Elizabeth Furest is an Energy Medicine Practitioner®, intuitive counselor, reiki master, spirit-to-spirit communicator, and tarot reader. MysticMag delves a little deeper into the world in which she resides.
Elizabeth, do you believe that you were destined to practice what you do and how were you first initiated?
Oh, yes, I absolutely believe that I was destined to practice intuition and energy medicine. Once I realized I had stepped foot into the energetic realm, I knew I could never live or “practice” any other way. What I do is not only my “work” but it is also a reflection of how I see and approach the world: I am a truth seeker and energy doesn’t lie. In fact, I believe that we are all born with innate gifts and wisdom that help guide and influence our assignments here on earth in this lifetime.
When you ask about initiation, my sense is that my soul signed up for this work many lifetimes ago, but if we are referencing this incarnation, I would say, I came into this life empathetic and sensitive with an incredible awareness of other people’s energy and what isn’t being said. I naturally sense what others need and where their pain, suffering or unhappiness lies and my instinct is to help.
I remember having these sensitivities and intuitive visions as far back as age two. I can also say with certainty that I have had a multitude of initiations and that there has never been just one. I believe birth is an initiation, I believe living authentically is an initiation. I believe living courageously is an initiation. I believe having unwavering faith in the universe is an initiation. We are initiated into higher degrees of consciousness every time we learn to ground our emotions and lead from a place of heart-centered truth. We are initiated anytime we are asked to hold at the frequency of self-love, everytime we are asked to have faith in spirit even without physical evidence.
The initiation process is non-linear and never-ending, it fluctuates based on our energetic vibrations; it occurs anytime that we are called to transform, to evolve, and to be our most whole and alchemized selves.
Whilst performing an Energy Clearing, how are you able to ascertain what has happened to someone on a cellular level or during past lives for example?
Each of us has what’s called an “Energy Blueprint ” which is a map of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual state, containing information that is specific and unique to each of us – no two energetic blueprints are identical.
For example, if I am scanning a client to see how they received a limiting belief such as “I am not worthy of a relationship”, I am going to scan what’s called the “Genetic Tapes” which are located in the hippocampus/cerebellum of the brain. By mapping the brain energetically, I can then identify if their limiting belief is stored on a cellular level, meaning it’s ancient memory, cellular imprints, and/or information carried by the species. In addition, I will scan for hereditary imprints such as social conditioning or genealogy and karmic imprints such as past lives, incarnation lessons, habits, and cycles. By scanning and gauging what information appears, I can then map out what information belongs to the client and what information is an outdated and/or picked up/passed down imprint, meaning it may not even belong to the client!
Just like how we can feel joy after watching someone we love feel excitement, as highly sensitive beings, we innately pick up the energies of other people and situations, which is why it’s pertinent to clear anything that’s simply not yours but may have gotten caught in your energetic field.
In our example, let’s say the cellular genetic tapes illuminate, then I have confirmed that the client’s limiting belief around not feeling worthy of a relationship is primarily due to social and environmental imprints picked up in this lifetime. I can then clear this pattern by using various energies (such as earth energy, the client’s essence and kundalini) along with advanced energy medicine tools, to clear the mind of the negative thought patterns. Then, the intelligence of the new energy itself will begin to upgrade the physiology of the body to match the upgraded energy of the person’s spirit, where this pattern no longer exists.
Through this tool the client’s energy blueprint is then cleared and the limiting belief no longer resonates true to the mind, and therefore the body will follow, releasing the cellular patterns, resulting in the person’s energy body being whole and present, and ultimately in a state of self healing.
When do you recommend Intuitive Counseling or Energy Clearing and are the two modalities ever connected?
I recommend Intuitive Counseling for those seeking clarity or insight around themselves, a situation, or a relationship. Intuitive Counseling provides channeled wisdom from spirit and offers tools to make healthy and grounded decisions. Intuitive counseling sessions are intended to empower and inspire the seeker to trust their intuition and be reminded that they are co-creating their realities through sovereignty and free will.
Energy Clearing is recommended for those who are ready to heal an energetic pattern, release a habit, heal a relationship, or want to clean up or release any information or fragments that are no longer serving their spirit’s highest good. Clearing sessions go deeper than just reading the information around the seeker by working in an intentional and meditative space to remove debris, negativity, or interference from the energy body.
These two modalities are very much interconnected in that they are both reading the information in the seeker’s energetic field. Energy clearing, however, is the actionable step in moving the energy from the field, while Intuitive Counseling simply provides the information about what is playing out energetically, without actively moving or healing the energy presented in the reading.
Can you describe the ‘process’ of awakening the higher selves of others?
Many “Awakenings” begin with seeking truth, an indescribable desire for wanting “more” out of life, to want to find a deeper meaning to existence. When awakening, you may become more curious about life on Earth, you may wonder “Why am I here?” and “What does it all mean and what is the purpose?” Who am I really meant to be? Awakening is Expanded Consciousness: it is the understanding that all energies are miraculously interconnected through a divine construct in which we exist.
Where we are in our awakening process is indicative of the experiences and people that we gravitate towards as this reflects our current state of conscious awareness. For example, through self discovery, we realize that every state of consciousness that arises, can only be met with the consciousness that is held within ourselves. Simply put, the “awakening process” is the constant pursuit of truth designed to help us reach different levels of awareness through self-actualization.
When we are living authentically and in a vibrational frequency of truth, we are matched back with self actualization and in this place of self-actualization, we are able to see that the truth is always the truth, and although it can take many forms – it is holographic by nature – and each step you take towards truth, you incrementally raise your awareness and progress your “awakening”.
One of the ways you can tell you are awakening is when you can look back on life events and see how those events, situations, or relationships were all designed to give you the necessary lessons or building blocks to help you garner more awareness. In an awakened state you learn to be present, joyful, authentic, and sovereign because you learn to powerfully co-create your existence.
What is your ultimate goal?
My ultimate goal is to encourage and support people to live their most authentic, joyful lives. We live in such a beautiful and energetic world of possibility, and when we follow and trust in what we were created to be, life begins to unfold in profound and miraculous ways.
I want people to have restored faith in themselves and in their intuition. I want people to believe in and embody the energy that it takes to live presently, courageously, and in a place of fierce self-love and compassion for the experiences of others. When we master our ability to resist the influences that do not serve us, and harness the frequencies that do – like psychological knowledge, innate wisdom and willpower, we attract a life of inherent richness, of which we all have access.
If you would like to find out more about Elizabeth Furest, visit https://elizabethfurest.com/ or follow on https://www.instagram.com/solitaryconnection/