Step into the enchanting world of Dani Rose, founder of Threshold Magazine, as she shares her journey from government reports to spiritual publications in an exclusive interview with MysticMag. Discover the inspiration behind Threshold, a vibrant collaborative effort shaping Portland’s metaphysical landscape, and learn how Dani’s passion for art, poetry, and psychic exploration infuses every page of this transformative publication.
What can you tell me about yourself and your professional background?
I have a PhD from Ohio State’s School of the Environment and Natural Resources. For eight years, I worked for the federal government writing and producing reports on federal programs. I decided to take my writing skills and my analytical mind and put them to work doing something I’m very passionate about, which is helping others on their spiritual and healing paths. I am a life-long artist, poet, and psychic, and Threshold Magazine allows me to tap into these areas that bring me so much joy and fulfillment.
What is the story behind Threshold Magazine and how was it founded?
I moved to Portland, OR, from the Washington, DC, area where we have an excellent metaphysical magazine called Pathways. I was surprised to find Portland didn’t have a metaphysical publication of its own. I have heard that there was a long-running publication in the area, but it folded in the ’90s. I thought, if I wanted to see a magazine for the Portland area, I should try to make it happen! The local community in Portland was not only supportive but enthusiastic about this new publication. I’ve made many connections with practitioners and merchants in Portland and Vancouver and established regular contributors and correspondents. For instance, we have a Tarot Correspondent, Iris Bell, who is the General Manager of the Raven’s Wing Magical Co-op and an excellent tarot instructor. Threshold Magazine has been a great collaborative and community effort, which is exactly what you’d expect in Portland–one of the kindest and most wonderful places on earth.
What is your favorite topic to cover and how do you select topics and people to feature in the magazine?
I feel like the magazine writes itself! The topics seem to come up at the right time. For instance, our Summer 2024 issue coming out in June will focus on herbal and earth medicines. It’s the perfect time of year to think about planting and preparing the harvest. I would have to say my favorite topic to write about is working with spirits. I am a clairsentient medium, and I love to write and learn about psychic development. Our next issue will include a psychic development exercise for readers!
Who exactly are Threshold contributors? Can anyone contribute or is it an expert team of professionals?
We take contributions from experienced practitioners and merchants who are “wise” in their knowledge areas. We will consider contributions from anyone! We especially love to print art and poetry that relate to themes of spirituality, magic, ritual, and self-discovery.
What’s in store for the magazine going forward?
We are a new publication and trying to ensure we have the financial support to continue into year two. Currently, we’re working to build our advertiser and subscriber base that allows us to offer the publication free of charge at 50 storefronts in the Portland and Vancouver area. Someday, we’d also like to sponsor a conference to bring Threshold readers and contributors together in one space to share wisdom and create connections.
To learn more about Dani’s work and Threshold Magazine, you can visit thresholdmagazinepdx.com