Today, Mystic Mag has a privilege to speak with Indroneil Mukerjee, a remarkable individual who wears multiple hats with absolute finesse. As a Transformational Life Coach and Bach Flower Alchemist, he possesses the extraordinary ability to guide individuals on their personal journeys of growth and healing. Today, we dive into the depths of his profound expertise, exploring the realms of transformation and the power of flower essences. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of the human spirit and embark on an enlightening conversation with the visionary, Indroneil Mukerjee.
What inspired you to become a Transformational Life Coach and Bach Flower Alchemist?
My becoming a Transformational Coach, a Bach Flower Alchemist and even the preceding study of Applied Behavioural Sciences for 15 years – none of these were by choice or design. Each time, as if guided by an unknown force, I moved in these directions, intuitively responding to the inner guidance, without any resistance. Much like the river flows towards the ocean guided along the path not by any man-made design but an inner compass of sorts.
Looking back and connecting the dots over four decades of my journey, I can only say, all along I have been guided by and lived my life’s purpose, even in becoming a Transformational Coach and a Bach Flower Alchemist. A purpose that leads me to enable transformation in the lives of individuals and humanistic institutions.
What type of services do you offer?
Starting from helping with Personal Discovery and road mapping to a preferred future, to rethinking career based on one’s personal DNA, to living a stress-free life in harmony, to performance enhancement, to creating and sustaining a fulfilling relationship, to healing the mind to healing the body, to helping manage and heal mental health issues – I offer anything and everything that leads of transformation of inner and outer realities of my clients – inside out.
I also offer a one-on-one 4-month integrated program for guided self-healing + coaching for deep practice learning on healing and transforming with Bach Flower essences, for aspiring and practicing Bach Flower professionals. This certification program is accredited by IPHM, UK.
How do you help your clients identify and work through their limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns?
I use a combination of tools like sensing, guided inquiry, mirroring and root cause analysis to help my clients identify their limiting beliefs and unconscious conditioning. Using guided presencing and Bach Flower essences I help them dissolve these blocks as well as unconscious patterns of thoughts and behaviors arising out of them.
How do you incorporate the use of Bach flower remedies into your coaching sessions?
I normally keep the two separate – coaching and healing with Bach Flowers. Even if it is the same client, we have separate sessions for each. Internally, the strategy I follow is to use coaching and feedback more for identification of all that is dysfunctional and a combination of Bach Flower essences and guided presencing to help dissolve the shadows to allow innate glory of the virtuous self to shine.
What role does mindfulness play in your coaching and therapy practice?
Guided presencing – my own proprietary method of enabling sustained witnessing and acute awareness, in the moment – is what I use in my coaching engagements.
This helps clients to see and hear with clarity, that which otherwise they are unable to, because of the filters.
In my practice of healing and transforming lives with Bach flower essences, I do not use presencing much as the floral essences intrinsically catalyze raising of levels of awareness in individuals.
How do you measure the success of your coaching and therapy work with clients?
In both my practices, together with the client, we arrive at and agree upon certain goals to be accomplished within a given / contracted time frame.
These goals may vary from physical, mental and emotional well-being, to performance enhancement, to getting / changing a job, to creating more wealth to living a more meaningful relationship – anything that tangibly benefits the client as a result of her inner transformation.
Through periodic reviews we check the interim status and progress and do course corrections, if any required.
At the end of the contracted period we do a final review and see where we are with respect to the goals charted at the beginning and measure success. Sometimes, though rarely, the client and me, we mutually decide to extend the contract, if the former sees a need to cover a shortfall.
In reality the shifts that happen in the course of journey – both inner as well as in terms of their manifestation – are most often unimagined and incredulous. Leaving both of us with a deep sense of gratitude.