This week we talked with Denise Arline, from Three Feather Healing. Denise is an intuitive healer and spiritual coach that offers numerous services, like mentorship, sessions, classes and events for people that want to get in touch with his/her souls and find grounding. Check out our interview with Denise Arline.
Please present your story to us. How did you discover your gift?
I’m Denise Arline of Three Feather Healing. In my healing and spiritual coaching practice I guide people to answer the call of their soul and step into the power of their soul’s purpose.
Discovering my gifts was a journey of learning to listen to my own soul and respond to the messages life was offering me. My rite of passage into this realm of self-discovery began when I became a Mother for the first time.
When I had my first child, I was in between “careers”. I had previously left my career as a camera assistant in the New York City film business to move to California with my husband. Seeking a different life, I began working with my family in our family business.
I soon realized that this too was not my true path.
Although I loved being a Mother, I knew there was something more I needed to discover and understand about myself. When all the previous ways of identifying myself through career and work were gone, I entered a dark night of the soul.
Here I learned that different life stages are initiations, inviting us into unknown parts of ourselves. These “dark” times, when we enter the unknown, lead to new levels of self-discovery and transformation, if you allow yourself to let go.
When I surrendered my old identity, life synchronicities began presenting themselves to me.
A good friend gifted me a session with an Intuitive Healer. I still remember when she told me that I was meant to be a healer. I did not feel I could possibly help anybody at that point. Yet, it did ignite an inner knowing within.
I refer to this as the ”call of the soul”.
Soon after that, I had the opportunity to do a Shamanic Journey. In this journey, I received the clear message that I was meant to learn the ancient wisdom of plants. Again, I felt the power of that guidance and followed it. I then connected with the greatest teacher’s in my life and began an apprenticeship in Plant Spirit Healing.
The most important aspect of this Healing modality is that it awakened me to spirit, spirit within myself and the spirit that moves through all of life.I learned to trust spirit and let life’s synchronicities guide me in my life and my path as a healer.
These gifts don’t always come naturally. They come to us as we are willing to surrender to the unknown, answer the call of our soul and open to life’s messages. It is a lifelong journey.
You have a diverse background and expertise. How do you know what to “use” in each moment of a session?
As an Intuitive Healer, I am always listening to the intuitive guidance I am receiving during a healing session. I receive guidance through my clairvoyance, my ability to see energy, my guides and your guides.
Most importantly, I always follow the lead of my client’s higher self. Your higher self is always the most trusted healer for you. As I look to your higher self, I ask what is needed, what healing process would resonate with your own gifts, be most effective and easily integrated for you.
My intention is to connect you with your own healing power within.
I’m interested in the term deep soul exploration. How can you achieve that and what are the most common results that you observe in people that start that journey?
Deep Soul exploration is about learning to look inside yourself, your inner landscape, the stories of your soul and how these stories and experiences unconsciously affect your energy, spirit and ultimately your life.
I achieve this by teaching intuitive and energy healing tools that provide skills to look within. Energy healing tools such as grounding and boundaries provide the foundation for being able to access the unseen parts of yourself.
The most common results I observe when people begin this work with me is a new sense of freedom, hope and possibility. It’s like a light suddenly is illuminated on a dark path, leading the way forward.
What do you see as the main problems and issues that people bring to you, hoping for a resolution?
The main issues that people bring to me are underlying or acute feelings of disconnection from their true self. It takes the form of feeling unfulfillment in life, lack of direction, anxiety, depression or frustration in not being able to create change.
I also see many people, such as healers and spiritual entrepreneurs, who are ready for new levels of growth in their life and practice. They are ready to clear blocks to do so!
Regardless of the issue, all people who come to work with me are answering an inner call that it is time to grow in a new level.
Can you explain to us what ONE is?
ONE stands for the Organization of Nature Evolutionaries. It is a non-profit I helped start year ago whose mission is to create educational opportunities for people to build healthy relations with Nature and the Earth. Honoring our sacred connection and co-creative partnership with nature is the foundation of ONE’s goals.
How does your mentorship program work?
My mentorship program, called Wheel of the Year, is an individualized, transformative journey that guides you to identify, illuminate and integrate your soul’s purpose.
You are welcome to begin at any point in the year. Stepping into this journey is an initiation for your spiritual growth, whether you are just answering the call, or deepening your spiritual path or practice.
We create a sacred, strong container for you, with your spirit allies. This container enables you to stay anchored in your journey and inner guidance, without the overwhelm of life taking over.
The core of this mentorship is your 1:1 monthly or bi-monthly sessions. We weave together your skills and interests as we incorporate coaching, energy healing, intuitive development, ritual, earth medicine and creativity.
I also provide offerings such as Full Moon Mirror emails, Mini-Audio readings (on Solstice, Equinox and Cross-quarter day), Flower Essence support and 1:1 Individual Ceremonies that support you in navigating your healing and growth.
An alignment with your inner and outer world develops that allows you to embody and integrate your soul’s expression in all aspects of your life.
Please share with us a special message in these challenging times
We are all meant to be here at this time. Each of us has the ability, the gifts and the wisdom that is needed to be a part of the collective evolution that is wanting to happen. It is a very intense time. What makes it more challenging, is that it is harder to not be living our soul’s purpose then ever before. We feel it deep within. Life wants us all to grow, to heal… to be a part of positive change.
Trust in yourself. Trust that inner spark of intuition within. Learn to listen to it amongst all the noise in the world and follow it’s guidance. This is your soul’s purpose.