In this interview Dawn Webb, a Clairaudient Spiritual Medium with 14 years of active experience, shares her extraordinary journey into the spiritual realm reflecting on her personal growth and intimate connection with her spirit guides. As the creator of an online course focused on developing Clairaudience, Dawn sheds light on the inspiration behind the course and what participants can expect to gain from it. Join us as we explore the common challenges individuals face in developing Clairaudience and the rewarding aspects of guiding them through this transformative journey. Discover the significance of establishing a closer, direct relationship with spirit guides and how it enhances one’s spiritual journey.
Can you share with us what led you to discover and develop your Clairaudient abilities, and how has it shaped your spiritual journey?
The following explains how I discovered my Clairaudience. My father has always been connected to those in spirit, a strong clairsentient, and also to a lesser degree, a clairaudient. He never developed these areas but thoroughly enjoyed them and felt gratitude for what he was able to experience. He physically felt spirit energy extremely strongly, as I do—from touches of hair or skin to rushes of energy from spirit, which, for him, was a confirmation in agreement of what was said as communication. I did not know about any of his abilities for many years. It was only when I myself embarked on a journey of self-development along the pathway of communication with spirit that he openly spoke about it with enthusiasm and warmth.
I had an experience many years ago, which seemed to be a huge instant trigger for spirit to flood into my life and awareness. The experience was a once-in-a-lifetime happening. If I attempted it again or tried to recreate it, the reason it happened for had already taken place, so no, it couldn’t be a repeated event and outcome. One day I was at home and became consciously aware of how my life had changed in the last month or so in a good way. Peace. Simply having peace within and outwardly after over a decade of torment had a profound effect upon me in a moment of awareness. I simply stopped in my tracks and felt an outpouring of love and gratitude. Gratitude to God. I felt my heart’s love flowing out and following my intent of it going directly to God. I said no words, I just stopped where I stood and connected in huge relief and thanks. Not something I had planned, read about, had any prior knowing of what I was about to do and feel. The most astonishing thing was that I actually felt that pure love come back to me and fill my entire being. It was beautifully and positively emotional. I felt heard and that it was a communication of love. It wasn’t a one-way interaction. I felt humbled by being allowed to experience such an uplifting exchange. So that was it; the whole interaction lasted no more than 5 minutes. I then carried on with my day feeling content and safe. I expected nothing more. How wrong I was!
Within a day, noises began around my home. It felt different, but I wasn’t sure why. As the days passed, it became clear that something was afoot. I actually thought we had mice or something because of the weird noises I kept hearing. No mice. Then I began to experience things in my bed at night, sounds around the room, and the odd bang here and there. It couldn’t be explained away. Things were moved around, and electronics were playing up. Then my dreams showed up very much stronger and different than ever before. A lot wasn’t normal dreams but spirit meeting with me and discussing things with me, and in those times, I recognized these souls from a past time, we reunited. Of course, when I woke, I remembered but couldn’t understand why I knew these people and why the connections ran very deep.
I then began to search for information about spirit, etc. I wanted to know why they came crashing into my life (never subtle) as it was so confusing as I had no communication tools. I felt overwhelmed and a bit afraid as the house was full of spirit, all different types of energies. I did lots of research and learned. I knew I had to somehow gain spirit communication to understand what was wanted and why on earth they were all around me in high numbers. It didn’t make sense to me, and I thought it would have only been people that were established mediums or similar that there would be a reason for their presence. That is the reason I embarked with determination on a development for spirit communication. That is where I found my Clairaudience and Clairsentience (thanks, Dad!)
As I was a total novice with no proper tools developed, I went through a lot of grief with some energies that were very troubled and some were darker energies and some lost. Of course, there was my poor spirit team that I constantly mistook for others in spirit. Also angelic on at least one occasion that I had full consciousness and awareness of at the time as she spoke to me. It was like a door had been unlocked, and the whole spirit world I was like a goldfish in a bowl too. Everyone having a look. In that regard, I went through some very upsetting times with what I experienced. The house was packed, and there were groups of varying types that were also warring with each other. I, as they say, learned the hard way. However, I do believe somewhat that the hard way you never forget; you learn hard. I am quite resilient to most things with spirit, be it that a soul has done terrible things to others or has a bad intent. It’s kind of like yep seen it all before, and? Not negatively, but very little phases me with spirit because of how the journey started as I had everything thrown at me fast when I was the most vulnerable. It actually assisted me in the long run. It made me stronger.
Your online course focuses on developing Clairaudience. What inspired you to create this course, and what can participants expect to gain from it?
Fast forward years later, and my Clairaudience was fully developed to the best of my ability. I would see people in groups I was in online needing help, and I would try to assist them, but there’s no quick fix sometimes. An embedded situation that has been going on for some time can’t be solved with just a paragraph, and it would frustrate me as I knew they could change it completely if they gained communication themselves. I looked online and searched for any person who may be teaching clairaudience, and I found zero, which shocked me totally. I searched a number of times regularly, yet still zero. I then began to loosely consider maybe ‘I’ could be doing something. Reluctant to be seen, noticed generally, it wasn’t easy as I knew I’d be putting myself out there and up for keyboard warriors and scrutiny. However, the people needing help mattered far more, so I began to create an online course, which meant anyone anywhere could have access to it.
