Nirvana Yoga is a profound science of health, healing, and spiritual evolution founded and meticulously developed by Poorna Guru Sri Sree Madhavacharyan. This system, born from fifty years of dedicated scientific research, transcends mere physical postures. It is a holistic way of life fostering physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being. Nirvana Yoga offers specialized yogic practices designed to heal diverse physical and mental health issues. Rooted in ethical discipline, it guides individuals toward health, peace, happiness, love, and wisdom. This comprehensive system addresses the root causes of ailments across the causal, energy, and physical bodies, facilitating holistic well-being and integration at every level of human existence. MysticMag has the pleasure of chatting with Dhanvayogi from Nirvana Yoga.
Can you share more about the origins of Nirvana Yoga and its founder, Guru Madhavacharyan’s scientific research? How did this system evolve over the fifty years of development?
His Holiness Guru Madhavacharyan, a distinguished humanitarian and spiritual master, is the visionary behind Nirvana Yoga and the Thapovanam Siddhashramam. Guruji meticulously developed the science and philosophy of Nirvana Yoga through fifty years of dedicated research and penance. His profound mission at the ashram is to catalyze a global spiritual renaissance, ultimately enhancing both mankind and nature. This transformational journey begins at the individual level.
Guruji places a profound emphasis on acquiring true knowledge through the awakening of consciousness, an achievable feat through spiritual transformation and mind purification. Recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings, fostering selfless service to society, and embracing a righteous way of living are the cornerstones of creating a harmonious world. Guruji’s journey spans over seven decades, beginning with a spiritual inclination in early childhood, evolving into a lifelong commitment to meditation and yoga, and culminating in the spread of this liberating system across Kerala through numerous yoga therapy camps over the last two decades.
The term “Nirvana” means liberation, and Nirvana yoga aims to take individuals to that ultimate state of liberation, which is the end goal of this system. Throughout this journey, we focus on achieving perfect balance and homeostasis at physical, mental, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual levels. While there are many interpretations of yoga, our system incorporates asanas, breathing practices, meditation techniques, and deep-rooted aspects of yoga like samadhi, which signifies transformation of the individual self through the unification with the universal self.
Nirvana yoga has evolved to address the individuality of each person and their unique problems, focusing on the physical body, energy body, and causal body. The system offers a wide range of practices, including healing systems, kriyas, and meditation techniques, tailored to meet the specific needs and eliminate the root causes of problems for each individual.
The system has proven effective in solving various health and lifestyle problems, as well as aiding individuals in reaching higher states of consciousness.
While there is documented research and case studies, much of the early teaching was done through traditional methods in ashrams, with people benefiting and transforming their lifestyles. In recent years, the system has gained recognition globally, attracting individuals from Western countries who come to India to learn and benefit from it in terms of health, well-being, and spiritual awakening.
Nirvana Yoga is described as a holistic system for physical, mental, social, and spiritual wellbeing. Could you elaborate on how this system addresses these different aspects of human life and wellbeing?
Absolutely, the holistic approach is essential to understanding the complete nature of our being. The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, which goes beyond merely the absence of disease or infirmity. However, this definition often lacks the aspect of spirituality. Holistic health recognizes that we are not just physical entities; we are multi-dimensional beings with physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual aspects.
When we encounter illnesses or disturbances in our physical body, the symptoms we see are often manifestations of underlying issues on an energy level. To truly address these problems, we must eliminate the root causes at the energy level. This requires receiving the Shunyabalashakthi energy, the same energy that created us and the entire universe. Nirvana yoga practices are designed to help individuals receive this energy and achieve balance across all these levels of existence.
For instance, consider the physical body. Many people experience disorders in their physical body due to either hyperactivity or hypoactivity. Conditions like diabetes and thyroid dysfunction, for example, are imbalances that can be caused by insulin resistance or insufficient insulin production. Nirvana yoga offers practices such as yoga asanas, Araiki advanced healing meditation, and more to bring the physical body back into a state of balance. These practices stimulate the body and then guide it back to relaxation, helping it return to a state of normalcy.
Nirvana Yoga also focuses on unification at different levels, such as physical, mental, and consciousness levels. Can you discuss the benefits of achieving these levels of unification and how they contribute to a state of balance and wellbeing at all levels of human life?
Certainly, when practicing Nirvana yoga, there are three essential levels of unification that occur, leading to a comprehensive transformation. These stages of unification help individuals achieve a complete state of well-being.
Sthula Yogam (Physical Merging): The initial stage of Nirvana yoga is known as Sthula Yogam. During this stage, the energy recieved through Nirvana yoga practices merges with the physical body. This union serves several purposes: it helps remove disease energy and negative energies from the body, enhances deep relaxation, and promotes deep rest. In this state of deep rest, the body’s metabolic rate slows down, allowing it to focus on repairing and rejuvenating organs and systems. As a result, when you wake up from this deep rest state after practicing Nirvana yoga, your entire physical system functions more efficiently, leading to physical healing and positive change.
Chintha Yogam (Subtle Merging): The second level of unification in Nirvana yoga is called Chintha Yogam or Sukshma Yogam. At this stage, the energy received through Nirvana yoga practices merges with your energy body, which includes energy channels, chakras, and various energy constituents. This merging elevates your energy potential to a higher state and effectively removes the root causes of disturbing thoughts and emotions. It initiates a healing process in which the energies associated with negative thoughts and emotions disintegrate and are removed from your being. As a result, you reach a state of single-pointed focus, where your mind experiences peace and clarity. Chintha Yogam leads to a transformation in mental well-being.
