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Unveiling Possibilities - Jacqueline Gauntlett's Transformative Journey

Unveiling Possibilities - Jacqueline Gauntlett's Transformative Journey

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and transformation is a profound experience, and having the right guide can make all the difference. Meet Jacqueline Gauntlett, a multifaceted professional who wears the hats of a Certified Rapid Transformational Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Life Perspective Coach, and Tarot Advisor. In the realm of personal development, Jacqueline is a beacon of wisdom, blending therapeutic techniques, coaching expertise, and spiritual insights to help individuals navigate the intricate pathways of their lives. In this Mystic Mag‘s article, we delve into the unique approach that Jacqueline brings to the table, exploring how her diverse skill set empowers people to overcome challenges, unlock their true potential, and embrace a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

How do you integrate Rapid Transformational Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Life Perspective Coaching, and Tarot Advisory in your sessions to provide a holistic approach for your clients?

It depends on a client-by-client basis. My goal, when I got into this, was to be able to fully help people, you know, depending on whatever they came to me with. Sometimes, they don’t really realize what would be the better option or direction to go in terms of healing. So, I tried to learn something in everything, in every category, so that I could combine them depending on what little cocktail they need to have made up for their individual case.

In your experience, how do you measure the success of a client’s transformation, and what indicators do you look for to ensure that the desired changes have occurred on a deep and lasting level?

Actually, that’s one of the first things that I ask the client when we are getting started: What if they can walk away from the session today and notice a change? If they do, they’re going to be like, ‘You know what? That worked.’ Then, they tell me, and that becomes my initial goal for that day. For the long-term clients, the ones coming back for bigger issues, their goals are based on both their daily aspirations and long-term objectives. I want to understand what their ultimate, ideal outcome is in their perfect world.

My goal is to guide them toward their most positive life path, even if it might not align with what they initially thought. It could be something toxic. In such cases, my goal shifts to helping them become empowered or at least navigate through the situation as safely as possible. This way, they can explore a different path than what they’re currently going through or experiencing.

What type of services do you offer?

The rapid transformational therapy is typically conducted solo, as it’s not supposed to be mixed with other modalities. However, the other modalities tend to be combined into one package, depending on the person.

With my tarot readings, I often incorporate coaching because, more often than not, the client needs more guidance than initially sought. I’m not the type to keep people on a hamster wheel, endlessly running in circles and hoping they’ll return to bring in more money. My goal is to help them become healed, healthy, happy, and on their way.

When it comes to energy medicine, I usually incorporate it into coaching, especially because it is so beneficial for healing various areas. Getting the energies flowing right can balance emotions and improve overall well-being. I also use a lot of frequency in my coaching, along with tarot, unless the client is not comfortable with esoteric practices. However, most clients are, so I use tarot in my coaching, which proves to be very helpful. I primarily do shadow readings, revealing parts of them that they’re not fully consciously aware of, and that are causing the issues. This is extremely helpful in coaching, as it allows me to understand what’s going on behind the scenes with the client before they break it down. It guides the direction of the sessions and helps anticipate issues, streamlining the coaching process.

How do you maintain ethical standards and boundaries when working with clients, especially in the context of combining therapeutic modalities and intuitive practices like Tarot Advisory?

Right from the start, I inform them that if there’s a message from the spirit, I’ll address it as such. If it pertains to psychology or reflects my personal opinion, I ensure to clarify before expressing it. I say something like, ‘This is not a message from the spirit. It’s not something I’m seeing in the cards. It’s my own perspective.’ Then, I give them the option to decide whether they want to hear the advice or not. Some people prefer solely the guidance from the universe, while others appreciate a different perspective to see things in a new way.

Clients may encounter resistance during the therapeutic process. How do you identify and navigate resistance effectively, especially when combining hypnotherapy, coaching, and Tarot insights?