I wanted those who wanted to do the course to come out of it with several things: more confidence, a better understanding of the spirit world for those who see it as something disconnected, spooky, or weird, to normalize it. I do not guarantee anyone to gain Clairaudience from the course, but every person who has completed it has resulted in them feeling far more in control and better equipped to interact with spirit. The practice can be used for life if desired. I encourage people to continue the practices within it on an ongoing basis, not a one-off. The people the course is suited best to are those who have spirit around them already and need to communicate to understand what the reason is, who it is, and so on. It’s not intended for people to do the course in the hope of communicating with spirit and expecting spirit to come to them from it. The entire intent for the course is for those who need assistance with their situation with spirit and need to find out why, more or have a desire to help those in spirit around them.
How has being a Clairaudient medium impacted your own personal growth and understanding of the spiritual realm?
Being a clairaudient medium has impacted on my growth and understanding of the spiritual realm vastly. I hear my guides, and the main person within that group is Daniel. He doesn’t claim to be a spiritual guide in the classic sense, but I have met him in the astral, and he has shown me things that were around me that I hadn’t been aware of. He is a protector. I’ve known him for 15 years. If I had not been able to hear him, then I wouldn’t know things that were highly beneficial for me to know. He and others enabled me via Clairaudience to go from strength to strength. The trust that is there has meant that I was able to experience other areas that I wouldn’t have had sight of if I couldn’t have conversations all these years. Trust. I have my own rules, though, that I put into solid action a very long time ago and for a good reason I’m sure you’ll understand from what you’ve read already. The rule is no one is allowed to speak to me directly apart from my guides or higher beings. Any person in spirit who happens upon me or is brought to me has to go through my guides, and my guides then pass it on to me. When I placed rules in, my guides always reacted with relief! One time saying, “Finally! Now our job will become a little easier.” You hear the tone of each soul, and just as you pick up on differing energetic blueprints, you also ‘feel’ the energy of a voice. The energetic vibration. I also have had my eyes opened to how things work with our energy and emotions and the effect upon themselves from it. For example, I’ve been working with spirit and healing energy, and as I’m doing it, hearing their reaction to what they see and describe it. All too often, we doubt, but if you’re being told exactly what they are seeing, you know it is oh so very real, and that helps you to become more mindful of energy work in regard to spirit. It is because I hear that I can be told how something works; I feel in the strongest way for detail via clairaudience.
For me, my Clairaudience has created the me now who has learned so much from it, from the sharing of knowledge and words of wisdom that spirit has shared with me. I am always learning, and it will never stop, of course, as the spiritual realm is unending. Also, because I can hear, it has meant that I’ve been told things coming up, what my role is, constant guidance in regard to spirit, as well as always encouraging me to keep developing all areas. Guides don’t ever get to a stage of a period of time and put their feet up and say right, that’s that then, no more needed, quite the opposite! So I guess it can be a slight downside to hearing if being nagged or pressure is on to do something especially when life is chaotic and little time. By the way, guides don’t stop talking pretty much any time, but you learn to tune out as you have to and need to.
What are some common challenges individuals face when trying to develop their Clairaudience, and what are the most rewarding aspects of guiding them through this journey?
Some common challenges students can have when developing their Clairaudience can range from a lack of self-belief (occurs often throughout all self-development of a clair-ability), fear which can block one from progressing, not committing to regular practice, not fulfilling all the self-work in the course, and wanting to get straight to practices without laying down vital foundations first, giving up too quickly, are all examples of reasons people can have struggles with development.
I invite students to contact me with any issues they may have crop up in their development of their Clairaudience and will assist in guidance to overcome any difficulties because I went through my journey quite isolated with no support. I have had probably all or any issues experience myself and had to learn the hard way how to succeed in spite of problems. That, however, has stood me in good stead to be able to understand what people may have arise in their development. It is something truly wonderful to work with students and to see their own success; it’s an honour to be a part of their development journey. Out of all the people I have assisted over the years, there has only been one individual who felt they had no growth with me, which was disappointing as this student refused to do any groundwork/foundation setting which is of paramount importance in my course. It was a shame but proved exactly what I teach and give guidance on really is important, so I see that as a positive reinforcement that the structure of my course and how without the groundwork is likely to fail. So not a negative outcome from that one student at all; it proved the validity of the structure of my course being correct. It’s such an honour to be told from a student that they are experiencing growth and feel inspired, and some yes have achieved Clairaudience with me, including established spiritual mediums. Others who have not established it also feel quite different after completing my course, more connected, better understanding of how things work sometimes in the world of spirit, and generally feel strong progression. They have tools for life from the course, which I strongly suggest they use always if need be to keep developing, but ultimately that is up to the individual.
Could you elaborate on the importance of developing a closer and more direct relationship with one’s spirit guides? How does this enhance one’s spiritual journey?
Developing a closer and stronger relationship with one’s spirit guides/spirit team is important, as it is one’s guides who are the first port of call when communicating with spirit. The stronger the connection and relationship are with spirit guides, the stronger one’s connection will be. Having closeness with spirit guides also ‘normalises’ communication with spirit more. The more you connect with guides, the relationship becomes akin to a relationship with a physical lifelong friend or loved one, which makes for a very strong connection between you and, with that, comes trust and constant guidance from guides. The more comfortable a person is with their guides, the more comfortable their guides are with them when communicating, as the last thing any guide would want is for their student/friend/family member to feel fear or unsafe. If a person feels that emotion, their guides will most certainly back off a little, to prevent the person from feeling overwhelmed. So, it is quite clear that the closer and stronger the relationship a person has with their guides, the stronger the communication will be and the guidance given, extremely helpful when developing one’s spiritual abilities.