![Harmonizing Homes and Hearts - The Transformative Touch of Deborah Keys](https://www.mysticmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/MysticMag-Deborah-Keys.png.webp)
In the realm where architecture converges with mysticism, and where spaces bear witness to the human spirit, emerges Deborah Keys, a name synonymous with ethereal transformations. As a revered House Healer, Deborah’s journey unveils the extraordinary fusion of design and energy, where bricks and mortar transcend their tangible existence. Guided by an intuitive prowess and a deep understanding of the intricate interplay between environments and emotions, Deborah Keys has carved a niche that transcends conventional boundaries. In this Mystic Mag‘s article, we embark on a voyage to explore the enigmatic world she weaves, where spaces breathe, walls speak, and homes resonate with the whispers of the soul.
Could you please share a bit about your background story and how you became involved in House Healing?
Let me share that I started, well, as a child. I believe those of us who are healers are always sensitive to energy, even at a young age. I further explored this sensitivity by attending Psychic Horizons and studying with them, eventually becoming one of their teachers. Before that, I developed a strong interest in space and even had a Feng Shui store. I invited many healers to come and give talks there because I was genuinely intrigued by how space influences individuals. This sensitivity to spatial energies extends to homes, houses, and even retail spaces. I find joy in exploring the beautiful setups of retail stores and all forms of design.
These interests have always captivated me. As I delved deeper, I learned about the energy-clearing technique offered at Psychic Horizons, which is perhaps the quickest and most straightforward method. When I work on a house, retail space, or business, it typically takes at least an hour and a half. My background as someone who has always been energy-sensitive and able to sense things wherever I go drove my curiosity in this direction.
What kind of techniques or tools do you employ when approaching each individual in the context of house healing?
Houses offer a fascinating reading experience due to the unique aspects present in each one. This intrigue is even greater for me than delving into a person’s energy. Sometimes, unexpected elements emerge that make me ponder, “What is that?” This prompts creative problem-solving. My primary focus is on the space itself. I ground the space and employ energy tools to clear out elements that don’t harmonize with the current owner. This may involve addressing predecessor energy, which encompasses past occupants’ influences, such as divorces, mental health issues, or even drug use within the house or building under consideration.
However, sometimes the exploration goes beyond this. It may lead to the discovery of vortexes, portals, ley lines, and occasionally, entities. Among these, ghosts tend to captivate most people’s interest. While not a common occurrence, I do come across ghosts from time to time. Occasionally, if one is present, others might be too, almost as if they’re having a gathering. Understanding ghosts is vital. They are souls that have become trapped and unable to move on. My role involves aiding these souls in their transition. Yet, this process respects their free will; I cannot force them to cross over. Instead, I engage in meditation and converse with them, explaining that remaining here no longer serves their best interest. They often yearn for their family and friends who have long passed on. I guide them by suggesting that they head towards the light, where they will reunite with their loved ones.
When we discuss the influence of environment and architectural considerations on house healing, how do these factors impact the energy within a space?
I have elevated my practice significantly by delving into Feng Shui and Earth acupuncture. Feng Shui is intricately tied to the architecture of a space and its inherent qualities. Certain spaces possess inherent auspiciousness due to their construction, while others lack this positive attribute due to their design. This phenomenon is essentially the essence of Feng Shui.
What type of services do you offer?
I engage in teaching, Feng Shui consultations, energy clearings, and Earth acupuncture. Among these, energy clearings are the most prominent, providing a swift and effective solution that only requires an hour and a half. Using meditation and energy tools, I swiftly resolve issues within a short timeframe.
Feng Shui involves more of a reorganization process, including decluttering, repairing, and adjusting the arrangement of items. Some changes might be apparent, such as removing items associated with past relationships or acquiring a new bed for improved energy. However, not all adjustments are immediately evident to the homeowner due to their personal perspective. Having an outsider’s viewpoint can shed light on these matters.
Earth acupuncture represents a broader field of study. It involves dowsing to identify energy lines around the property. Ley lines, known to many, are positive and celestial in nature. Two other types, Hartman lines and geopathic lines, induce stress. While geopathic lines are naturally occurring, Hartman lines are man-made and grow stronger with increased use of electricity and Wi-Fi. These lines can be managed by dowsing to locate them and inserting copper rods into the ground, akin to staples. These rods are buried deeply to avoid damage and create a protective field around the property, instilling a sense of calm.
For those encountering persistent and perplexing issues within their living space, Earth acupuncture offers a potent solution, albeit more labor-intensive and costly. Nevertheless, it tends to comprehensively address a range of challenges, offering a transformative impact.
Do you have an interesting story about house healing that has had a significant impact on your career or personal experience?
Certainly, I have a plethora of intriguing stories, but one that particularly stands out involves house healing. What’s fascinating is that the size of the house isn’t a determining factor. Remarkable discoveries can emerge even from the smallest of dwellings, like townhouses or apartments.
One instance I recall vividly involved collaborating with another healer named Jen White, who is also affiliated with Psychic Horizons. Our destination was a compact townhouse with a pressing issue: a perpetually crying baby. Babies and animals often sense things that elude adults, and this case was no exception. The occupants were perplexed and uncomfortable due to the incessant crying. Upon entering the house, which was a snug space, an unusual sensation was palpable. It felt as if we were on a bustling highway, akin to the sensation of a vortex. Such vortexes exude restlessness and lack serenity, much like sitting beside a busy highway.
Deciphering the property’s dilemma proved challenging and required heightened psychic sensitivity. Ultimately, we unveiled an exceptionally large vortex that extended its influence beyond this specific property, affecting a larger area. This vortex resembled a deep canyon when observed from above—a magnitude that surpassed our usual tools’ efficacy.
In a moment of inspiration, I called Archangel Michael, seeking divine assistance. A legion of Archangels rallied under his command, converging to address the issue. While we couldn’t entirely close off the vortex, the archangels managed to seal it, an experience that sent shivers down my spine. The impact lingered, and when I shared the story with one of my teachers, she acknowledged it as a significant service rendered not only to that modest property but to the entire vicinity. It underscored the interconnectedness of energy and the profound effects a seemingly minor task can have on a larger scale.
Since engaging in energy healing of any kind can be draining, how do you practice self-care and maintain your own well-being?
I also teach at Psychic Horizons, a school that empowers individuals to tap into their intuition and inherent sensitivity. In our courses, we equip students with numerous energy tools, alleviating the need to absorb excessive energy. This is particularly important when I observe fellow healers who might lack training in the tools available to us. Although they possess generations of healing and psychic abilities, they often lack the means to shield themselves from absorbing energies.
One valuable technique we employ involves envisioning a Rose outside our aura space. This acts as a filter, preventing the absorption of foreign energies. Grounding is equally crucial. Our arsenal of tools ensures we need not carry or absorb other people’s energy.
Central to our teachings at Psychic Horizons is the mastery of lowering one’s lower three chakras. This prevents readings originating from the second chakra, a common source of energy imbalances. By refining this skill, individuals can differentiate between their energy and that of others. This curtails the tendency to unconsciously adopt foreign emotions. For example, walking down the street might unexpectedly induce anger or happiness. Such emotions might not actually be one’s own, yet without discernment, they can be mistaken as such.
We emphasize an array of energy tools for highly empathic or energy-sensitive individuals, enabling them to navigate the world without constantly carrying the burden of external energies. This empowers them to access and utilize their own energies effectively.
To learn more about Deborah’s work as a HouseHealer please contact her through her website. www.divinehousehealing.com
Anyone wanting to take classes to strengthen your own intuition? Contact www. psychichorizonscenter.org