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Reuniting Loved Ones - Interview with Psychic Graeme

Reuniting Loved Ones - Interview with Psychic Graeme

Enter the mystical world of Graeme Hill, a gifted psychic medium who discovered his extraordinary abilities after a profound encounter with his grandmother in the afterlife. In his exclusive MysticMag interview, Graeme shares his journey of embracing his calling, the challenges faced by modern-day psychic mediums, and the joy of reuniting loved ones through his readings.

How and when did you discover your psychic gifts and when did you know that this will be your calling?

I’ve always been fascinated by the afterlife I’ve always wanted to know what happens to us when we die. I started going to see mediums and psychics in my ‘20s and quickly found a couple of great mediums who I visited every six months in London. I remember leaving with a cassette recording of the reading and playing it back to reveal the predictions they held. I never thought I had the ability myself and was busy running a public relations company in the music industry. It was only after my grandmother died in the fall of 1998 that she appeared to me one night two weeks after she passed. I was in a Hotel on tour with some bands when I woke up in the middle of the night by someone speaking my name and my gran was standing at the foot of my bed. She was translucent but I could see her clearly and she started to tell me how she was ok who she was with and that I was a born medium and it was now time to begin my work. She introduced me to my Spirit Guide, a Native American Indian called Seth who then appeared in front of me in a full headdress and long dark hair. He said that we would be working together. He told me I had. The gift of mediumship and that I will see, hear and be able to talk to Spirit from now on. This encounter lasted for a couple of hours and, eventually, I thought it was weird but not distressing I thought it was a bit of a joke and eventually fell asleep.

The following morning I woke up and Seth was standing by my bed I could see him clearly and we spoke to each other some more he told me he was my spirit guide, my brother, and that we had had previous lives together. I thought I had gone mad. On the journey home on a tour bus back to home in London I had Seth with me and I could see other people in spirit standing next to their loved ones saying to me they had a message for the and could I pass it on. I realised that from that day nothing would be the same I could see, hear, speak, and even smell people in spirit. It began to freak me out as I was now leading a double life trying to ruin a company by day and being bombarded by people in spirit at night. I went to see a medium and told her what had happened and she was thrilled and asked me to join her development circle at the notting hill spiritualist church. It was only two minutes from where I lived and I learnt how to do the most important thing a psychic or medium should be able to do is turn off the noise from spirit when you don’t want it. That is the most important lesson I learned during those six months at the Spiritualist Church walking around open all day is draining you of energy and stops the insanity of having spirit speaking to you 24|7. The timing of all this was fortuitous I was thirty and exhausted with my career, drinking heavily and lurching from one relationship to another. I decided to take a year out, do some readings, and aim for a simpler life, I had to trust Seth that all would be ok this was meant to be. I started to tell my friends about what had happened and most were positive and booked readings with me from then on it was word of mouth and I started to get regular clients and lots of requests for readings. That first year went by quickly and I soon established myself as a psychic medium in notting hill but I had always wanted to live by the sea so trusting all will be ok I moved to the south of England to Hastings and moved into a cottage right by the sea. Seth was right he has never let me down and I have managed to run my business quite successfully for the past 22 years.

What are some of the challenges that a modern-day psychic medium faces?

Learning that you have a gift can be overwhelming even if you’ve had it for a while and it is important to define your own style of working. There are lots of paths available to you today, fairs, platform work at spiritualist churches, phone lines, and working through dedicated websites. I used to have clients at my home which was fine until I got a dog who got very excitable around them, so I switched to doing readings over the phone. I need silence and serenity to do a great reading I can’t work with a dog jumping all over the place. What I would say to anyone starting out is to find their own groove. I’ve tried working on phone lines where clients pay by the minute and that didn’t suit me I have also9 tried platform work but I’m not a showman, I’m gentle and focused on delivering a great message. Don’t compare yourself to other readers just work the way it suits you that’s the joy of this type of work.

Can you walk me through one of your sessions?

About 20 minutes before a reading I will mediate expanding my aura and chakras, I cleanse the space with white light or earth’s energy and check in with Seth. He is always waiting for me and during a reading will act as my gatekeeper, he alone decides which people in spirit can join us for the reading and keeps any negative energy away. I talk to Spirit who has come to speak to the client and thank them for coming and ask that they give me specific information about how the past, birthdays etc to give proof of who the say they are. When I speak to a client we spend a few minutes catching up with things then I introduce the first person and as soon as there’s a connection away we go. My readings are full of joy, light and laughter people in spirit are very direct with their views and predictions they are just the same personalities as when they were alive. My readings last around an hour the energy drops towards the end a reading I never time them they just seem to have a natural duration. I also give clients the space to ask questions and speak directly to spirit. After the reading, I close down my chakras and aura using earth’s energy to cleanse and energise everything which takes about fifteen minutes. I used to supply a cassette of the reading to the client, this then moved on to a CD and now I send a recording file over email so mediumship adapts to the times!

How do you maintain a relationship of mutual trust with your clients?

On my website I say that I offer private readings, nothing that is disclosed during our time together is ever disclosed with a third party. The good thing is I rarely have a memory of each individual reading as I am channelling information. I am the conduit to information passed on to the client. Quite often clients want information on their partner or family, sometimes they are having affairs, and they have to feel safe with me handling that kind of information. I never talk about the content of readings that’s just wrong. I think my clients feel safe with me as many have been coming back to me over the years.

What is your favorite part of your profession?

I love it when I reunite two loved ones back together, you physically feel the energy change as they make that connection. I also really enjoy the small things like when spirit doesn’t like the new colour my client has painted their walls. Small bits of proof that those in spirit are still around those on earth. The great thing about having this gift is that you can work when you want on the days that you want. I don’t do more than two readings a day as I find this way I can still deliver crisp accurate readings.


To learn more about Graeme and his work, you can visit her website at www.psychicgraeme.com

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Predrag is a nature and animal lover, fascinated with energy healing and hypnotherapy.