MysticMag has the chance to chat with Grace from GraceSOULutions
Grace, your approach at GraceSOULutions focuses on empowering women to find their voice and confidence in communication. How do your methods help individuals overcome barriers that prevent effective and assertive communication, particularly for those who tend to be more quiet, try to people-please, avoid conflicts, fear arguments and criticisms?
At GraceSOULutions the first step is towards understanding their Human Design, they learn when to communicate such as when it’s okay to initiate or perhaps initiate through the way of responding. They learn their authority and strategy according to their Human Design type to help with communication. They have a better understanding of how and why they communicate and strategies that will help them to have a better flow with their communication so that they can have happy relationships that they want.
They also learn other Human Design types towards communication as a general overview.
First and most importantly is that my clients understand their communication in order to start to understand and see patterns of how others communicate.
Effective communication is a key factor in building strong relationships. How do you address the interplay between verbal and non-verbal communication, such as body language and listening skills, to enhance communication strategies for your clients?
Many people would say that energy is all around us and we’re made up of energy.
Therefore, there is energy around communication.
Words have energy. Understanding what words/phrases/sentences can uplift or trigger us based upon our experiences, feelings toward words.
When you understand your energy around words and what was said, you begin to understand how others can also have words that might uplift or trigger them. Words in general are neutral, but because of our own unique experiences, personality, communication styles-those words can then either uplift or trigger us.
Communication styles also play a part in our verbal and non-verbal communication.
Some hear messages and words in communication, others may see images and pictures of the information and message being shared. Some feel the message and others use logic and analyze the message and information that was shared.
Some are passionate and really want to motivate people, they are what I call Fireball communicators. Those who like to support and provide gentle guidance are Nurturer communicators, those who share and are open to have others share and realize each person can make his or her own choices are Diplomatic communicators, and those who like to keep things light and make jokes especially when conversation might be going too deep for comfort are Humorous communicators. The Fireball, Nurturer, Diplomatic, and Humorous communicators will have a certain body language and tone of voice that goes with those styles.
Fireball might use extreme hand gestures, take up space body language, have a louder voice volume, stronger tone of voice where a nurturer might have a gentle hand gesture, softer voice volume, quiet assertive tone of voice.
There isn’t a right or wrong way for having tone of voice or body language, it comes down to perception. Some people might be okay with a certain tone of voice and body language and others might be triggered by tone of voice or body language.
There are many different tones of voice and body language and in my program I go over more of the common tone of voice and body language and then discuss perceptions people have towards a certain tone of voice and body language.
It’s important for me that my clients understand their own style, tone of voice and body language so then they can understand other styles, tone of voice, and body language that other people use.
Of course, Human Design types also play a part in communication as I previously discussed.
You utilize communication styles as a tool to enhance understanding between partners. Could you elaborate on how identifying and understanding these styles aids in improving communication within relationships, especially for those who may struggle to express themselves openly?
There are four Parts of Communication Styles:
- Human Design: Generator, Manifesting Generator, Manifestor, Reflector, Projector
- Sense: Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic, Auditory Digital
- Personal: Fireball, Nurturer, Diplomatic, Humorous
- Direct communicator and Indirect communicator
Communication Styles come from who you are in Human Design, your personality, your background, what motivates you, experiences, environment, senses, etc.
By understanding your complete style, then you know when to communicate, when not to communicate, and why and how you communicate.
Analogy: You might have some clothes that look good on you because you’re wearing the right style for your body and personality and some clothes that don’t look good on you and some clothes that you’re not comfortable wearing. Sometimes your fashion can be a hit or miss. When you understand your fashion style and body type you know what to wear, what not to wear, why you pair certain items together and you learn how to wear certain clothes, so you look good every single time.
Just like in communication it can be a hit or miss at times when you don’t understand your communication style and how to use your communication style to your benefit. Sometimes a conversation goes smoothly and sometimes you encounter communication breakdowns.
By knowing and understanding your communication style, when to communicate, when not to communicate, and how to communicate or make the necessary changes you learn how to keep the conversation flowing and also know how to deal with communication breakdowns when it happens.
Your three-step approach seems structured yet personalized. Could you walk us through a typical journey a client might take through your sessions, from the initial breakthrough session to identifying obstacles and working through a tailored program for better communication?
We start with the Human Design report. I go over their types, authorities, strategies, open and closed centers.
Mantras and explanatory questions to explore in the Human Design report.
If my clients have someone they would like to communicate better with, then we can look at the other person’s Human Design to see why there is a communication struggle.
For example, a Generator type needs to wait to respond and if the Generator keeps initiating, then he or she will continue to have communication struggles with his or her partner. Generator thinks he or she is helping by initiating advice or solution to the problem and doesn’t understand why his or her partner doesn’t appreciate the advice. The reason is simple, the Generator went against the strategy of waiting to respond. Rather than initiating a solution or advice, the Generator can say, “If you’re looking for advice or a solution, I’m here for you.” Generator type people let the person know he or she is there for them and ready to give advice or a solution only when the person asks.
In my program, we also go over words and look at it through an energetic level, tone of voice, body language, and discuss other communication styles.
Many individuals struggle with feeling unheard or misunderstood in their relationships. How do you help clients navigate these feelings and create an environment where their thoughts, feelings, and desires are seen, heard, and understood by their partners?
Through understanding their communication through the use of tools such as Human Design, discussing different communication styles, understanding energy of words, body language, and tone of voice they begin to know what phrases to use and when to communicate and share their messages and when best to keep quiet and wait to respond so that they are going with the flow rather than against it so that they can be seen, heard and understood.
When Generator types wait to respond, they are going with the flow and will be seen, heard, and understood when they use the correct communication strategy. Generator types will feel frustrated and become frustrated in their communication when they initiate and act like Manifestors when they are not. Manifestor types are the ones who can initiate.
Of course, closed and open centers also play a role in Human Design along with the other tools I discussed such as tone of voice, body language, words, etc.
Analogy: If you want to grow a beautiful garden, you need to learn and know the different garden tools to use and when and which tools to use to grow your garden.
Same thing for your communication and relationship. When my clients know and understand how to use their communication tools, they become less frustrated with their communication so that they can build and maintain a happy and harmonious relationship with the person they are communicating with.
If you would like to find out more about Grace Soulutions, please visit https://gracesoulutions.com/