With hypnotherapy and rapid transformational therapy, if someone seems hesitant at all, it’s my job to make them feel safe before we even consider the session. Usually, I provide them with a pre-recording of just the induction and then coming right out of it, so they can get used to the idea and the sensation without it being in the actual session, making it less intimidating. I’m also the type to dedicate as much time as needed for each client who feels nervous or apprehensive because I want them to know me, understand the process, and have all their questions answered. I’m there to educate them on whatever they need so that they have a better understanding.

In those cases, I’ve only encountered one person who wasn’t able to overcome that resistance in the initial conversation. For her, within about two hours that day, she felt totally safe, secure, and confident in the process. It was really cool because she was initially very hesitant. But, as I mentioned, it’s my job to alleviate stress, anxiety, and sadness in people’s lives and to bring happiness. Being a source of stress or frustration for them is counterintuitive, so I make a conscious effort to ensure they are comfortable first.

Can you share a case where you focused on empowering the client to become self-sufficient in managing their challenges, utilizing your skills as a Life Perspective Coach?

We’ll call her Debbie. So, there was Debbie, and she was someone who had come to me through the website I worked on. From what I could gather, she had been using that same site for over five years, stuck in the same loop of the same situation with the same guy. I worked with her there for about a month. One day, she approached me for readings with a bit of coaching, and she asked about my thoughts on love spells or love magic.

Personally, I believe there’s a different approach than handling it that way. It should be natural, an actual union, not something that traps people in a cycle. So, I suggested trying something different first before delving into that. She agreed to a coaching session with me, where we did an emotional blockage clearing and a few other energy healing techniques to balance, align, and clear her out. Then came the coaching session.

The very next day, her dad, whom she hadn’t spoken to in years due to a past falling out, called her wanting to apologize and meet up. Also, during that week, her boyfriend, the person who was always hot and cold, showed up with flowers, something he had never done before, expressing a desire to work things out. She continued occasional independent sessions with me, and I helped her empower herself in the situation with her boyfriend, avoiding a chasing and runner dynamic. I taught her about love languages and effective communication, as I also specialize in relationship mediation.

Within that month, her readings slowed down, and she didn’t need to come back as much. They were extremely happy, and now, they either got married or are getting married. They also had a baby and moved in together. Debbie no longer seeks advice on any sites because she has already settled into a happy life. It was a pretty remarkable transformation.

How do you practice self-care to maintain your own well-being?

Well, it’s pretty interesting. I like to do a quick meditation or a brief energy balance in the mornings, usually nothing more than just a minute or two—just something real quick. This ensures it happens every day, and I set protections around myself, obviously. For the most part, when dealing with clients, especially during actual readings as I’m channeling, I experience what I call a ‘terronez Asia.’ It’s like amnesia, where I dissociate from the reading in that moment while I’m channeling. It happens unintentionally, but it helps a lot. It allows me to detach from each individual client’s storylines because I don’t remember them afterwards. It’s extremely helpful. I always tell my clients it’s not that I wasn’t listening if they have to tell me the story again. Most of my readings, I prefer not to have information beforehand because I want it to be a pure reading. I want them to know that as well, so it doesn’t seem like I’m just regurgitating what they’ve already told me.

After readings, I make sure to do some type of energy realignment or cleansing, obviously. I wash my hands between each reading with cool water, which is very helpful. At nighttime, when I take a shower, I use a salt and peppermint rinse to help cleanse and neutralize everything I gathered throughout the day. For the most part, I’ve been told that one of the things people appreciate in my reviews is that I keep space extremely well. I stay for as long as needed, maintaining a constant energy throughout. I guess it’s a good balance.

As for me, I sleep in between clients. I sleep a lot, but that’s just because it is tiring work. Nevertheless, it’s a good balance.

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Katarina is a Content Editor at Mystic Mag She is a Reiki practitioner who believes in spiritual healing, self-consciousness, healing with music. Mystical things inspire her to always look for deeper answers. She enjoys to be in nature, meditation, discover new things every day. Interviewing people from this area is her passion and space where she can professionaly evolve, and try to connect people in needs with professionals that can help them on their journey. Before joining Mystic Mag, she was involved in corporate world where she thought that she cannot express herself that much and develop as a person.