Debbie Sellwood is an Astrologer and Flower Essence Practitioner. She is an advanced practitioner member with the British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association (BFVEA | BRITISH FLOWER AND VIBRATIONAL ESSENCES ASSOCIATION) and registered with the Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI – The Association of Professional Astrologers International). She is also the author of ‘Centaury for Virgo, Rock Rose for Pisces’.
Please tell us about your transition from one science to another: from being an analyst/programmer to an astrologer?
I was, in my spare time, studying for a qualification in Astrology as I had always been interested in why people are the way they are and what motivates them. The transition came at a time where other things were happening which prompted me to look at what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. More and more I found myself wanting to do something worthwhile which was of assistance to others. I found Astrology profound, I was astounded at the insights I could glean about myself and my purpose on a more meaningful level. Through my own birth chart, I could see future possibilities for myself and one of those was to be an Astrologer. So, it seemed like a natural transition.
What are Flower and Vibrational Essences exactly?
Vibrational essences are liquid solutions which contain the energetic imprint of flowers. They are taken orally but can be used topically. They are a simple, natural and holistic way of treating people by changing unhelpful thought patterns and detrimental emotions. They are understood to have been used in ancient cultures, also by the Aborigines and, in more recent times, they were rediscovered by Dr Edward Bach in the 1930s when he produced his range of essences, The Bach Flower Remedies. Since Bach’s time, many vibrational essences have been created all over the world, using not only flowers and plants but crystals, gems, sound, trees, sea creatures*, animals* and other elements of nature such as sacred places. *No harm comes to these in the process of making an essence.
Essences act as catalysts, prompting recognition in emotions, behaviours and thought patterns that are not in one’s best interest. They help transform unsupportive emotions or mental attitudes, and other psychological imbalances that can undermine wellbeing. Vibrational essences are key in helping one change one’s perception about things one believes (at a subconscious level) to be true, but are not, such as a belief of inferiority. They can be used to address self-imposed limitations which can block or thwart one’s ability to move forward in life. Essences enable one to see life experiences in a different way, so one can more easily let go of conflicting feelings, destructive emotions or negative mind-sets. These are just a few examples.
How were you first introduced to flower essences and what impact did this have on your life?
My Mother introduced me to flower essences, and I subsequently used them on myself and my children with great success. I was very impressed with their effectiveness, yet the gentle manner in which they work. They really helped me have the confidence to achieve my goals in life and deal with challenges using positivity and courage. After I had qualified as an Astrologer, I decided to train as a Flower Essence practitioner because I could see the advantage of having another skill with which to help others, whether they have consulted with me for Astrology previously or not.
What is the connection between astrology and flower essences?
Both are tools for self-awareness and empowerment.
Is there a difference between flower essences and essential oils?
Oils are made from the actual physical constituents of a plant whereas essences are made from their energy (there are a few exceptions to this, such as in the Bach range). Essential oils work on the physical body and inhaling the aromas is said to stimulate areas of the limbic system which plays a role in our emotions and physiological functions. The ethereal nature of essences makes it difficult to be precise about how they work, but they are thought to positively affect the subtle energetic bodies surrounding the physical body. These bodies vibrate at a higher frequency than the human body, that is why we are unaware of them. Their role is crucial in maintaining and orchestrating the physical body.
How do essences help us to make emotional transitions?
One of these subtle energetic bodies is the emotional body, which is responsible for our emotions, and is the source of every feeling we have and the basis of our desires, wishes, impulses and behaviours. If we constantly reinforce a destructive emotion, this can create discordant energies in this subtle body, which may over a period of time affect the physical body adversely. This is consistent with the mind/body theory which many complementary therapies advocate – ‘we are what we think/feel’.
A vibrational essence holds a high frequency, which when ingested, resonates with negative feelings (or many other unsupportive states of mind for that matter), ameliorating or totally dissolving them. So, essences not only make us feel better by transforming unhelpful emotions, they also keep the frequencies in our subtle anatomy in alignment which is essential to our wellbeing.
How many Essences do you use in your treatments and how do you determine which will be used for what?
I produce individual tailor-made dosage bottles for Clients. These contain a combination of essences selected from my collection of 500+ bottles from different essence producers from across the world. I take a case history from clients and have a detailed conversation with them as to what they are looking to address with essences. I use my extensive knowledge of flower essences, my intuition and dowsing with a pendulum to select essence bottles, from which I take drops of essences from each to create individual bottles.
If clients present with several issues, it is my role to prioritise which ones to focus on first. Sometimes successive treatments consisting of several different essences are required, because humans are complex creatures, often with deep-seated issues to be resolved. Treatment may involve addressing many different layers of emotional and psychological issues (anxieties, fears, etc), which may not necessarily present themselves initially, but over time, much like peeling the layers of an onion. The length of treatment may also depend on how long an issue has existed and how deeply it is ingrained into one’s psyche. The intention with vibrational essences is always to resolve the core of the problem.
What can one expect from a session with Debbie Sellwood?
My aim is to assist and support my clients to negotiate their individual journeys in life, so they live up to their promise and achieve their highest potential. I use both Astrology and Flower Essences as tools to help clients become more self-aware so they can take advantage of their innate abilities and realise what they are capable of achieving. I also help them to resolve barriers which may be inhibiting them from actualising who they really are at heart. I bring a spiritual focus to my practice of Astrology which is especially helpful for clients wanting to understand the bigger picture behind their lives or what their Soul lesson is, or where their Soul purpose lies. Essences also assist in this area by helping one to become more spiritually aware.