or CIA to dismiss people who investigated deeper into these matters. I traveled around the world for seven years with David. He would share his information during his tours, which lasted for hours, and then I would do my energy work with beautiful music, helping people move beyond the fear and negativity his information might evoke. We did some fine work together for many years.

Last year, I was invited to speak at a conference in Mount Shasta, America, by a man named Rob Potter. Mount Shasta has a very special and powerful energy, with many sightings reported there. The conference was attended by contactees—people who have been contacted by higher space intelligence. One of the speakers, who was not a contactee herself, was the granddaughter of President Eisenhower, who was also a contactee. This topic might be for another time, but being contacted by higher space intelligence has been a significant part of my life as well.

Despite the current bleakness in the world, I hold everything in my heart and believe that there are those of us who have incarnated to help lift the consciousness of humanity. We may not have succeeded in previous incarnations, but I have a feeling that we will succeed this time. I always encourage people to get as deep as possible into their hearts to avoid being pulled into fear, judgment, or hatred because of what’s happening in the world.

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Katarina is a Content Editor at Mystic Mag She is a Reiki practitioner who believes in spiritual healing, self-consciousness, healing with music. Mystical things inspire her to always look for deeper answers. She enjoys to be in nature, meditation, discover new things every day. Interviewing people from this area is her passion and space where she can professionaly evolve, and try to connect people in needs with professionals that can help them on their journey. Before joining Mystic Mag, she was involved in corporate world where she thought that she cannot express herself that much and develop as a person.