Gina Kegel’s journey began at age nine with a diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS), leading to relentless exhaustion and debilitating migraines. Two decades of seeking relief through various therapies brought little respite, until Emotion Code clearings transformed her life. Transitioning from chronic migraines to fewer, less severe episodes, Gina discovered a remarkable shift. Her fibromyalgia’s crippling nerve pain diminished, and everyday activities no longer drained her. Motivated by her own transformation, she embraced modalities like Emotion Code, light language, and mediumship, weaving them into her healing practice. Today, Gina empowers others to overcome physical, emotional, and energetic hurdles, offering transformative experiences that facilitate holistic well-being. MysticMag has the opportunity to find out more.
What inspired you to explore Emotion Code and Restorative Ascension, and how did these modalities significantly impact your personal journey toward healing?
It all started with two main elements: a super haunted house and a health crisis. Let me start with the health crisis.
As a child, I grappled with chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS) and migraines. As commonly happens, the CFIDS progressed into fibromyalgia as I grew older. All that means is that the body wide pain became worse than the fatigue and brain fog. By my early 30s, things got so severe that I had to file for disability. Writing, my passion, became impossible due to crippling migraines and body pain. We don’t often think of pain like this in these terms, but it is traumatic to the physical body. Being in moderate to intense pain day in and day out is exhausting, and even more so having to push through the pain to live a somewhat normal life. As my health declined, I began to average eight migraines a month, some lasting days, all leaving me with a “migraine hangover” from the shock of so much pain.
One day, in my early 30s, I stumbled upon a modality called The Emotion Code through a friend who had experienced remarkable changes in her children’s behavior with remote sessions. At that time, my health had reached a crisis point, with chronic, excruciating tonsil infections added into the fun. I gave it a shot although it was a stretch financially. After a single session, which was completed through email by a practitioner a thousand miles away, I felt a newfound connection with my body, a marked reduction in pain, and even my recurring tonsil issues improved.
With such sudden, drastic changes, despite my financial limitations, I decided to learn and practice Emotion Code myself. My friend and I learned together, practicing on each other, and gradually, my pain reduced, my energy increased, and my migraines vanished. Not only that, but my mood improved, and I was less emotionally triggered by things in my life. I knew that I could not keep this magic to myself and was driven to use my experience and knowledge gained to help others. I earned my certification as an Emotion Code Practitioner, and now work with dozens of clients every week, walking with them as they transform their lives. And the cherry on top? I’ve been migraine-free since April of 2019.
Regarding the haunted house, that’s a whole saga and boy do I have stories. Let’s begin with the fact that a lady passed away suddenly in the room that was to become my bedroom and refused to leave her earthly home. She had a lot of big emotions around the timing of her passing, the way her belongings were treated by her son, and fear based on the religious dogma she had ascribed to in life. Her presence in our home held a lot of negative energy. My children began experiencing inexplicable frightening occurrences; they saw orbs, ran from hissing monsters, and pointed to entities around the house. At that time, they were toddler and preschool age, barely verbal, and knew nothing of the spiritual world. Nevertheless, they could describe floating and flying balls of light, and people standing staring at them. My oldest son ran screaming from rooms during daylight hours and had night terrors every night. It escalated to a point where my youngest described seeing bloody men with “big, bad owies” next to our bed in the middle of the night. It was unsettling at best, terrifying at worst.
I turned to a friend who knew about energy work, and she cleared the house, addressing the lingering spirits, closing portals, and most importantly, convincing our lady resident that it was safe and good to cross over into the spirit world. Then we had a serious talk. My friend told me that I have a natural connection to spiritual aspects, making me a beacon of light that would attract these disembodied spirits. It affected my children simply by being around me, but also because they, too, were similarly gifted. That was the last straw. My experience was my own, but no one better mess with my babies! Ultimately, I am grateful for this time as it put me back on the path of embracing my role as a healer and medium, and presented the opportunity to step into my power.
Could you share an example of a profound transformation or breakthrough moment you witnessed in a client through the practice of Emotion Code and Restorative Ascension?
It’s tough to choose from so many impactful stories with my clients. There was one with severe anxiety who transformed from not being able to stand wearing pants to collecting and rocking leggings after just a few sessions. Another was extremely controlling due to anxiety, and found total relaxation on a vacation after a couple of months of sessions.
But my favorite involves a Midwest couple. The wife was undergoing a rapid positive life transformation through spiritual awakening, while her husband struggled with anger and stress. I started working with the wife, and not long after beginning to work together, she insisted her husband come to sessions of his own. Although he was initially and understandably resistant, he has become one of my most faithful clients and has transformed completely. They have even sent several friends to me for sessions, a brave thing to do in a social circle that doesn’t usually embrace this type of work. Their remarkable transformation not only changed themselves but their marriage and their relationships with their children. They celebrated a vow renewal for their 10th anniversary, and he surprised his wife by flying me out for the celebration. They both expressed that without my help, they wouldn’t be where they are today, which was incredibly touching.
You’ve mentioned utilizing your extrasensory gifts, mediumship, and access to the Akashic Records in your healing sessions. How do these elements complement Emotion Code and contribute to your clients’ healing experiences?
Let me explain Emotion Code and Restorative Ascension a little. Emotion Code is a method for identifying and releasing trapped emotional baggage. Some stick to the traditional way Emotion Code was first taught, which only identifies a single specific emotion and the age it was trapped, and then releases it. Traditional Emotion Code sessions release 4-6 emotions. I’ve merged various modalities, philosophies, and areas of study into my practice and allowed for the evolution of my practice to take place organically.
