Denise Michelle – AKA The SelfLove Alchemist® – from Bridge The Love, reveals to MysticMag a little about her life, the role of yoga and meditation therein, and how to live a vision driven life.
What role has yoga and meditation played in your life?
Yoga has been a huge part of my life for the last 23 years, and I would go so far as to say that yoga saved my life in many ways. It taught me how to tap into myself, how to listen to myself and to unify. Within yoga I understood the spiritual aspect of myself as a human being.
I have only really incorporated meditation into my life over the last decade, and I have delved pretty deep. Meditation for me personally is non compromising. I meditate every single day even if I only have ten minutes. Taking this time for myself allows me to clear my mind and to drop into my body. It helps me process things, and helps me to find the answers that I am seeking.
Yoga and meditation continue to be a huge part of my life in the way of grounding, connecting with myself and my spirit, and taking the time out for self-care.
How would you define a ‘vision driven life’ and how do we achieve this?
Leading a vision driven life comes down to looking hard at your life and the things that you don’t want; observing your longings and discontents and knowing where things don’t actually feel aligned. We have the power to design our life and create it in the way that we want. Perhaps we should spend more time planning our life instead of planning our next vacation.
I look at life as being a canvas where we can create a blueprint for our lives. To do this, I help people break this into four categories; health and wellbeing, love and relationships, career and creativity and time and freedom. I get people to get very honest about where they are for each of these categories, and then have them look into ‘if it could all work out, what would it actually look like for you?’.
Life and business really is a spiritual game. We need to look and observe the things that we are not being honest about, things that we need to heal and grow from, and notice where our limiting beliefs are. We have to break through these barriers. It is easier said than done, and to do this we have to first start noticing where our thoughts are. Our thoughts create our reality. This is the first step towards achieving a vision driven life. The more you can redirect your thoughts, the more you can give yourself the real possibility of limitlessness. Then you start conditioning your mind to look at what is possible versus what is impossible!
Do you work solely with healers, spiritual entrepreneurs and influencers with hypnotherapy, and if so why this choice?
I don’t work solely with these types of people but they are types of people that I tend to attract. I consider them to be spiritual lawyers, people in service of other people and who work deeply on themselves to get to the next level so as to radiate and shine their love in the world.
Hypnotherapy was one of my first main choices because the subconscious is so powerful. We have 50-70 000 thoughts going through our minds everyday. A good percentage of these thoughts are mainly looping or negative looping thoughts. Our subconscious is what is driving the ship of our lives. We are only conscious of a very small amount which is why people often don’t understand why they are doing what they do. I work on helping people heal their subconscious and their limiting beliefs, and this is where hypnotherapy comes in. This has been the most powerful avenue for the people that I serve and for the personal work that I do. When I go into healing work, I tend to go into a hypnotic state myself because I want my subconscious to take over and to tell the truth.
What can you tell our readers about your experience as a ‘Think and Grow Rich’ Instructor?
If you have not read the book, read the book, and read it once a year! Being a Think and Grow Rich Instructor really allows you to see the many different variables to what being wealthy is – and I am not referring solely to material wealth. I am talking about a wealthy life, an abundant life where you are feeling fulfillment and you are doing it in a way that gives you freedom. Seeing how you are serving, how you are putting yourself out in the world, how you are creating value in the world and what is driving you are the true secrets to what I consider real success and a vision driven life. Success is not the hussle. Success is in alignment. Alignment of thoughts, energy and actions. You start to live your life with intention.
This book teaches you to expand your thoughts and to take certain risks because success in any avenue isn’t easy. When we want to create success in our lives, we have to allow ourselves to feel successful in our every day, because how you do one thing is how you do everything. This starts with making your bed in the morning, and even by starting to make your bed in the morning.
What this does to our internal system allows us to start our day in the right way. This small accomplishment can be built upon throughout the day. Everything we do is about building blocks. We have to be ready for everything we are wanting in order for it to fully manifest. And manifestation is key.
What do you believe your mission or purpose to be?
LOVE. I have spent my entire being in study, research and in search of what love truly is, and this came from birth. It came from having a borderline personality disorder, not having a real identity or an understanding of what real emotion was. My emotions were very heightened and I didn’t see things in ways that others would see them.
At the end of the day, what people really need to survive and thrive is to be seen, heard and loved. When we are not feeling those things, there are parts of us that start to die, and our light dims. This is why there is so much depression and anxiety in the world. People don’t know themselves well enough, people don’t know how to love and honor themselves, forgive themselves, or feel empathy toward themselves. We can only love others as much as we love ourselves and most people don’t know how to do this.
It goes beyond having a good diet and exercising. It goes into healing, and really looking at yourself, forgiving yourself, feeling compassion and empathy and accepting all of these parts of you. It goes into choosing to release blocks and limiting beliefs and healing ancestral trauma and cycles. It is breaking life patterns that aren’t working for you.
My mission is love. The more people I can continue to lead into love, the more people they can continue to lead into love, and there is a beautiful ripple effect. Love is the most powerful medicine and force. Love heals, love expands and love unites.
Want to find out more about Bridge the Love, visit https://www.bridgethelove.com/ or follow on https://www.facebook.com/bridgethelove