This week, we had the opportunity to speak with Diane Garwood, a Spirit Touch Healer. We discussed how her career developed, the way she communicates with and heals humans and animals, and how she maintains a good relationship with the customers.
When did you first learn you have a healing gift and how did it come about?
I began my journey, into using energy, with an animal communication class almost 20 years ago. I was fascinated with the idea of being able to communicate with animals but truly did not think I could ever do such a thing. By the end of the workshop, I found that I could, indeed, communicate with animals, and more importantly, they could communicate with me. It was an amazing experience, and one I wanted to repeat. A few years after that first class I was offered the opportunity to work for the instructor, helping her with paperwork and organizing classes. This afforded a lot more practice and I was able to take more of her classes. I grew not only personally, but also in my education with energy work.
As I learned more and more about how to communicate with animals, I would remind myself of one big thing my teacher, and mentor would say, ‘communicating with animals is, simply awakening, and using a muscle that has long been dormant in most people. This was so true for me. The more I practiced, the easier it was.
And I found that the more I talked with people about it, the more they were willing to let me practice with their animals and give me the validation that what I was hearing was correct.
Through this part of my journey, I lost my husband of 30 years to organ failure. A year later, my heart dog, Ryker, almost died of the same thing as my husband, just a different cause. What saved him ended up being a Healing Touch session done on me. It was truly miraculous. Ryker completely healed and lived another 6 years, helping me to learn so much more about energy, healing, and faith.
The practitioner that had worked on me, had previously mentioned that she thought I could do this type of healing. Like with animal communication, I disagreed, thinking no way could I do this. But a couple of years later, I found myself in a Healing Touch (for humans) class and discovered not only could I do this work, but I also loved it. I took three of these workshops and then began the Healing Touch for Animals program. I became certified in HTA in 2013, and have loved being able to do this work ever since.
I also began learning about other ways of using energy, not only to communicate with animals but also for healing. I have taken Reiki, Meridian Healing, and Donna Eden Energy Healing. But, the work I use the most is Healing Touch for Animals and Healing Touch.
I am also currently working towards my certification in aromatherapy.
We heard that you work with both humans and animals. Aside from verbal communication, are there any major differences in your approach to each species?
The biggest difference would, of course, be that animals don’t speak in words. But, this absolutely does not mean they don’t communicate. I get pictures, thoughts, and/or words in my mind. Sometimes they might even look like printed words on a signpost. I also often get feelings in my physical body, such as an ache or maybe a twinge. I always ask if it’s mine or the animals.
If it is mine, it will stay with me. If not, then I can ask and see if I can get more information and details about how it is affecting the animal and what can be done to address and help it. I have worked with illness, disease, and behavior issues as well as just overall wellness.
I have worked with family pets, as well as animals used in competition. And I have even had the pleasure of communicating with wild, rescued, and rehabbed animals, some of whom were set to be released back into the wild.
With humans, I do, definitely, have strict boundaries. Sometimes though, a thought or feeling will pop in, and I can then talk with my client about it if they’d like. If not, I respect that.
Another difference is that humans and animals have very different energy systems, in how I ‘see’ them. Humans have a layered system, where animals are more like a pixelated computer screen.
The energy field around a human is very close to their body, while the field around an animal is expanded out much farther. This is why animals can sense danger, and have time to flee, much faster than a human will.
Could you describe what your healing sessions look like?
Normally, I am first contacted through my email or a message on my voicemail. We then set up a time to chat, and I can find out if the session will be a human or an animal and what, if any, issues we may be dealing with.
An appointment is made that is convenient. The person videos me, using Skype, Facetime, Google video, or whatever other video service they normally use. If they don’t have video, we fall back to how I worked in the ‘old days’.
Phone calls and photos. If we’re using video, I ask that they get comfortable and have the camera pointed at who I’m working on. If this is a human, they usually lay back on a bed or couch and set the camera up on a holder so I can at least see their face.
If it’s an animal, the person just holds the camera towards them, while I work. I find this to be a very satisfactory way to do the sessions. If the person has a question, or if there is a bit of discomfort, I can address it immediately.
I can also watch if, and when, there is an energy release, making note of just where I am in the process, as it can then often be matched with a specific issue.
What can a client expect from a healing session?
Every session is different for different beings, human or animal. It all depends on what they/their soul needs to work on. I always ask for their highest potential of healing to be reached. Some people relax by talking through the session.
Others by almost falling asleep. Although, usually even the talkers will at some point become quiet and very relaxed. Animals too have different reactions, some will walk or go drink water, shake themselves and stretch before quieting, while others become relaxed and lay quietly, not moving, from the beginning.
Whatever is best for them, is how the session will go. I have no expectations and stay neutral throughout.
What is the most important detail in maintaining a relationship of mutual trust with the client?
My clients know they can trust me to keep their sessions confidential. Stories that are shared are only done with permission. I trust that my clients are truthful with me, as well. My promise is to do only what is for the highest good of that client, whether human or animal and to stay within the boundaries of my scope of practice.
Is there a certain practice or ritual that you use personally to prepare yourself before a session?
I begin each day in meditation and prayer. This helps to keep me grounded as I go about my day. Shortly before a session is to begin, I return to that meditative state more deeply and stay there throughout the session.
What is the best part of your job?
Every part of this job is the best part! The people and animals I have the pleasure to work with and try to help. The amazing outcomes I’ve seen happen, and actual miracles.
For thirty years I was a wife and mother, and while I was totally fulfilled at that, it never occurred to me that I might ever do anything else. Working with the unconditional love of Universal Energy is the absolute best job I could possibly have, now.