As I continued my own evolution as a healer and a thinker, I discovered I could address numerous trapped emotions, in the sextillions and septillions across multiple dimensions and previous lives. Also, I don’t release these emotions as that creates a vacuum, a gap. Instead, I transmute them into the frequency of love, the highest frequency there is, which always supports wellbeing.
Now, where are these emotions being held? The short answer is this: atoms. My style of work is in the part of the Venn Diagram where spiritual and quantum physics overlap. All physical matter is made of atoms and all atoms vibrate. These atoms make up our physical and energetic bodies, our auras, toroidal flow, and meridians. Atoms vibrating in low frequency states such as anger and sorrow affect our physical and energetic well- being.
As I mentioned, the original process centered on finding a single emotion and the age it was trapped, and releasing it, but I continued to find complex emotions and explored their presence in various dimensions and incarnations. Sessions evolved from 4-6 emotions to hundreds, then thousands, eventually reaching sextillions and septillions. I transmute these vibrations, altering their frequency to love. I clear their effects across all dimensions, eradicating their potential reoccurrence.
Restorative Ascension works on clearing layers of traumas, societal messaging, and subconscious programming to return to one’s authentic self. This process helps recognize authenticity, allowing us to operate from that center, rather from our trauma and programming. It also enables us to discern when someone else is reacting from their trauma or from their genuine self, helping maintain our own center amid interactions. The aim is restoration to our genuine self for the evolution of this life and those to come, breaking karmic cycles and learning essential lessons.
What challenges did you encounter in integrating various healing modalities, and how do you ensure a holistic approach in addressing both emotional and physical aspects of your clients’ well-being?
You know, integrating disparate parts has always been a natural part of my experience across all aspects of life. I’ve always had this innate tendency to gather bits and pieces from everywhere and merge them into something entirely new, where the whole is worth more than the sum of its parts. In Human Design, it is called the “Freak to Genius” channel—bringing together diverse parts to create something fresh. I’ve never really confined myself to strict teachings; I prefer to learn and mold things in my own way. While I’m certified in Emotion Code, I haven’t felt the urge to certify in other areas. I’ve delved into various practices like NLP, Reiki, grounding techniques, and more. I pick what resonates and blend it into my own unique understanding.
How do you guide individuals to recognize and release trapped emotional energy or past life trauma? Could you walk us through your process when working with clients to help them uncover and heal these deeply rooted issues?
So, to explain the process, our sessions typically start with a 90-minute Zoom call. During this time, I get to introduce myself, explain what I do, and connect with the client. I then reach out to their entire spiritual team, which includes various entities beyond just spirit guides—ancestors, galactic beings, elementals, and sometimes even conceptual beings like nature, or peace. These beings often convey messages and insights for the client through me. I also read the client’s chakras one by one to gain insights into areas we can work on, like childhood trauma or communication issues. Sometimes, I’m led to past lives, uncovering details that could be affecting their present life. I prefer to do these steps before I know anything about the client. That way, we both know the information is pure and not a regurgitation of what they’ve already told me.
Once that’s done, I ask the client to share their current challenges, or what I call entry points to healing. We create a to-do list together, outlining these entry points, like anxiety, chronic headaches, relationship struggles, known experiences of trauma, or money issues. Then I use muscle testing or applied kinesiology, where I use finger pressure on myself to ascertain priorities from the list. Based on this, we dive into the highest priority item. I identify where in the body or energy field we are working, and then begin identifying the specific trapped emotions or compounds of emotions causing or contributing to the issue using the Emotion Code chart. This chart lists 60 low-frequency emotions detrimental to well-being. Through muscle testing, I identify the specific emotions, their origins in other dimensions or past lives, and then transmute them. Throughout this process, I use my extrasensory gifts to gain more detailed information regarding the compound and how it has been affecting the client. Sometimes I am taken to a previous life where the compound either originated or was a key theme. Exploring that life helps us to understand what is going on in this one and why.
Each emotion revealed—like frustration, vulnerability, and rejection in the heart chakra—helps the client understand their patterns and how these emotions affect their lives. We work through these compounds, addressing the unhealthy patterns they support. I continue until the energy indicates we’ve done enough for the session or time runs out. Often, we’ve transmuted sextillions or even septillions of low-frequency emotions from this life, all dimensions based on this life, past lives and all dimensions based on those as well.
Follow-up sessions, conducted on Zoom for 50 minutes, involve checking in on progress, exploring what’s triggered or what hasn’t, and diving back into the work. I also provide tools such as chakra cleansing techniques, a method I call The Joy Switch, journaling prompts, affirmations, and other recommendations. This way, clients can continue their progress between sessions rather than waiting for our next meeting.
The question everyone wants to know the answer to is, “How many sessions will I need?” It is not my intention to keep clients coming back forever. Some are with me weekly for a few months, some a year, some several years. The choice is always up to the individual, but generally the ones that choose to keep coming back do so because they’ve experienced such tremendous progress in their primary area of concern, they are eager to then shift to other areas. Most of my clients come from referrals, which is deeply gratifying to me. It’s not uncommon for a woman to bring her husband to sessions, or for us to work on her children as well. In some families, I have worked with nearly every single member, including grandparents and pets! It’s also common for clients to resolve their initial concern and go on their way, knowing that they can come back if something new arises. I’m always here and ready to support my client’s powerful evolution!
If you would like to find out more about Gina Kegel, please visit https://releasethatshit.com/