Bodha Yogam (Causal Merging): The final level of unification in Nirvana yoga is Bodha Yogam. At this stage, the energy level of the soul is elevated to a higher state, and consciousness awakens to a more profound level. This spiritual awakening leads to the emergence of wisdom and knowledge from within. As a result, individuals begin to operate from a higher state of consciousness, transcending ordinary thoughts and emotions. In this elevated state, they can engage in actions and decisions from a place of profound wisdom and clarity. These three stages of unification, when happens together, leads to Samadhi.
In summary, Nirvana yoga facilitates a holistic transformation by merging energy at the physical, subtle, and causal levels. This process allows individuals to experience physical healing, mental clarity, and spiritual awakening, ultimately leading to a state of complete well-being.
The five-fold path of Nirvana Yoga emphasizes selfless service, yogic practices, ego ceding, deep meditation, and self-realization. Can you explain how these components work together to lead individuals toward liberation from suffering?
Certainly, let’s break down the key principles of Nirvana yoga for a clearer understanding:
1. Nishkama Seva (Selfless Service): Nishkama Seva is a foundational principle of Nirvana yoga, emphasizing selfless service to others and society. When engaging in acts of service, it’s crucial to do so without attachment to the outcomes or recognition for the actions. This selfless approach to service aids in the practitioner’s spiritual development. By performing acts of service with detachment, one purifies their mental and emotional imprints, known as samskaras in yoga. This purification process contributes significantly to spiritual growth.
2. Sadhana (Yogic Practices): Sadhana refers to the yogic practices that individuals should incorporate into their daily routines to foster their mental, physical, and spiritual development. These practices encompass various aspects of yoga, including kriyas (purification techniques), healing systems, and meditation. By engaging in these practices regularly, individuals purify their bodies and minds while awakening their spirits and souls. The ultimate goal is to achieve holistic growth through these yogic practices.
3. Samarpanam (Surrender): Surrender is a vital aspect of the spiritual journey in Nirvana yoga. It involves surrendering the obstacles that arise during one’s inner spiritual path. These obstacles can come from external circumstances or from within the individual’s own mind. Surrender entails letting go of the ego and relinquishing these inner and outer hindrances to spiritual progress. For example, during meditation, when a multitude of thoughts disrupt the practice, surrendering to the ultimate source helps the practitioner overcome these mental obstacles and continue their journey.
4. Samadhi (Transformation): Samadhi represents the stage in Nirvana yoga where profound transformation occurs. It can be likened to the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. Initially, the caterpillar may consume and destroy plants, but as it transforms into a butterfly, it plays a crucial role in pollination and sustaining species. Similarly, individuals undergoing Samadhi experience a change within themselves, purging negative qualities and manifesting positivity in their lives. This transformation involves cleansing and purifying the mind, emotions, and qualities, ultimately leading to a more positive and constructive way of living.
5. Sampoorna Layanam (Nirvana): The culmination of the Nirvana yoga journey is the state of Sampoorna Layanam. It involves reaching a state of emptiness and merging with the ultimate reality, the universal energy. This state represents the highest level of spiritual attainment, where the individual transcends their ego and fully merges with the universal energy. It is the ultimate goal of Nirvana yoga, where the practitioner becomes one with the cosmic energy.
Nirvana yoga encompasses these key principles, guiding individuals on a path of selfless service, holistic growth through yogic practices, surrendering obstacles, profound transformation, and ultimately, the culmination of merging with the universal energy in the state of Nirvana.
Could you provide insights into the specific yogic techniques and practices involved in Nirvana Yoga, such as Asana Kriya, Pranayama, Dhyana, Kriya, and Araiki? How do these practices contribute to the overall healing and transformation process?
Let’s delve into the components of the human system and how Nirvana yoga practices impact them:
1. Physical Body: The physical body is the most well-known and visible aspect of the human system. It comprises various organ systems, such as the nervous system, circulatory system, respiratory system, and more. These systems work together to facilitate bodily functions and maintain overall health.
2. Energy Body: The energy body is a crucial but often less recognized component of the human system. It provides the vital energy necessary for the physical body to function optimally. The energy body encompasses different energy regions, including the prana region, agni region, kundalini region, the sahasrara region, and the chakras and energy channels
3. Causal Body: The causal body represents the deepest layer of the human system. It plays a significant role in one’s spiritual journey and overall well-being.
In Nirvana yoga, various specialized practices are designed to balance and harmonize each of these components within the human system. These practices have a profound impact on both the energy body and the physical body, leading to holistic transformation and enhanced well-being.
For instance, consider the practice of Dashaprana Pranayama Kriya, which focuses on balancing the energy in the prana region. If an individual experience a breathing disorder, such as asthma, due to an energy imbalance in this region, traditional medications or therapies may offer only temporary relief. However, practicing Dashaprana Pranayama Kriya for an extended period, like 120 days, can effectively address the root cause of the issue at the energy level. This practice helps balance the prana region and can lead to a permanent cure for the breathing disorder.
Additionally, there is a practice known as Asana Kriya, often mistakenly associated with saluting the sun. In reality, Asana Kriya involves a systematic series of asana. This practice when performed during sunrise is more beneficial as it helps to receive the subtle energies of solar energy and offers various benefits. It is not about worshipping the sun as a deity but harnessing the energies for overall well-being.
Furthermore, practices like Yoga Vandanam are specifically crafted to strengthen and balance the vital energies and constitutions of the energy and causal bodies. These practices contribute to a profound transformation at both the physical and energy levels, enhancing flexibility, vitality, and overall health.
In summary, Nirvana yoga encompasses specialized practices that aim to balance and harmonize the components of the human system, including the physical body, energy body, and causal body. These practices lead to holistic transformation, improved health, and a deeper connection to one’s spiritual journey.
If you would like to find out more about Nirvana Yoga, visit https://www.nirvanayogaglobal.com/nirvana-yoga