In her exclusive MysticMag interview, Isabelle Rizo shares her journey from herbalist to counseling and art therapy student. With over 15 years in complementary care, Isabelle integrates astrology, tarot, death doula practices, and her Transylvanian background into her work, aiming to support both traditional and non-traditional communities.
Can you please introduce yourself to our readers and share a few details about your professional background?
My name is Isabelle Rizo and I am currently a counseling and art therapy student based in Chicago. For over 15 years I have worked in the complementary care space. First as an herbalist, then diving into astrology and tarot as a part of narrative and collective therapy, pivoted to death doula as I moved through my own health crisis, deepened my understanding of ethnography and folk medicine from my own Transylvanian background, and that has led me to art therapy as a tool in my toolkit. I hope that as I gain licensure I will be able to help both in traditional institutional spaces as well as my more non-traditional community spaces.
How does art therapy work and who can benefit from it?
Art therapy works to balance both the right brain and the left brain. Different art materials are used to connect clients with their inner world and make conscious their emotional experience, process harder to verbalize emotions and connect with the innermost part of themselves to gain insight into what is occurring in various seasons of their life. I would say individuals who have a hard time connecting to their emotions, individuals who have been suffering from overwhelm and transitions, as well as folks who want a deeper grasp on their inner strength would be wonderful fits for art therapy.
Among other things, you help people discover their AstroRhythm. What is AstroRhythm and what is the process like?
The Astrorhythm was something practical I developed as I was diving into my studies of astrology. I kept attending spaces where astrologers were trying to out-do one another on degrees, house lore, and dignities… When I work with a general audience who is giving me the honor of their time I want to give them something practical and empowering that can support them immediately. Your astrorhythm is a method of connecting with the rhythm of the week that will support you. We live in a patriarchal 364 and 24-hour day of the week. The astrorhythm is a compromise between the matriarchal acknowledgment of personal rhythms (highs and lows of energy and focus) as well as your peak output, productive, and rest times. As well as the most important thing – when you can surrender to let go of control and what type of community of support you need. We are not just individuals. We need a community to thrive, support, and challenge us.
You also offer hypnotherapy services. What can you tell me about that part of your work?
Hypnosis is such a powerful tool in my toolkit for myself and for my clients. I recommend it for folks who have trouble with meditation and surrender or letting go of control (which can be very hard especially as we heal from traumas and complex issues). My job as a hypnotist is to cultivate that inner safety and rapport and co-create hypnosis scripts to reach client goals. We do this in a holistic fashion that is sustainable. My clients who are go-getters and high achievers (hello, me!) really like hypnosis as a recentering tool that they can go to again and again as they also receive a recording of their hypnosis script to really transform their mindsets to reach their goals and cultivate inner trust.
What is the Cozy BuJo group?
There is a theme with my work – tiny habits and tiny changes equals major life transitions and goals being met. The Cozy BuJo group came as an evolution from a dear friend and colleague of mine Jasper Wurster. They worked as an art therapist and really got into bullet journaling to organize their thoughts and as a mental health tool. We ran this group as part of the clinic they owned and it was one of our most popular and positive outcome group therapies! The Cozy Bujo Group is a less structured more community-oriented space to exchange ideas, have gentle accountability, and share wins of how you use bullet journaling to support your goals, visions, and ambitions. I run this group several times a year and members always share the most inspiring stories.
Is there anything else about your work that you’d like to share that we haven’t covered?
My work and practice are very research-heavy. In my undergraduate career at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, I dug into narratives, ethnography, and art. When digging into the rituals of ancient societies I found so much personal healing and application. My facilitation style is very person-centered and conversational and I work best with the perpetually curious. I find great support and inspiration when clients share their curiosities, readings, joy within group settings, and where we all have the opportunity to learn from one another. Whether it is solitary time with book reading or taking in a hypnosis script to sharing the newest art material you explored in your bullet journal. We are multitudes and ready to heal together.
To learn more about Isabelle’s work, you can visit isabellerizo.com