In this MysticMag interview, we have the privilege of hearing from Debra Graugnard, an intuitive Spiritual Healer with a high-tech corporate background and a deep understanding of personal transformation. Debra shares her journey of spiritual awakening and her passion for helping others heal and live in alignment with their true selves.
Can you please introduce yourself to our readers and tell us a bit about your professional background?
I’m Debra Graugnard, primarily an intuitive Spiritual Healer. Some know me as Mastura, a name given to me by my Spiritual teacher that basically means “hidden”. After several years of working in a high-tech corporate environment, I experienced a spontaneous spiritual awakening that exposed me to dimensions of this time-space world that I hadn’t experienced before. I was left with an unwavering inner knowing that everything is Love and Love is all there is. From that point forward, my life became an impassioned seeking mission, wanting to understand what is God, what is time, what is a human being, what is Love, and why are we here in this earth realm doing this thing we call life.
Perhaps the most powerful driving force was a question that many of us struggle with: “How can I live in this body with these people doing this job in this mixed-up world and honor what I know and feel about Love?”. I knew everything was connected with All That Is, but I kept falling into old behavior patterns from my past that kept me in conflict, disharmony, and discontent. One day I called out to God for help, for someone to take me by the hand and teach me how to live every aspect of my life aligned with what I felt in my heart. I received an immediate downpour of energy and unseen guides began to teach me. Soon I was led to a Sufi shaykh from Jerusalem who became my guide and teacher for the next 20 years, until his passing in 2015.
During this period, I received a number of initiations through my teacher that evolved me into the spiritual-energy healing practitioner and teacher that I am today. I also acquired a number of professional certifications, degrees, and trainings in holistic care for the body, mind, heart, and spirit. They range in focus from a spiritual and metaphysical exploration of the cosmic dimensions of the universe (macrocosm) to self-care for the physical body, mind, heart, and spirit (microcosm).
My trainings include Masters of Divinity, Chaplain, Spiritual Healing Practitioner, Master Teacher in the Shadhiliyya Sufi Lineage, Continuum Movement Teacher, Art of Feminine Presence Teacher, Holistic Nutrition, Certified Colon Hydrotherapist (cleansing the body), Massage Therapist, Personal Fitness Trainer. My bachelor’s degree is in Mathematics, and though I didn’t realize it at the time, even then I was seeking to understand the language of the Universe. My passion is in understanding, integrating, and embodying this knowledge on physical, mental, emotional, and energetic levels to evolve into a purer representative of Spirit on earth. As Gandhi says, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” If we want to see a world of harmony and peace, we must be that harmony and peace integrated on every level of our own beings.
My programs and teachings integrate these concepts into a step-by-step transformational healing process, the CAREFOR Connection Healing Process. The teachings are centered on Personal Transformation for Universal Harmony. To heal means to make whole. When you truly heal yourself, you bring yourself into wholeness, you align with the greater collective body and the All That Is, and the passion to live in harmony and peace becomes an innate guidance system.
What does The Community for Conscious Living represent?
The Community for Conscious Living is dedicated to Personal Transformation for Universal Harmony – healing the planet by making inspired changes in ourselves and in our daily lives that create a sustainable environment and a peaceful world. We explore how we can better align our hearts and habits so we are living more peacefully and sustainably. This includes healing past wounds and traumas, and healing relationships with ourselves, loved ones, communities, and Source. It includes aligning general consumption, eating habits, and food choices to support the health of our bodies and the planet. The underlying principle is increasing knowledge of and connection to Source and practicing loving compassion for all life. The Community for Conscious Living offers a weekly Meditation & Healing Circle that is free and open to all.
As an Intuitive Healer, how can you help people heal?
Healing begins with Awareness. The weekly Meditation & Healing Circle is an ongoing invitation to inner inquiry and self-exploration. There is a new topic each week. You’re invited to attend live. Archives are on the blog, podcast, and YouTube channel.
The CAREFOR Connection 7-Step Transformational Healing Process begins with Awareness and guides you on a Journey to the Center of Your Self. The wounds and pains of your past do not make you who you are. With discernment and self-acceptance, they become doorways through which you can travel to discover your core truths. The Journey to the Center of Your Self guides you to uncover your thoughts and beliefs, your feelings, values, inner knowing, and core truths. The transformational process is one of becoming – when the knower becomes that which is known, consciously integrating and embodying your core truths with certainty.
When you align your core truths on the layers of the physical body, energy body, mind, and heart, it is like a key that lines up the tumblers in a lock – everything opens and your truth becomes clear. This process is used in private sessions with clients, in group programs, and it is outlined in the workbook called Bridging the Gaps: A Journey to the Center of Your Self – a workbook and guide for women seeking to heal the wounds of life and live true to their sacred essence.
What is The Ocean of Sound?
The Ocean of Sound is a joint offering with my spiritual teacher’s translator, Dr. Amany Shalaby. It’s my geek zone fun project. This is for the spiritual enthusiast who wants to understand how the universe is created. It’s an exploration of the origin of creation, the emanation of consciousness, the evolution of our universe, and the mysteries of existence. We delve into the spiritual, metaphysical, and mystical teachings of Muhyiddin ibn ‘Arabi, a Sufi shaykh from the 1200’s. He was given incredible revelations, a peek behind the curtain into what lies beyond this limited time-space realm and how we can decipher the signs within this realm to understand the Creation.
Everything is energy. Energy emanates in waves. Waves can be perceived through sound and light. As we are created in the image of God, we can use soundwaves within our bodies to explore the hidden secrets of the creation that are found in Nature and in the cosmos. If you’ve ever wondered how a Unified Light Being said “BE” and this physical dualistic world came into existence, this could be for you. We made it an ongoing monthly membership because the Ocean of Sound is an ocean with no shores – it has no beginning and no end. Dive in any time!
You also offer different courses and organize different events. What do those include?
In addition to The Ocean of Sound, I offer a variety of programs that fall into four categories:
• Healing past wounds and trauma;
• Divine Manifestation, soul purpose, and fulfillment;
• Spiritual connection and evolution;
• The Food-Body-Spirit Connection – healing your relationship to food, your body, and the Earth.
These are various pathways through which we are called to discover the truth of who we are. These all use the format of the CAREFOR Connection Transformational Healing Process, the Journey to the Center of Your Self, to become who you are created and called to BE through your journey on planet Earth.
You have your own podcast. What topics do you cover on it and are they related to your other work?
Yes, it is all totally related. The Self-Care for the Soul podcast is a platform for sharing messages and teachings of healing, personal transformation, and our connection with All That Is. You can find our weekly meditations there, interviews with other spiritualists and healers, Sufi scholars, and more. As Divine Design would have it, everything is a reflection of Source, from the macrocosm to the microcosm. My teacher used to say we are all cells of one body contained within a cosmic womb of Compassion. When we care for one, we care for all. When we care for our bodies, we care for our spirits and for the planet. Everything affects everything else.
Is there anything else about your work that you’d like to share with your readers?
Another thing my teacher used to say: “Do not stop with the outside pictures. Everything in this life is for you and from you, but it is not about you.” You are here to learn and grow for the evolution of your soul. It is all divinely orchestrated to give you what you need. You are a microcosm of the macrocosm. The struggles within you are mirrored in the struggles of the collective consciousness. The relationship between inner masculine and feminine is mirrored in the masculine and feminine dynamics of the collective. As we individually evolve, we support the evolution of humanity and the ripple effect on all of life on earth. To devote time to your personal growth is not selfish, but necessary and supportive of a healthy collective evolution. We are all here to do our part.